Why does it seem like a lot of todays women want to swing, where is the loyalty? I guess its disappeared. A married women I know she's giving me the look of I want to kiss you, that deep dreamy eyed stare this behavior has been increasing in the last few months. A woman in her 30s I know in a relationship with one of my buddies and she's giving me the I want to fvck you look, I'm thinking to myself no it ain't happening. A buddies wife I've talked about her before she gives me the look of she wants to fvck.
Been watching MGTOW videos on youtube lately they might be right about women, I don't think you can trust any women nowadays they will spread their legs in a heartbeat when they are not getting satisfied by their current partner.
Been watching MGTOW videos on youtube lately they might be right about women, I don't think you can trust any women nowadays they will spread their legs in a heartbeat when they are not getting satisfied by their current partner.