@EyeBRollin has proven his ignorance and stupidity on this thread beyond the shadow of a doubt. I mean he actually said the definition of white depends on " what race theory one subscribes to". By the way numbnuts last time I checked Latino or Hispanic is considered a minority, so again using your logic or rather lack there off you are obviously a racist.
@ShePays I know that reading what he says can make you think that he is a women but I have actually met a lot of very feminized soy boys like him especially in his age range so yes he is male but not a man. As far as the original topic goes Trump is not bluffing. In the war that is coming Iran will be our alley, better to have a strong alley than one that is destroyed and basically worthless. In this war along with our usual alleys we will also have the Russians , Indians , and Japanese as our alleys. The Arabs and Israel will also be at war.
@Xenom0rph China knows that their is a war coming because they are the once that will start it. All the countries that are anywhere close to china also know this which is why they have been increasing their defense spending by billions of dollars ( Australia, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand ). With China's economy not doing well they continue to buy fuel, iron ore , and coking coal, these are things you need to build war ships and to power them.