This should end it all: Racial Hierarchy of (us) Men to women across the world.

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Don Juan
May 5, 2019
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So, I've been doing a comparison of dating apps, sites (even So Suave) and came to a conclusion on what type of men that women are naturally attracted to across the globe no matter where the country particularly is. Of course, everyone is going to say white men (which is to an extent true) since they have the most access to resources that most other races of men don't have, especially in westernized countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and most of Europe. Please don't take offense to this post (I'm trying to help out those who don't know how to game certain type of women since there are tons of racial posts on here about who can't get who. I'm hoping this will end some of the racial controversies we have to talk about on a constant basis. I've also attached an OK-cupid chart below of what women think about men attraction wise (I know it's not totally accurate.)

1. White American/European men- what more can I say? The most wealthiest type of men on the entire planet. Whites have always have the access to resources (in terms of money, social-status, and economics period. ** Things women usually value) Looks wise it does not matter if they are black haired (swarthy), blonde, brown, or even red-haired, if you're a white guy (even if you're on this site having trouble) will be able to find a woman that will want to marry you somewhere. Just work on yourself. Race shouldn't even be an issue for any of you unless you're trying to date (Black women or Indian women who overwhelmingly prefer their own, even then not much). Any kind of White, Asian, and Hispanic women will be open season for you guys.

2. White Hispanics/Latinos- What I mean by, White Hispanics is those that are white from certain areas of South America like Chile, Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Paraguay and to an lesser extent Brazil or parts of western Europe like Portugal or Spain. These exotic type of guys have it easy with most races of women if they are in an area where their race is perceived to be good like New York or Florida (majority of the east coast) in the United States. The only thing stopping white-Hispanics is the economic situation that white men usually don't have to overcome.

3. White Middle Eastern men- This is the most complicated group of men, since they would normally be towards the bottom of the totem pole since they often practice different religious groups like Islam, Judaism etc. but surprisingly in some areas (these men would have an easier time with women depending on what region or country they live in). In westernized countries, things would be different if women found out that they have a different religion than theirs.

4. Black men- Could be quite possibly the most exotic or demeaned/ostracized group of men across the world depending on what country we are in (just saying this as a brother). The black male. Black men have a ton of stereotypes (good or bad) that help determines their success with certain types of women. In areas where there are not as many of the black population that lives there are often the best places for a black man to be to attract women outside of their racial background (Minnesota, Wisconsin, North/South Dakota, Arizona, California etc. and parts of Europe or Caribbean for women outside of race.) Blacks often do well in metropolitan areas with women just because of the hip-hop culture and urban influences alike. In Europe, Scandinavian countries and western Europe (blonde or paler white girls) besides black women are the best bet.

4. Brown/Dark skinned Latinos- I put dark-skinned and brown Latinos right with black men in terms of dating (tied for 4th best). Unlike white-Latinos of South American heritage. Latinos that are not white can have certain issues trying to attract women they want based off of social status in the western world (in particular states like California and Arizona). Good news is that the girls of different races who are from the east coast may not have the stigma of being racist towards them like the girls from the southwest would. These guys would do best gaming women outside of whites pretty much.

6. East Asian men- You East Asian guys don't have it as bad as the other Asian groups that are out there. This applies to men from Japan, China, both Korean providence's. The amount of women that will be against you will be quite drastic, but not impossible. In some cases, being an Asian guy, you have the best chance to hook up with your own race of women (yes, those that love white guys that you see in pornos too), Eastern European and Hispanic women that have the swarthier look to them. Depending on your region, I'd leave America or the U.K. and go to a region where you are more likely to succeed with women (same applies to blacks/darker Hispanics.

7. South Asian men- South Asian men from Indonesia, Philippians, Thailand, Malaysia etc. You all are more than likely to have a negative perception in America when it comes to getting with attractive women even with resources on deck. Women see you all as non-masculine compared to your east Asian counterparts. Not saying you guys can't get women, but the work is already cut out for you. Social game will be your best bet to get with attractive women especially in the United States or the UK. If you are friends with former frat stars, athletes or sharp business men that have tons of money, then you should be golden in certain areas in the U.S. like the PNW (Washington, Oregon, Idaho etc.)

8. Indian men- It seems like no matter how many resources you have accumulated or what you've done in America or any westernized countries, you can't seem to find any woman willing to get with you. This is because of the way both westernized and eastern countries see you guys. The best tips I'd give for Indian males is to always dress on point and to have a business like attitude, because that would ward-off all of the negative stereotypes of Indians being nerdy and among other things. Smell is another thing that some Indians have a hard-time controlling due to the type of skin composition some have. It's best to go out and buy some fairly-priced (not expensive) clothing and cologne because that can work wonders with ladies. Just like south-asian men, Indians should get close to white or black social circles before trying to run game, so the women will be able to get assimulated to them before potentially wanting to date them.

9. Dark-skinned Middle-Easterns/Arabs- This group is the least-desired to most races of women on the planet. These men normally have nothing going for them rather it's constantly starting wars/battles with other countries, stalking desired-women (in Europe and America) among others, committing crimes that are horrendous in most cases (terrorism). Other than building things, they don't have anything going for them that would make any women desirable for them unless they are Arabic themselves. Until they step up with their social economic status compared to other races (White, Blacks, Hispanics, East-Asians), they will forever be undesirable to over 95% of women worldwide. Take what I wrote about Indian and South-Asian guys and put it together with what I said under #3 and it might help.

Hope this helped some of you who don't get how it works regarding racial-relations! This is one of my first threads by the way.


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Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
English Scottish Irish French Polish Swedish Chinese Hawaiians... melt the chickies.

The game, is no challenge for them. :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Thank you for this excellent post. We got guys on here that keep clinging to their copes about how society is changing and that liberal culture will somehow shift dating dynamics in a more progressive direction.

I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but just take a look at San Francisco - arguably the most liberal and most progressive city in the world, and yet racism is on full display in that city. Every Asian, Indian, Latina, Middle Eastern and Black female are getting with White men. Even a fat, balding nerdy White guy can slay a decent Asian female in that city while ethnik men are basically condemned to inceldom.

Silicon Valley is just as bad, that's why San Jose is dubbed "Man Jose" because all the Asian and Indian tech nerds that flock to Silicon Valley are getting rejected by all the females that go for White men exclusively.

For every one Asian male/ X female couple you see, you will see a thousand White male/Asian female couple.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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What about Mediterranean (some swarthy) men who look Italian, Greek, Lebanese, Spanish, Armenian, Albanian?

Do you put them in your first category or does this only apply to Waspy looking whites?


Don Juan
May 5, 2019
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What about Mediterranean (some swarthy) men who look Italian, Greek, Lebanese, Spanish, Armenian, Albanian?

Do you put them in your first category or does this only apply to Waspy looking whites?
I forgot to mention those groups man! Yeah Mediterranean men would be right below White American/European males, so #2 or #3 in these categories (mainly #3). I would also categorize Turks under this group as well, still having that gaming advantage on certain females compared to other races of men.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Thank you for this excellent post. We got guys on here that keep clinging to their copes about how society is changing and that liberal culture will somehow shift dating dynamics in a more progressive direction.

I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but just take a look at San Francisco - arguably the most liberal and most progressive city in the world, and yet racism is on full display in that city. Every Asian, Indian, Latina, Middle Eastern and Black female are getting with White men. Even a fat, balding nerdy White guy can slay a decent Asian female in that city while ethnik men are basically condemned to inceldom.

Silicon Valley is just as bad, that's why San Jose is dubbed "Man Jose" because all the Asian and Indian tech nerds that flock to Silicon Valley are getting rejected by all the females that go for White men exclusively.

For every one Asian male/ X female couple you see, you will see a thousand White male/Asian female couple.
San Fran was already pointed out to be a bad area for any ethnic males. There are other areas where its very good for ethnic males.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2017
Reaction score
San Fran was already pointed out to be a bad area for any ethnic males. There are other areas where its very good for ethnic males.
Lol is this where that guy got the black/Indian being low on the heirachy? This is from OLD too where women would post their first impressions from a superficial pov...these are also the same chicks who are fat irl who pretend to be cute and slim in their profile pic.

My white neighbor has an Indian bf this would be interesting to show this to her and get her view should I ask..."do you think this graph is pretty accurate and why"?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Lol is this where that guy got the black/Indian being low on the heirachy? This is from OLD too where women would post their first impressions from a superficial pov...these are also the same chicks who are fat irl who pretend to be cute and slim in their profile pic.

My white neighbor has an Indian bf this would be interesting to show this to her and get her view should I ask..."do you think this graph is pretty accurate and why"?
True. I knew very many suave and charming "Indian players" of all complections. The thing about the San Fran example points out there are areas where that stuff wont work well and other areas where it works extremely well.
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Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2017
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True. I knew very many suave and charming "Indian players" of all complections. The thing about the San Fran example points out there are areas where that stuff wont work well and other areas where it works extremely well.
I was replying about the topic to you I didn't read San Fran. Lol I'm going to ask my neighbor this but honestly man I don't think the lower tiered guys have to be a prince charming/stud type in movies to get a cute white girl like wtf lol


Jan 17, 2020
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I think with Black men there is a difference between African American and African.

African american men have higher status due to hip hop culture, especially in more liberal areas. African dudes almost always are really beta,poor and have no game.

You got Brazilian women lusting after african american men, but their men back home look the same yet they dont want them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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American Black males that are tall and fit do very well in dating and casual sex. But I really dont see many BM/XF marriages. It's actually quite rare even here in L.A.

Black males tend to be fetishized the same way Asian females are fetishized. The only difference is White men are marrying Asian females in droves but White women dont tend to marry Black males.
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Don Juan
May 5, 2019
Reaction score
I think with Black men there is a difference between African American and African.

African american men have higher status due to hip hop culture, especially in more liberal areas. African dudes almost always are really beta,poor and have no game.

You got Brazilian women lusting after african american men, but their men back home look the same yet they dont want them.

That's the funny/good thing about foriegn women compared to American women too. Being an American is an instilled value for themselves and their families so no matter what race you are (even Asian or Indian men) could get play from women outside the U.S. It seems that we are considered exotic to them compared to their own country men. And YES @Georgepithyou , African men are definitely down the totem pole when it comes compared to black american men for sure. Black/African American men are more sought after due to social status and economics compared to men from Africa who are often darker in skin complexion, not as stylish clothes and a myrid of other things that makes them less desired. Kind of like the seperation between East Asians and other Asians/Indians.


Don Juan
May 5, 2019
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American Black males that are tall and fit do very well in dating and casual sex. But I really dont see many BM/XF marriages. It's actually quite rare even here in L.A.

Black males tend to be fetishized the same way Asian females are fetishized. The only difference is White men are marrying Asian females in droves but White women dont tend to marry Black males.
That's true too, I hate when a racial group gets labeled as a sex object from other groups of women/men, but it's good for finding quick sex/dating partnerships. And we all know Asian females with white men are the most common interracial relationship in the U.S. no doubt about it. Black men with white women is usually an fling like you said with a sexual relationship and sometimes dating as well. It usually stops there though, since less than 10% of white females go on to marry black men (more like 4-5%) where Asian females with white men is way more common (like maybe 20-30% of asian females date/marry white men.)


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2017
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True. I knew very many suave and charming "Indian players" of all complections. The thing about the San Fran example points out there are areas where that stuff wont work well and other areas where it works extremely well.
What % of guys on this forum do you think have their views skewed from porn and OLD?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
What % of guys on this forum do you think have their views skewed from porn and OLD?
75% at least. Plus a lot of guys have "holed themselves off", getting spammed by this website, facebook, porn and other websites and are thus stuck in a more cynical view of the male to female dynamic. I mean it's not great these days, but you still can find some decent folk to "hang" with.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2019
Reaction score
75% at least. Plus a lot of guys have "holed themselves off", getting spammed by this website, facebook, porn and other websites and are thus stuck in a more cynical view of the male to female dynamic. I mean it's not great these days, but you still can find some decent folk to "hang" with.
Thats a high percentage. So white guys weed themselves out intentionally. No wonder women are so bored lol.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2017
Reaction score
75% at least. Plus a lot of guys have "holed themselves off", getting spammed by this website, facebook, porn and other websites and are thus stuck in a more cynical view of the male to female dynamic. I mean it's not great these days, but you still can find some decent folk to "hang" with.
That's sad you think that 75% is true reflection of majority of population of guys irl or irl guys most nice guy syndrome, average, etc?
Apr 13, 2020
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Oh lawd, it had to be a Georgia guy to post this didn't it, man this sstate brings out the aspiness of people lol. You know South Asians are Indians and Pakis right?

I'll say this about race as a white guy who fits into number 1 in your category and has had his deal of success. Everyone wants to say we have it handed to us and we are beneficiaries to white privilege, here is the reality, there is a reason why white guys do well. The truth is, white guys actually put in the work in the game to do well.

Women want men who are tall (you cannot control height for the most part), in good shape, socially adjusted, have passions/hobbies, and yes have money too. Now one other thing I'll add, women want men with a dominant and alpha mindset, some races have this and I would argue that while white males get a lot of flak, there are lots of us who are more than enough on the alpha end.

Why do Indian men and Arab men have it to so bad?

People forgot repressive cultures that make you beta as heck. Everyone forgot a complete disregard for athletics and looking good. Everyone forgets the super nice-guy easily bullied demeanor. People forget how most men already have their brides by birth so no need to chase women or anything.

Meanwhile I have seen Indian, Arab, and Asian men who beat the stereotypes and women were running to them.

It's like seeing an Asian girl with a nice a$$ or a black girl that is not ghetto AF/hyper aggressive, you have your appeal and your market. One of my Indian friends gets 100+ matches on Bumble and Tinder.

What did he do? Put in the work in the game like us white guys did instead of whining.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for this excellent post. We got guys on here that keep clinging to their copes about how society is changing and that liberal culture will somehow shift dating dynamics in a more progressive direction.

I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but just take a look at San Francisco - arguably the most liberal and most progressive city in the world, and yet racism is on full display in that city. Every Asian, Indian, Latina, Middle Eastern and Black female are getting with White men. Even a fat, balding nerdy White guy can slay a decent Asian female in that city while ethnik men are basically condemned to inceldom.

Silicon Valley is just as bad, that's why San Jose is dubbed "Man Jose" because all the Asian and Indian tech nerds that flock to Silicon Valley are getting rejected by all the females that go for White men exclusively.

For every one Asian male/ X female couple you see, you will see a thousand White male/Asian female couple.
No, the Bay Area sucks for almost ALL men. Even white guys there are settling hard and the reason tech geeks are not getting laid? Because they are tech geeks. It's an accepted stereotype. Programmers do not get laid!

The white guys getting Asian women in that city while looking ugly are loaded with cash and getting mail order brides, I know, I've lived there and these women divorce them fast.

As for the Asian and Indian guys struggling, most are FOBs that come from cultures that do not put focus on looking good and are already 10 years behind the 8 ball on game and women. These men grew up in environments where they had schools segregated by gender.

For most of those men, girls from back home await anyways so they get an arranged marriage instead of wasting time with the warthog white women of San Fran. Ask any guy out there, you do not go to the Bay Area for white women.

This whole thread is garbage and put up by some aspie with too much time on his hands, thank you lockdown /s
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