How old are you? I am of the opinion that past late 30s, you cannot "video game" at your peak, so I quit. It was "fun" when I could be the ever-living most dominate player in the match. I believe that late 30s is when your peak will inevitably expire, no matter What you are doing. Your eyes, your balance, everything is "off-point;" therefore, all I do to decompress is to read books. I wish that I could dig up a dead author, bring him back to life, and Force him to write another book, cause I'd read a 1920s - 1950s author every year until I die if I could. So I have to re-read his stuff, which I'm not complaining, but it's a way of thinking or "common sense" not seen today, that I want my mind to work like. I want to think like this intelligent author, and I see that the days of the past were just more Playful or circular in speech and thinking - people everywhere just knew they were gonna die and were just apart of this "play" and so many didn't take the small stuff seriously, while the big stuff very much so seriously. There was hardship no doubt, and negativity, but people rolled on. Of course, the family dynamic was intact and there, people got married and stayed married as a way of life. They realized life is short, if the women didn't realize it, well they were Forced to realize it eventually and maybe some never did. Today? They don't realize it, the great majority of em. There's no forward thinking, the great lot of em. At least in the past they were Forced to stay put against their nature to get up and move around and fidget like children.