It's not submissive and won't make her lose attraction.
What would make her lose attraction if she knew about it (which you deep down know too, or else you would have talked about it with her rather than this forum), and is submissive to the internet keyboard alphas who come up with this stuff and you've gotten it from, is to be secretly fearful that building up kissing with her isn't going to make you look "dominant" enough. Honestly, I am laughing and scoffing as I am writing this at how ridiculous things can become when you drink too much manosphere koolaid. It's not as hard or dangerous to interact with girls as you are making it.
If you were actually selfconfident because you had a solid selfesteem, creating this problem out of nowhere and worrying about it as you've written about here wouldn't even occur to you. It'd be like taken out of a different reality. That should be your real takeaway from this thread.