Modern women are non spiritual/ religious


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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The culture creators have turned women into non spiritual beings. I am totally against religion. I grew up babtist and went to a catholic schools for most of my life. I am not advocating religion. I am advocating believing in something bigger than one self. An aspect of spirituality that gets over looked is moral self improvement. Recognizing that you have a soul allows you to improve morally. It makes you evaluate your behavior and try to become a better person. When I was an athiest I was a good person but I did not have the impetus to rise above my Darwinian instincts for self preservation. It justified a me first attitude.

Many educated women from the upper Northeast have this non religious, materialistic cold perspective on life. This translates into their behavior. They exhibit even more selfish behavior because they fall into moral nihilism. This is totally unfeminine. The female is supposed to be moral and warm.

I am not saying that religion or spirituality ( new age movement, buddhism etc) makes you a good person. What spirituality does is help to increase self awareness and introspection. It also increases your empathy for others because one of the main tenets of spirituality is your connection to the world and self improvement.

Lets not devolve into a debate about religion. I am simply saying atheist non spiritual women have a certain coldness about them. They also exhibit and arrogant demeanor of having it all figured out.
There's a quote in the gita about the corruption of women comes with the corruption of nations. Women are corrupt now a days. Corporate, the cesspool dating market, the pandering legal system and overall simping is beyond reappraisal.

Its not till SMV craters and or single mom's status that her solipsism is dismantled. Too little too late. Its beyond repair. Enjoy the decline.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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There's a quote in the gita about the corruption of women comes with the corruption of nations. Women are corrupt now a days.
I want to find that quote. I believe the Bible has a similar quote if I am not mistaken. The ancients are more wise than we give them credit for. Modern people are foolish azz hell yet they look down on the wisdom of the ancients smh.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Phucking weak fathers, I despise them even more than feminists. They had one job. Never I will allow for such phuckup if I will ever have family.
:rofl: Tell me about it lol. I laugh and cry about this all the time. I dont understand how baby boomer fathers were this incompetent at raising daughters. They really only had one job...and they failed miserably at it. I understand the plight of the fathers that experienced custody issues after a divorce. Those men could not be in the household everyday. What I do not understand is the weakness of the men that lived in the household everyday yet their daughters still became atheist, amoral, promiscuous, arrogant people. Those fathers are not real men at all.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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As someone that dates women that are religious, I can tell you that while they are somewhat superior because they work on self improvement, idealism, and treating people well, the hypergamy game means the juice is not usually worth the squeeze. I mean if it was sure thing to wait for sex or work through all of their sexual guilt/baggage, fine, but you're are just as likely to be traded in for a newer model as with other women.
How old are these women?

What properties/traits do they trade you up for?
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Jan 14, 2018
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Sounds to me as if you want to make a blanketed dogmatic statement and then remove yourself from being scrutinized. It doesn't work that way; at least not in my book.

For every outspoken atheist, there's a bible-thumper - both behaving in an identical fashion. There's good and bad behavior on both sides. To say otherwise, is not looking at both sides objectively.

Below is the rule - rather than the exception, but of course, there's always exceptions.

Here in the south, we have more than the usual share of 'conspicuous Christians' The N.A.G's (new age gals) also behave no differently. In my area, most seem to wear it on their sleeve.

For long term, I found the above women to be a bit too much. After all, there is a lifestyle/behavioral difference between people that choose to believe and those that choose to think.

More recently, I've been considering expanding my options to the Southern-Baptist type gal. I'm thinking that their oppressive teachings might lead them to be more subservient and less of a headache.

I do have more experience in dating the "spiritual" new-agey women. Usually, they reach this point ... after trying everything else from conventional religion, to popping every anti-depressant prescribed. On the surface, they seem 'peaceful' 'open' and engaging. Once you crack beneath their surface, you'll usually discover that they are the most unbalanced of women. In addition, once you see beneath their facade, you'll also see that they have an uglier side than most women.
What r u talking about?

Anybody here understands what's this fella talking?

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Looks mostly, Christian women are MUCH more about looks than anything else because they are raised to not value money and status as much.
lol come on man, I knew they were 20-30, but what I meant was: are we talking about all those women younger or not, or is the more chronic hypergamy concentrated to the late 20s women (which would also explain why they are still single)?

I see, that's a particularly grim take as you would think they would be raised simply to not be as hypergamous rather than just shifting their focus. But, you can't overwrite human nature. I can't say anything on this topic since I have no religious acquaintances, let alone a religious social sphere, and thus no experience.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Atheist women are worth s.hit most of the time. I work in atheist/feminist environment and I pretend to be a godless mofo.

In fact I'm 'maverick' myself (conservatist with leftist side/agnostic) and I respect religious people and I would always take catholic woman over atheist woman. You can teach woman how to do ******* properly but you cannot teach her respect for other human being because it was not your job to do.

Phucking weak fathers, I despise them even more than feminists. They had one job. Never I will allow for such phuckup if I will ever have family.
You can find abysmal women everywhere now a days. A conventional family unit is absurd now a days. Women vote larger government. They squander resources as hard and as fast as they do their SMV.

Women won't change until the crash
I want to find that quote. I believe the Bible has a similar quote if I am not mistaken. The ancients are more wise than we give them credit for. Modern people are foolish azz hell yet they look down on the wisdom of the ancients smh.
As the hero Arjuna tells the God Krishna in the Baghavad Gita,

‘In overwhelming chaos, Krishna

Women of the family are corrupted,

And when women are corrupted,

Disorder is born in society’

Chapter 1: Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
adharmabhibhavat krsna
pradusyanti kula-striyah
strisu dustasu varsneya
jayate varna-sankarah
adharma—irreligion; abhibhavat—having been predominant; krsna—O Krsna; pradusyanti—become polluted; kula-striyah—family ladies; strisu —of the womanhood; dustasu—being so polluted; varsneya—O descendant of Vrsni; jayate—it so becomes; varna-sankarah—unwanted progeny.
When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krsna, the women of the family become corrupt, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrsni, comes unwanted progeny.
A lot of the female primary social order will attempt to dismiss the following as a error in translation. "corruption" being synonymous with sexual promiscuity.

Rollo recommends Alpha God but it is very leftist and uninformed. The book argues man bad. Man is violent and essentially rapey. No mention of female nature, hypergamy, and women's mate choice being MORE violent (not less).

The degenerate culture and society in decline is a by product of the following.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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:rofl: Tell me about it lol. I laugh and cry about this all the time. I dont understand how baby boomer fathers were this incompetent at raising daughters. They really only had one job...and they failed miserably at it. I understand the plight of the fathers that experienced custody issues after a divorce. Those men could not be in the household everyday. What I do not understand is the weakness of the men that lived in the household everyday yet their daughters still became atheist, amoral, promiscuous, arrogant people. Those fathers are not real men at all.
I subscribe to Cappy, Mr Aaron Clareys bachelor pad economics and enjoy the decline. I cannot fix it nor will I try. I have my own account and personal well being to maintain. I have no use to fix what women have broke. They will squander resources family, their own SMV, and children just to manufacture drama. They vote hard left for daddy government and double down with poor Lifestyle choices.

I agree the baby boomers were the biggest pieces of **** sense the dawn of time. Absolute lazy ****s and useless. It doesn't disregard female responsibility. They lack any what so ever. Alternatively, it has freed man of the responsibility (for the most part) from takin any ounce of energy to play house after. A man can change later and decide to have kids. Women don't have that luxury but they will try at the cost of autism and brain damage while she exercises hypergamy via her vag and Chad. Not actually go to the gym.

There's no solution imho. I pull, smash or i next. Usually both.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2019
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Here's what I've noticed through my own experience:
When I was younger I was less religious/spiritual/whatever you want to call it. The bad stuff I've experienced made me turn to God more.
So, when I was younger I didn't use to talk about religion much, as I knew it was a sensitive subject and I was probably insecure, not sure if expressing who I was wouln't make girls loose interest in me. I'm not sure how many religious girls I met, none seemed to care about it. More importantly, at some stage in every relationship, it stated to feel like I'm getting bored and only having sex with an empty body, quite a dehumanizing experience.

As I started to get more mature and transitioned from a boy to a man, I gave less and less of a fvck about what these girls/women were thinking about me. It became more important for me to be myself, with my own flaws, beliefs and passions. I started to tell girls "Pretty crazy night, huh? But it's Sunday and I wanna go to church, wanna come with me or wait for me here?" Or "I'm not eating meat today. But you can eat it, I'll just run to the supermarket and get something." I made the cross sign or whatever you call it in English like I do when I'm alone.

And guess what? None of the girls I was seeing had a problem with it. It was a sign of courage and they seemed to respect me for it. And some felt empowered to do the same.

Why did I decide to post this? Because WE ARE MEN. We are supposed to be brave and stand for what's important for us.
If you're religious, don't try to hide it. Be yourself. It will make you happy and free. And you'll start to see a lot more religious/spiritual people around you.
If you're an atheist, I'm not trying to convert you. We all have this freedom to believe in what we want. Don't trash-talk me for posting this.

I know some ideas from the DJ mindset are not working well with the ideals of most religions. But in the end, it's all about being your best self, and being confident about who you are. And being yourself is really polarizing the women around you, helping you find the one(s) you're looking for.

And as a side note, I do find spiritual women a lot more warm, enjoyable and for some reason A LOT better in bed. I wonder if it's the same for some of you guys as well.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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You can find abysmal women everywhere now a days. A conventional family unit is absurd now a days. Women vote larger government. They squander resources as hard and as fast as they do their SMV.

Women won't change until the crash

A lot of the female primary social order will attempt to dismiss the following as a error in translation. "corruption" being synonymous with sexual promiscuity.

Rollo recommends Alpha God but it is very leftist and uninformed. The book argues man bad. Man is violent and essentially rapey. No mention of female nature, hypergamy, and women's mate choice being MORE violent (not less).

The degenerate culture and society in decline is a by product of the following.
The quote with the twitter conversation is great. I am going to reference this passage in future conversations with people. Thanks


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds to me as if you want to make a blanketed dogmatic statement and then remove yourself from being scrutinized. It doesn't work that way; at least not in my book.

For every outspoken atheist, there's a bible-thumper - both behaving in an identical fashion. There's good and bad behavior on both sides. To say otherwise, is not looking at both sides objectively.

Below is the rule - rather than the exception, but of course, there's always exceptions.

Here in the south, we have more than the usual share of 'conspicuous Christians' The N.A.G's (new age gals) also behave no differently. In my area, most seem to wear it on their sleeve.

For long term, I found the above women to be a bit too much. After all, there is a lifestyle/behavioral difference between people that choose to believe and those that choose to think.

More recently, I've been considering expanding my options to the Southern-Baptist type gal. I'm thinking that their oppressive teachings might lead them to be more subservient and less of a headache.

I do have more experience in dating the "spiritual" new-agey women. Usually, they reach this point ... after trying everything else from conventional religion, to popping every anti-depressant prescribed. On the surface, they seem 'peaceful' 'open' and engaging. Once you crack beneath their surface, you'll usually discover that they are the most unbalanced of women. In addition, once you see beneath their facade, you'll also see that they have an uglier side than most women.
Hey man you are probably correct about the New Age chicks being the most unbalanced of all the women once you crack the surface. I can definitely see that. I prefer them over atheist chicks because atheist chicks worship "science" and mainstream narratives. Most of them dont even have science degrees and have never worked in science one day in their life. They are very arrogant. You can tell an atheist chick anything because she has it all figured out already lol.

The New Age/ Spiritual chick might be very unbalanced and unstable but atleast there is still some humility. They at least have the facade of being intellectually curious and open minded to radical ideas. I agree that both of them are ultimately poison. We just have to pick the poison that we prefer.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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The quote with the twitter conversation is great. I am going to reference this passage in future conversations with people. Thanks
I owe it to Owen Cook aka Rsd Tyler putting me onto the Bhagavad Gita. I highly recommend it. The concept of freedom from outcome plus is a by product.

karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchana
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo ’stvakarmaṇi

karmaṇi—in prescribed duties; eva—only; adhikāraḥ—right; te—your; mā—not; phaleṣhu—in the fruits; kadāchana—at any time; mā—never; karma-phala—results of the activities; hetuḥ—cause; bhūḥ—be; mā—not; te—your; saṅgaḥ—attachment; astu—must be; akarmaṇi—in inaction

Translation BG 2.47: You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.


Power vs force by D. R. Hawkins mentions the Bhagavad Gita +700 in terms of consciousness.

Ironically enough, women use shame with a rating of 20 as their first means of attack.

Krishna point of the outcomes and no attachments is money. The theme being that, everything is God's so, the fruits of your labor aren't yours. There's only duty. Christianity emphasis on sin, to miss the mark. The ancient text is fabulous.

There's duty to approaching, to living at your edge, and pursuit of self actualization. To explore consciousness. To seel self knowledge. Living at one's edge and just beyond.

The outcomes aren't our own. All we have is duty. Its what's so appalling about mgtow and switching off. Men with low testosterone pandering and simping.

There's nothing more pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Hey man you are probably correct about the New Age chicks being the most unbalanced of all the women once you crack the surface. I can definitely see that. I prefer them over atheist chicks because atheist chicks worship "science" and mainstream narratives. Most of them dont even have science degrees and have never worked in science one day in their life. They are very arrogant. You can tell an atheist chick anything because she has it all figured out already lol.

The New Age/ Spiritual chick might be very unbalanced and unstable but atleast there is still some humility. They at least have the facade of being intellectually curious and open minded to radical ideas. I agree that both of them are ultimately poison. We just have to pick the poison that we prefer.

I am appalled by atheist chickd. I have seen more often than not, they make ig and oneself as a deity. They will chase ig likes and pimp oneself out.

I've met feminine energy that is healing. Its not shocking why some men become putty and are cucked later. I think of atari pong when I think about the dynamics of male and female synergy. The gender neutrality is retarded. It depolarizes a relationship. It is a awful thing to witness. Women are taught to "play pong" the way a man does which is depolarizing.

The amount of stupid is beyond me. The same bastardization occurs in all areas of religion now a days. Its utter stupidity and these institutions will fail due to simping.