In most amateur porn uploaded by normal people the guy has a dad bod and looks forgettable. The woman is usually hotter and the main focus.
You would have to look very long and hard to find porn uploaded by regular people where the guy is a stud or looks better than the woman.
In most amateur porn you wonder how a slob like him could ever get a woman like her naked.
Women like to tell themselves that they only go for brad Pitt look alikes. But if you look at their sexual history there are a lot of questionable dudes.
The attractive females I grew up with all have regrettable men they’ve hooked up with.
We all know that one ugly guy with the reputation who somehow is able to go through every girl in the social circle.
Being handsome is just going to get the guy noticed. There is a negotiation phase too. If the girl doesn’t submit to the handsome guy, nothing is going to happen. The handsome guy has too much pride, ego, and abundance.
It’s not as simplistic as putting two attractive people in a room together and babies will happen.
A lot of women end up with guys that are willing to tolerate them.
Most porn is made for men right? Most men are not buff Greek gods right? Porn actresses are paid to f**k men, it’s a performance, like bad acting, without clothes. Straight men who watch porn are not focused on the naked thrusting man (I’m assuming lol). What the man looks like, I assume, is not the point of porn for straight men. In fact, it’s probably less ego crushing for men to see average joe pounding the hot young fit girl rather than The Chad.
But porn is not real life. Even a lot of ‘amateur porn’ is acting.
Yes some attractive women date men who are not good looking. Some attractive men date women who are not that good looking either.
When we see average looking with above average looking people we don’t know the back story. Maybe the less attractive one used to be hotter, maybe the hotter one settled, maybe the hotter one is using the less hot one, or, maybe there is a genuine attraction to the less hot one. We don’t know. I’m not saying that hot women never date less hot men.
My point is women typically don’t sexually swoon over ugly men just because he acts dominant or has status. To me, this is like the lie that fat women tell themselves that if they are super nice and put out on demand and swallow and stuff, the jock will pick her as his girlfriend. Who cares what you look like dude, just act dominant and women will be sexually attracted to you despite the tree growing out of your face.
And when I say attraction, I’m referring to sexual attraction, not attraction to the social connections or the fun or the free bottle service etc she can get by f**king the ugly guy with dominance and social cred.
The hot girl with options for hot guys typically is not going to get wet while fantasizing over a dominant ugly man. She may date him if he has status, money, or something else that benefits her though, but she’s not likely sexually attracted to him.
Unless she is into ugly guys. Some women are.