I will take a different approach than the people who have commented on this already.
Women want a LEADER. Leaders LEAD......they dont ask and they dont second guess.
Just from the wording of your post I see a very distinct pattern that I am positive follows how you actually interact with women and it will lead to situations like this.
Follow what you say-
"A day before we meet I tested her to confirm if she is still up for coffee"- A couple of things here. #1 its Tinder. Screw coffee. Invite her to JOIN you to grab a drink. #2 You are "testing" her because you are insecure and want the validation of knowing she has interest and will show up. That is a very quick and easy way to kill interest. She should be the one "testing" to see if you are going to show up. You set the date and then you go have a drink. If she shows up, great. If not, you invited her to JOIN you meaning if she doesnt show up you are still going for a drink and who knows, you might meet someone else while there.
She said she left you hanging because you were insecure and sought out validation through your testing. I assume a woman is interested if I make my intent clear (inviting her to JOIN me for a drink) so her easy way out was to say you left her hanging.
You didnt know what else to say because you knew it was dead in the water at that point.
We live in a world of social media and
texting/messaging. You have to be careful on how you say things because these women will smell insecurity a mile a way.