REPOST: Leadership


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
So as we all know, Bradd80 just got banned :(. He made another thread on a different account which also got banned as well, but the thread got locked which barred us from discussing anything about it. Despite his hating on me, ChristopherColumbus, Von, and a few others, there actually was some really good stuff in there so I took it upon myself to repost it here so that we actually CAN discuss or add to, . Mods, please don't lock this thread up, I think it would be much more valuable to us and to the forum as a whole if we all got to keep this alive in the first place:

(Post 1)


by bradd80

Because I knew I’d get banned for life and have all my past messages deleted, I wanted to leave you guys with all of my best advice over the years so you can have it in one little neat package.

I knew my last thread and the important message in it would get not only locked but also completely deleted and erased, so before I posted that, my last and most important message, I also wanted to sweeten my pot by giving a great big FVCK YOU to all the spammers and feminine posters like Miss@ChristopherColumbus (u better hide!) who have made all our lives here on sosuave so miserable over the years. And everyone knows who they are. Stop listening to women/feminine males about how to pick up girls. You go out there and get what you want and don’t make any excuses to anybody for wanting to make a better life for yourself. Do you guys think Alexander the Great asked his friends for their opinions on his latest date??

And contrary to rumours spread by deceivers here like imdoublethegreatest and sazc, I NEVER abused my position as a moderator and I NEVER reopened a closed thread in order to comment more on it, not that or any other thread. The other mods can attest to that. Of all mods, I was the most vocal about free speech and giving posters lots of chances. I became a mod not because I enjoy bossing people around, although that is mostly what I do these days. I had a purpose in becoming a mod, and it wasn't to delete spam posts from vietnam. Go out in the world and network, because that will be your true key to success. Which is what a lot of you should also look into doing one day too. I became a mod here because I wanted to send out an important message to those who were smart and willing enough to read it: to improve yourself or get left behind.

Because of the message I wrote in my last thread, it’s pretty clear this one will get quickly deleted as well. Actually, it’ll probably get deleted even faster than that last one was. So if some of you guys like what you’re about to read, go ahead and copy, paste, and save it somewhere on your computer. That way, you can post my thread that I have written here again and again so everyone can see it and comment on it and exchange ideas and maybe become better men as a result of it. And post it not just on this site, but on other ones too. That way the ideas of me and pook, playherman, burroughs (I miss you old buddy), and all the rest can live on forever and get passed on from one young generation of don juans to another for eternity.

If anyone was offended by what I wrote that’s good because that was my purpose. My thread was an exercise in creative writing and free speech in which I attacked a notorious sosuave feminine poster, Miss@ChristopherColumbus, and I wrote it in a way that was meant to shock you, because only by shocking you will you remember more clearly and for longer the incredibly important information I was unleashing for you to become more successful.

You all noticed that I was hardest on that thread on Gambino. Why? Because I have personally guided him for many years on how to be more successful in business, in life, and with women (of course the girls were always his only focus hey gamb I hope you got my last email response to your question before my account was deleted) and he STILL WAS JUST NOT GETTING IT. He still wasn’t understanding the simplicity of all my advice I have personally crafted myself and given to him all these years.

I wrote that thread in an extremely aggressive and shocking way and I knew it would get deleted right away due to one of the three puns that were contained within it. If you noticed all three then all I have to say is: I am impressed.

1. Be true to yourself. That means learning, developing, and then finally depending to trust only your own judgment. Eventually you might even achieve a nirvana where your main goal in life is not talk about your goals in life with other people because the people around you will just, purposely or not, only end up negatively influencing you and straying you away from your true path in life. And if you can transfer this type of nirvana to business dealings, and keep bad advice from influencing you into making bad decisions, then you will be golden.

2. Don’t let guys here like Miss@ChristopherColumbus influence you with their feminIne ideas. You are men, so act like it. If there is something out there that you want, you take it. And do it legally of course because jail is not a fun place to be in.

3. Always look your best. Look sharp and dress to impress. Take pride in how you look. Because not only do you want to be the best man you can, you also want to be the best-looking man that you can. And when people see how highly you respect yourself, they will also begin to highly respect you too.

4. Always strive to be a better man. Constantly look within yourself to see what you can improve on. Do you drink? Stop. Do you smoke? Quit. Are you unemployed? Find ways to get a job. Are women treating you like crap? Start working out, buy some nice clothes, get a haircut, make an online account, and go out there and start meeting women at parties, clubs, house get togethers, barbecues, yoga class, art school, the bus stop, the local mall.. just wherever. The way I went after Miss @Christopher Columbus and his band of Merry Men with cold hard unstoppable laser-guided focus, that’s the way I want you guys to be hungry for money, pvssy, a good life, and just all round striving to be better men. Which leads to my next point:

5. Be a Man. A real man respects himself and others, has goals in life that he sets, and he achieves them despite facing overwhelming odds. He doesn’t have time for bs or crappy women or arguments about what Sarah mentioned at the party about him, he is too busy being ambitious and getting what he wants out of life. And strangely enough, this type of attitude seems to attract lots of hot young women.

6. I think therefore I am. To be big, you have to think and act big. Then you will attract people. They will come. And the more popular you get, or the bigger your company becomes, the more people you will attract and, eventually, the more successful you will become.

7. Study hard and try to get into the best schools that you can. Try to get the best grades you can, but don’t worry about them too much. Just get that piece of paper. Your main focus should be to network, and to meet other students some of whom may grow up to become owners of big companies and even leaders of foreign countries. If you can’t do that great in school, just find a passion in life, stick to it, do it well, and try to find a way to make a lot of money off it.

8. Don’t ever break your back for anybody.

9. Learn to raise your hand up in class. It sounds simple, but planting this seed in your head very early in your life will encourage you to become more curious, thirsty for more knowledge, and increase your desire to learn new interesting things and to speak up against injustice.

10. Women aren’t everything in life. Find other passions in life. The best advice I can ever give you is to find a way to make money out of your strongest, most intense passion. Then, after you have become successful, rich, well dressed, and looking sharp as fvck, the women will easily come. Believe me, if you improve yourself enough getting women will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

11. When you do business, focus on making friends and not on talking about making money. Build a friendship first, and then business will always come later. Trust me.

12. Knowledge is Power.

PS did you see how easily I identified and got them all together in one place without them even realizing what I was about to do to them?

Thanks t.o. this is all thanks to your help i'd message you if i could brother!

"it's all the same"

- Alexander the Great

And always remember, the strongest man is the man who is alone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
(Post 2)

And remember, nations weren’t handed to them on a platter. They were forged in war by steel and blood. Don’t go on internet sites hoping strange anonymous dudes in other cities are going to solve your problems in life. Instead, get off your computer and go out there and start gaining experience. You’ll suck at first, I know I did, but eventually you’ll pick up from your mistakes and if you’re a really smart guy you’ll do a little self introspection and constructive self criticism once in a while so you can shore up on any weaknesses you have so you can build the best you that you possibly can.

Work for success. No one is going to hand you anything in life. There is no such thing as a free ride. I remember one time I found free parking downtown and I still got a ticket. Be passionate about your work and make sure it is always of the highest quality. Always strive to be perfect in everything. Perfection may not be attainable, but if you try you just might be surprised with the results. Because genius isn’t something people are born with. It’s something they develop after doing and thinking about something they are so passionate about that one day, they just develop an ability to bring everything together and see how everything works in the big picture.

That’s why Einstein has two theories of relativity. One, the earlier one, was a special theory on relativity. There, he focused on all the details he had been studying. But later, he wrote the general theory in which he had finally connected all the dots and put everything together. He was so passionate about his work that he did nothing but think about it for so long and so hard that he just gradually developed over time incredible intellectual power. He worked hard, and he surely must have known what all hard workers do: that genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.

And hey anyways, I bet the way in which I wrote that to you guys, you WILL NEVER FORGET IT.

And that’s precisely why I wrote it.

I think we all know why my last thread was not only locked but also deleted so fast I didn’t even have time to post the last comment I was writing. And let me give all you guys a hint, I wasn’t banned, locked, deleted and erased so quickly just because I used a few foul words in a couple of my posts against a well-known spamming poster here like Miss@ChristopherColumbus.

I knew it would get deleted and get banned, but I’m going on to bigger and better things and I knew now it was time to for me to leave because I’m about to get really busy anyway. And hopefully the rest of you guys will one day try to do the same.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
(Post 3)

Gambino, this is necessary. I was harder on you in that thread than even the spammers i hate so much (with an intense passion that I am willing to give my place here on sosuave just to send them the message of what we all really think of them) because I want you to change. You haven't done enough for yourself, so sometimes I have to push you. I had to be cruel to be kind because guess what, after the shocking way I treated you and gave you my ideas you will now know them and live them forever. I guarantee it. And that's why I wrote that thread the way i did. From now on, whenever they post here, they will know EXACTLY what the TRUE AMBITIOUS WELL-EDUCATED MEN think of them.

I have taught you everything I know, and have encapsulated my 12 Guiding Principles on How to Be a Better Man so you can copy it, paste it, and please feel free to spread my knowledge to as many people as you can.

Guys, learn to rely on NOBODY BUT YOURSELVES. The strongest man is the man alone. Develop a single laser-guided focus on your dream AND YOU FVCKING GO OUT THERE AND GET IT. And I don't give a fvck what it is just pick it and be passionate about it, and if you're smart you will learn to figure out a way to make some real good money off doing what you love most, just like I did.. Don't let ignorant uneducated men fill you with their negativity. The world is full of such men and women and they are getting sneakier. Don't let these snakes out-sheister you. Develop a vision and long term goals for yourself, and set lots of smaller short term goals in order to achieve it.

Spend LOTS of time organizing and planning. Leave NO STONE unturned. Then get smart industrious people to join your cause. You do this by motivating them. Don't use money, you will attract the wrong people. Recognize ppl for their hard work and industriousness, praise them in front of others, and they will jump through hoops to make you happy. That is the true key to leadership. Win them over with your passionate cause and unshakable single-minded purpose. Encouraging them. Winning them over to your cause through hands on leadership that displays your intense passion and single minded goal.

And this, my fellow men, is how you attract not only hot women but men and people in general over into actually WANTING to go out of their way to help you.

Always look within yourself to see what you can improve upon. Improvements can ALWAYS be made. Don't worry about external forces that try to blow you off your true purpose and one true goal in life. Only focus on overcoming your own shortcomings, and this is the true path to self-mastery, and really, a man's overall success in life.

Take care guys, I hope you were all able to learn a little something from me over all these years. I know how much I learned from all of you (special shout out goes to all the mods and t.o. for helping me enter this new phase of my life. I will get a hold of you one day and personally meet you and thank you for everything you have done to help me).

It was a simple thing, but it changed everything. Keep fighting and spreading the word my sosuave brothers!

To my fellow mods, I loved working with you and joking with you and I didn't mean to make you guys look bad. If you misinterpreted my last thread, even after ALL THAT time in my life I spent summarizing and writing and persuading and encouraging and motivating.. did you guys really think I didn't have an important reason behind doing what I did?

Again, I apologize. Reading my last thread will help clarify a little everything I have done.

But it's an important message I need to get out here in my last post:

BE YOUR OWN MAN. LEARN HOW TO RELY ON YOURSELF. YOUR GREATEST ENEMEY ISN"T EXTERNAL IT IS FROM WITHIN. If you can get rid of the cancerous spammers that are trying to nonchalantly stop you from achieving your main goals in life (as imdoublethegreatest and epicurus here are trying to do) IGNORE THEM AND JUST CONTINUE ON WITH YOUR GOALS.

Alexander the Great organized a small and compact but highly mobile, disciplined, motivated, and well trained group of warriors and he unleashed this power and most importantly of all UNDER HIS LEADERSHIP he set his force on far larger Asian enemies and he exterminated them all. And you know what? He wouldn't have given TWO SINGLE FVCKS what men like epicurus and imdoublethegreatest, von, Miss@ChristopherColumbus, and all the rest of their band of Merry Men would have thought. In fact, I think we all know what Alexander would have done with men like Miss@ChristopherColumbus and his band of queers.. he would have killed them all.

LONG LIVE SOSUAVE! I know you guys will do FVCKING AWESOME without me. You know why? You have all the tools at your disposal. And because we as men are used to organizing small elite forces with barely anything to work with and then using them to conquer the world.

Don't be like imdoublethegreatest and Miss@ChristopherColumbus (you better hide you annoying spamming little motherfvcker!) and the rest of their band of Merry Men.

Be like Alexander the Great.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
(Post 4)

One last time: if some of you guys like what you’ve read, go ahead and copy, paste, and save it somewhere on your computer. That way, you can post my thread and my 12 Guiding Principles on How to Be a Better Man that I have written here again and again so everyone can see it and comment on it and exchange ideas and maybe become better men as a result of it. I waive all copyright, it is all my original work. It is my gift to sosuave and to men everywhere who want to be strong and are sick and fvcking tired of relying on women and other people and constantly being let down.

And post it not just on this site, but on other ones too. That way the ideas of me and pook, anti-dump, playherman, burroughs and all the rest can live on forever and get passed on from one young generation of don juans to another for eternity.


Goodbye Brad. You will be missed. As Pook once said, you cannot fully understand the principles of this website until you leave it. And you have.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
do a search to learn leadership on sosuave and find valuable nuggets and gems. Appreciate this info is here
Yeah dude kinda went off the rails to get himself banned, and then they deleted his account and every single one of his posts too. I don’t think they should have done the last part though because he actually had tons of great advice tbh, better than 99% of people who ever came here.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
Missed these kind of posts . Brad was one of the og posters in this forum and few of them still remain around here from the time that pook, antidump and some others used to post .

I believe deep down everyone knows that but we consciously choose to keep a blind eye and do what the others tell us to do. In the last 6-7 years i gained some very valuable experience and i realized that instinct is always true and each time i listened to someone else , i always failed .

Thats a dj bible worthy post imo.