This chick is fine, she's a 10


Jul 19, 2019
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All the girls you've posted are fire! Must suck having such good taste. I bet the girls you like only go for the male models and stuff lol
Annoyingly, i'm surrounded by these types of girls despite the UK's reputation of only having ugly girls lol
Even my dog walker could make this thread! (she pole dances too. Decent insta!)


Jan 14, 2018
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But I have a story to tell you. Except that it's not a story but actual fact.

There's only one word in my entire life = dominance

The fact that you fan girled on me for an entire year and a half automatically makes me the dominant one and you my lil b1tch. There is no way around that.

Everything you say from this point on is just a cope or deflection.
Dominance with a bulldog and a poodle?

My ancestors would turn in their graves in shame upon hearing this.

Level up those standards boy.


Jan 14, 2018
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You are one confused silly old man. Is trying to frame yourself as some authority figure the only way you can feel important in life? Does it mean that much to you? I hope you know that just because people avoid you and put you on ignore, it doesn’t mean you are right. It just means that nobody wants to be bothered by the resident pest of sosuave.

That’s the low level you have subjugated yourself to.

Your next 10 or so responses to me is just going to be you attempting to frame yourself as some authority figure and me reminding you that you are just insignificant loser. That’s pretty much it.

That’s the extent of Spaz’s conversational skills. Pester people until they ignore him. But he wants to convince us that he gets invited to parties because people love having him around.

Hard to believe because even a forum full of the world’s biggest trolls don’t want him around.
Shhh calm down.

Did ur shame turn to anger?


Jan 14, 2018
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You shouldn’t throw rocks from a glass house.

The past 12 months you orgasmed to every post I wrote.

And now you are acting like a bitter ex-gf who got pump and dumped. Is this a proper way to treat your hero? Tsk tsk.
That's some nice wishful thinking you got going on there.

As expected from one with low standards.

I repeat, its time for you to level up.

No bulldogs, no more poodles and certainly no landwhales.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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That's some nice wishful thinking you got going on there.

As expected from one with low standards.

I repeat, its time for you to level up.

No bulldogs, no more poodles and certainly no landwhales.
Bulldogs and poodles?

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
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I just want to see how long spaz will keep going about my sex life. It could go on for weeks, lol. I want to see how petty he really is. A part of me wants to believe he's not really that insane, but who the hell knows. It's Spaz after all, lol.

And the emotional intensity he comes with it too. It's beyond hilarious.
I put my 20 on that. :cool:


Jan 14, 2018
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You talk about masculinity but you often manage to be biggest attention wh0re in the forums. You are also often the most passive aggressive poster in the forums. And you are the most likely to neg people when losing an argument (Like right now). You also have a tendency to nag random people about their supposed “problems” even if they never asked you (Like right now). Basically, you possess all the qualities of a bitchy woman. Yet, you want to preach to us about masculinity? Pulleeeassseeee.

You can start by slowing down those multiple emotional PM's you're been sending me.


Jan 14, 2018
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"Alright man I'm just going to come clean with you man. I think that you are cool 90% of the time. And 10% of the time, you are a domineering and overcompensating a$$hole. And I think that's why I purposely got on your nerves. I was starting to develop resentment. I dont care if you hate me. But this is how I, guru, and most of the forums feel about you.

And the thing is, I think you have enough merit and knowledge that you don't need that 10% of a$$hole persona. You can just drop it and go by the merit of your own knowledge. No need to project some dominating image to people. It's annoying and will create resentment.

It's the reason why you got banned in the first place. And it's the reason I got banned when I was da dynamically. Notice how my tone now is completely different than it was when I was da dynamically. I was humble enough to put aside my image/persona and just come from my truth.

Stormrider is the 2.0 version of me without the domineering ego. That's why you cant really attack my image. There is no image I am holding on to. Trying to criticize me for my choice in women is a failed battle, lol. I have no need to defend any image. I've totally dropped all image because I rely solely on the merit of my own knowledge.

I'm not saying I am perfect. I'm just saying 10% of the time, you are completely annoying and if you acted that way towards me in real life I would punch you in the teeth and break it.

My principle is I wouldnt act a certain way on the forums if I wouldnt act that way in real life.

Take this as constructive criticism. Take it as however you want to take it.

I feel like I did my part by being honest."

Oh you mean this pm where I am being completely reasonable and rational and trying to act like an adult?

This is just a pm to cleanse my karma. If there is one thing I learned in life, karma is real and a$$holes get theirs eventually.

So if I find myself into some weird drama, I'm just going to wash my hands free of any negativity and move on with my life.

Careful, you might get internal injuries with so much pent up anger.

And stop trying to chg the subject.

What is below par is below par.

My position here has been consistently the same unlike you which is all highly emotional.

Now level up, there's a reason why people say stagnant water rots.

You ain't gonna teach the men here to appreciate fatties too will you?