Today I made a profile saying I was a man my ex's age.....I matched with the same type of women you described in your OLD experience.Yeah, in my 20's it was purely about ass and I was not as picky about quality. Hot girls where everywhere. Now POF matches me with middle aged single moms working as secretaries. I'm a tech exec/management, advanced degree, well off, never married, no kids. I'm not exactly looking for low end women. You don't have to be a lawyer, but it would be nice to meet a girl that is not with children, divorced multiple times and working as a Pharmacy 40...
I've considered as an option. But I am such a homebody and hate going out. Hence why I have usually stuck to OLD and did great at it, even last year although they were all nutso losers in the end (not worth the drama). I need to figure out a venue or club that is comprised of people similar to me.
I did go to Yoga with a girl I'm dating and there are tons of attractive women there...but I hate yoga....maybe I should suck it up and try it for a few months and see. I almost met a couple chics over the course of 3 visits but alas, I was there with my date...she even commented that the girl from our last visit liked me.
I can see how I stood out to my ex in Fall 2018 when we met.
There's mostly single mothers, drunkard or "separated", overweight women with careless pics with the stupid sc filters who are actually selfdescribing as cat ladies or crazies.
I'm shocked there was no nondrinkers or childfree-by-choice, never married ones to be found.
Every single one looks like they rode the c©θ# carousel too many times.
It backwards encouraged me.
Getting fitter puts me even further into a niche choice. Although I promised my ex I would never go back on OLD as he convinced me its advertising your sex like an ad for a prostitute, I needed that experiment this weekend.
I see how revolting it is to see so much loose flesh in these profiles.
I feel I will stand out as unique from women in my generation by getting fitter. I own that and take this responsibility. I wish I had made the changes while still dating my love.
I didn't know what was out there for men my generation.
Might be best not to use OLD as the standard-too depressing for a guy, I imagine.
You can learn to like yoga, right jnMissouri?
Try all the different types of yoga at different locations, before giving up on that supply of women.