Let's take a good look at this major coping myth of "women hitting the wall & men only get better with age"
First let's not pretend that women not only have tons of orbiters, suitors, chads, providers, and mstow / incels talking about them constantly, still banging them, orbiting them, proposing marriage and providing for them, offering cosmetic surgery, gym memberships but the amount of ATTENTION they still get on OLD and any social media compared to most men.
Everyone "hits the wall" at some point in their lives. Most men aren't getting near even the attention, dates, offers for providing and on and on as women who supposedly "hit the wall".
Even IF you improve yourself to the hilt doesn't mean it automatically or even at all affects womens smv to massive amounts of other types of men.
What? She hits a certain age and just falls apart? Doesn't go to the gym? Dresses frumpy? Gets banned from social media and cast out like a woman sent on her way? Gtfo.
These women are always shopping for clothes, going to the gym, getting support for womens rights, using makeup, getting cosmetic surgery, still dating lawyers, doctors, CEOs getting married and getting chased or provided for somehow by men and most times working and providing for themselves and their families.
There's milf porn, pregnant, mature, etc for dudes who love that.
There's younger dudes who love older women.
I could go on.
My opinion is the majority of MEN hit that wall waaaay before most women do and it can easily be proven by how much more attention even older women get on social media etc that most dudes of any age.
Like i said you can improve yourself to be the best man that ever lived on the planet. Its not going to flip a switch and have women just "fall apart" at X age and be banished to nowhere. Many other men will still be after them for many reasons.
"Women hit the wall & men only get better with age" is a major cope fail revenge fantasy. Nothing more.
First let's not pretend that women not only have tons of orbiters, suitors, chads, providers, and mstow / incels talking about them constantly, still banging them, orbiting them, proposing marriage and providing for them, offering cosmetic surgery, gym memberships but the amount of ATTENTION they still get on OLD and any social media compared to most men.
Everyone "hits the wall" at some point in their lives. Most men aren't getting near even the attention, dates, offers for providing and on and on as women who supposedly "hit the wall".
Even IF you improve yourself to the hilt doesn't mean it automatically or even at all affects womens smv to massive amounts of other types of men.
What? She hits a certain age and just falls apart? Doesn't go to the gym? Dresses frumpy? Gets banned from social media and cast out like a woman sent on her way? Gtfo.
These women are always shopping for clothes, going to the gym, getting support for womens rights, using makeup, getting cosmetic surgery, still dating lawyers, doctors, CEOs getting married and getting chased or provided for somehow by men and most times working and providing for themselves and their families.
There's milf porn, pregnant, mature, etc for dudes who love that.
There's younger dudes who love older women.
I could go on.
My opinion is the majority of MEN hit that wall waaaay before most women do and it can easily be proven by how much more attention even older women get on social media etc that most dudes of any age.
Like i said you can improve yourself to be the best man that ever lived on the planet. Its not going to flip a switch and have women just "fall apart" at X age and be banished to nowhere. Many other men will still be after them for many reasons.
"Women hit the wall & men only get better with age" is a major cope fail revenge fantasy. Nothing more.