I know some SS posters worship Roosh and some advice is good on a "Girls 101" level, but some of this s*hit is right out of a "Pseudo-Alpha Tough Guy" handbook or similar. Call me ****y or arrogant or whatever, don't care, but I will put my dating and female psychology acumen up against Roosh any day. Some of this made me burst out laughing, envisioning the 130# scrawny guy puffing himself up and trying to be all ghetto, tough, and alpha. Whatever...
My Take:
1- End conversations early. Generally a good idea. Get her talking, keep the calls short, and yes, you're the one that should cut calls and tell her you need to roll when you're out. You're a busy guy--always. GOOD ADVICE.
2- Cancel dates/Be late. F*ucking stupid as hell. MEN show up on time and keep meetings. Boys play girly mind games like this. BAD ADVICE.
3- Appear disinterested. Better advice would be "Be cool, don't get over excited or too eager, don't pedestalize her, etc., do think like James Bond" Most guys can't hold a conversation to save their life so if you're a good conversationalist, you'll be ahead of 90% of all guys. Chicks dig guys who can actually TALK and have an opinion. Can't believe I even had to write that. MOSTLY BAD ADVICE.
4-Don't lean in. I get this, don't hang on every word she says. Sit back, nod your head, ask some questions, good eye contact--she's there to impress YOU. GOOD ADVICE.
5- Stop trying to kiss her all the time. Agree 100%. Use affection like hot sauce. Ok to use, but make her earn it. REALLY GOOD ADVICE.
6- Don't tell her when you'll contact her. Yes, generally the rule of thumb. Women love mystery so it's ok to keep her guessing a bit, especially for the first few dates. GOOD ADVICE.
7-Don't say you've been in love. I think it's actually ok to say you have, but never bring it up. If she asks, the answer is "Sure. Who hasn't." Then look at her and smile. This way, you're sending the message to her:
Yes, I know how to commit, but you need to prove yourself to me, girly. NEUTRAL.
8-Don't talk longingly about your exes. JFC, agree 110%. Only p*ussy-men do this s*hit. Man-up and leave the exes and your whining in the trash can on the curb where they both belong. "Things just didn't work out" should be your default answer every time if asked.
9- Don't console her. OK, here's a pseudo-alpha "I'm a BIG tough guy technique." Yes, do not dote and baby her (duh...), but if her dog dies or mom gets cancer you better f*ucking be there to be the rock and a strong man she needs to help her get through it. Then, back away slowly until she needs you again. You're there if she needs a MAN. Get it? BAD ADVICE.
10- Take days to call her back after sex. In this day and age, it's a good idea to check in the day after to mitigate any second thoughts she may be having especially if alcohol was involved. You don't need the cops showing up the next day, seriously. Say/text something funny about the night before, "Hey, can't stop laughing about the dude who puked on himself last night at the bar, haha. Classy move, bro." Or similar. BAD ADVICE.
11- Don't ask for her opinions. I'll add: ...
on important issues. When I'm out with a girl, often I'll zero in on a couple and ask my date what she thinks they're talking about (her opinion), then I come back with something really funny they might be discussing. Getting her opinion on pop culture, celebrities, etc., are really good icebreakers and convo starters. Women love gossip! Roll with it. NEUTRAL.
12- Be insensitive. Probably the dumbest f*ucking piece of advice on this list. Similar to my #2 above. Yes, don't be needy, over-interested, over-eager, doting, etc., BUT if she did experience a death, tragedy, whatever, be a MAN and ROCK, and show her you're a strong masculine man (90%) with a sensitive side (10%). Dash Riprock actually cried at the end of My Dog Skip and A Dog's Purpose, so f*uck off, lol (I watched both alone on purpose, haha). REALLY BAD ADVICE.
Good luck troops.