
Don Juan
Oct 19, 2019
Reaction score
I have been messing around with a woman that has a boyfriend and has a child with him. They live together and she tells me that she is no longer attracted to him and that she is not happy with him. She talks about how miserable her life is with him. She is the breadwinner in the family, does all the care taking of their child and generally the boyfriend sounds like he lost his masculinity. At the same time ,I am in the process of getting out of a relationship. We have had great sex three times now . She shows me signs of wanting more with me but then will say she is not sure what she wants. She says just wants to have fun ,hang out and hook up. She treats me well . She brought me lunch at work, offers sex even when she is on her period, and can be a real sweetheart to me . She wants to still hang out and even wants to travel with me.

To give you some context. We knew each other for 14 years before we ever hooked up. Over a decade ago when she was in college, she was a student in a program that I coordinated and was in a university class that I taught. I had mentored had guided her with some life challenges she had. Nothing happened back then between us.

It is fun just messing with her , but part of me would like to turn it into something more. Some people say that you need to give women what they need and not what they want. So my questions for all of you.
1. What do you all think I should do with the situation ?
2. Do any of you think she wants more than just this fun we have been having ?
3. Should I travel with her on vacation for fun? ( We have been talking about this)

Epic Days

May 7, 2019
Reaction score
I have been messing around with a woman that has a boyfriend and has a child with him. They live together and she tells me that she is no longer attracted to him and that she is not happy with him. She talks about how miserable her life is with him. She is the breadwinner in the family, does all the care taking of their child and generally the boyfriend sounds like he lost his masculinity. At the same time ,I am in the process of getting out of a relationship. We have had great sex three times now . She shows me signs of wanting more with me but then will say she is not sure what she wants. She says just wants to have fun ,hang out and hook up. She treats me well . She brought me lunch at work, offers sex even when she is on her period, and can be a real sweetheart to me . She wants to still hang out and even wants to travel with me.

To give you some context. We knew each other for 14 years before we ever hooked up. Over a decade ago when she was in college, she was a student in a program that I coordinated and was in a university class that I taught. I had mentored had guided her with some life challenges she had. Nothing happened back then between us.

It is fun just messing with her , but part of me would like to turn it into something more. Some people say that you need to give women what they need and not what they want. So my questions for all of you.
1. What do you all think I should do with the situation ?
2. Do any of you think she wants more than just this fun we have been having ?
3. Should I travel with her on vacation for fun? ( We have been talking about this)
It sounds like you aren’t the one getting it. She will not leave him to be with you at this point.
She clearly stated that she wants to have fun. This is a truth. That is what she wants.

The only person trying to wreck anything is you. Boyfriends are inconsequential.
So what exactly do you expect to get from her by “wanting or getting more”?

honesty would be a good thing here. What are you trying to get?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
What do you all think I should do with the situation ?
Forget about turning it into something more and just fvck her casually.

Do any of you think she wants more than just this fun we have been having ?
No. Women live in the moment of how they feel. When shes with you, shes getting her fill of drama, sex, and excitement. When shes with him, she feels safe. She gets her fill of emotional fluctuation by being with two men.

Should I travel with her on vacation for fun?
That's up to you. Just dont expect her to leave her bf because she went on vacation with you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2019
Reaction score
I think you are about to win the lottery but you have to play your cards right. Lets see back in her college days when her value was at its highest she chose to not bang you, instead she banged other guys. I think she chose those other guys over you because she was immature, didn't know what she really wanted , and had low self esteem. Lucky for you she went on her journey of self discover where she took many a cocck ride and matured to the point that she can now appreciate you for the wonderful man that you are. Having said that this is what you need to do. You need to show her that you are a real man and not like those little boys that wouldn't commit, so you need to wife her up. In order to show that you are secure in your masculinity you need to move the whole family in with you including the soon to be ex boyfriend and help him get back on his feet. You also need to adopt her kid so that you are legally bound to paying for the little angel and again in order to show how secure and confident you are you need to set up some breeding appointments with as many bulls as possible even if this means flying them in on your dime from anywhere on the planet. By the way don't worry about her SMV being in the crapper, she just needed some time to realize that you were the one for her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I think you are about to win the lottery but you have to play your cards right. Lets see back in her college days when her value was at its highest she chose to not bang you, instead she banged other guys. I think she chose those other guys over you because she was immature, didn't know what she really wanted , and had low self esteem.
You can't really assume any of this because he hasn't given us any information with regard to how she felt about him back then. If she had absolutely no interest in him back then, it's very unlikely that she'll terminate her LTR to be with him. If she was daydreaming constantly about him, then it could be possible that she will end the relationship. It's High Score Theory. Women who have crushes when they're younger hold onto the idea that they'll end up with those men.

The problem is many women who enter college have already been alpha-widowed. We don't know what her sexual background was when she entered college, and we don't know how she felt about him back then.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2019
Reaction score
@Desdinova I was being a smart ass, in his original post he talked about knowing her for over 14 years and how he helped her back in college and how nothing came of it. In my experience if a women wants to have sex with a man she will actively pursue this and make it easy, she will be the one seducing him. This is genuine desire and as we know it cannot be bargained or bought she either has it for him or she doesn't. I think she is trying to upgrade to a better provider and I think he needs to enjoy the sex but make sure she monkey branches to someone else.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
in his original post he talked about knowing her for over 14 years and how he helped her back in college and how nothing came of it. In my experience if a women wants to have sex with a man she will actively pursue this and make it easy, she will be the one seducing him.
A woman will make it easier for the man, but if the man isn't actively trying to seduce a woman, he's going to miss out.

Unless the OP elaborates on how they felt about each other 14 years ago, we can only assume that they have a very new sexual interest in each other instead of a rekindled one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2019
Reaction score
It is fun just messing with her , but part of me would like to turn it into something more. Some people say that you need to give women what they need and not what they want. So my questions for all of you.
1. What do you all think I should do with the situation ?
2. Do any of you think she wants more than just this fun we have been having ?
3. Should I travel with her on vacation for fun? ( We have been talking about this)

1. Find a way out of it.
2. I doubt it.
3. I wouldn't. But I wouldn't get into a situation like this. Cheaters are cheaters.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
1.) women are borrowed and never owned
2.) Keep banging her but dont ever take things seriously
3.) I have never "taken" another man's woman but I have had a few that decided the grass was greener on the other side and became a plate
4.) This chick is still living with this dude so he is getting a totally different story than what she is feeding you. GUARANTEED.

This is a woman monkey branching 101 OR she has done this to him several times and just likes new D every now and then. Either way, dont fall for it. Just keep smoke rolling off her pvssy and enjoy it until it is no more.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
She has a kid with him, that should be a deal breaker right there.

I have no compuctions about taking a man's woman, but there better not be any kids in the way because otherwise you're party to destroying that kid's family. I've done this once and I won't do it again.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you all for your straightforward advice and comments . I appreciate it and I am really happy that I found this forum. I decided to just have fun with her and not take things seriously which has worked out really well. I was spinning plates and have had some other women on the side but not as intensely . The woman I wrote about in the post and I hook up a couple of times a week now and she tells me she has fallen in love with me. I definitely think she wants to branch swing, but I am being careful. The sex has been incredible. She has even agreed to have a threesome and include another woman because she says she wants to make me happy and enjoys the adventure of it all.

Needless to say, I am spinning plates still and hook up with other women. I had posted a picture of she and I on social media on a trip and I suddenly had my long-term ex-girlfriend blowing up my phone upset about the photo and suddenly pursing me again. So, I will take advantage and have some fun with her as well. I found a couple of other women from my past reacted with wanting to meet up as well , but perhaps I can write a post about my experience with "social proofing".


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you all for your straightforward advice and comments . I appreciate it and I am really happy that I found this forum. I decided to just have fun with her and not take things seriously which has worked out really well. I was spinning plates and have had some other women on the side but not as intensely . The woman I wrote about in the post and I hook up a couple of times a week now and she tells me she has fallen in love with me. I definitely think she wants to branch swing, but I am being careful. The sex has been incredible. She has even agreed to have a threesome and include another woman because she says she wants to make me happy and enjoys the adventure of it all.

Needless to say, I am spinning plates still and hook up with other women. I had posted a picture of she and I on social media on a trip and I suddenly had my long-term ex-girlfriend blowing up my phone upset about the photo and suddenly pursing me again. So, I will take advantage and have some fun with her as well. I found a couple of other women from my past reacted with wanting to meet up as well , but perhaps I can write a post about my experience with "social proofing".
Good thing you are keeping things casual with this woman. You don't know whether she is telling the truth about either you or her boyfriend, but you do know she is able to cheat remorselessly and already has a kid. That's not a situation a normal guy would want to take seriously.

Hahaha, there you go - jealousy-induced sex from your ex-girlfriend, and mate choice copying from her and the other women. It's so predictable, it's like clockwork.
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