Yes, i feel content at this point.
Huff Post, no thanks.
As for the OP. Are you truly happy? Only you know this, deep down.
I only say this because damn near everything we do is driven by sex and relationships. Humans have a longing for purpose, companionship and to procreate. Articles like this are nothing more than INTENTIONAL denying of these human traits. Stats can paint whatever picture you want.
Even gays want to procreate....what sense does that make?
Not everyone wants to procreate though. It may be our biological imperative in the past but i think that’s evolving and changing. I never once had the urge to have babies. Like, ever. I always had different goals. I was told for years that i would change my mind “when i got older,” “when i fell in love,” “when i was married,” etc. I tried to get a tubal when i was 22 and was denied. Docs won’t perform them on women under a certain age. i did get older, i have been in love several times, i even was married. Procreating was just never my path. I love to have freedom, money, travel, meet new people, spend time alone, have a clean apartment, etc. i am so thankful i never got knocked up! So i disagree that’s our goal here, or at least every one’s goal.
Am i happy? Hard question, philosophical. But i say yes! I am super appreciative and grateful to be alive and get a chance to play at life. Am i thrilled every day? Nope, it’s ups and downs and exciting and mundane but overall i am positive and happy.
My only goal is really to learn and understand. to me, that’s my baby. lol. As Carl Sagan said, “understanding is a kind of ecstasy.” It’s pretty much orgasmic for me.
I don’t buy that just because we are driven to do something in the past (as a species) that it means that’s how it will always and should be. We make our own choices and meaning.
Hope this makes some sense. To be honest i thought i was going to get a lot of hate for posting that article. But it’s been something i have been thinking about for years (i was married 20 years, 3 years divorced) and am recently wondering if maybe i do just value being single over a relationship. It seems wrong to want that, and society says its wrong. I am never lonely or wanting. i actually found this forum when i was Googling “is it okay to be single forever” and the plate theory thread popped up.
Being single doesn’t mean i am alone or without companionship. i have experienced that when i choose to go out alone i meet WAY more people and have way more interesting adventures than when i go out with a date or when i did with my hubby. It’s like the world is there for me to explore and i don’t have the limits most of my friends have (kids, a partner, no money because of that).