What do you mean by this? I understand the biological side, but what about the Feminine Imperative and the girl inside?
She may not be as innocent as I thought. You’re right.
It was the worst head I’ve ever had. The lack of experience was evident. I guided her through the whole thing.
You were born into this western world. From your first breath you started learning and associating with your environment. Everything you have learned, you have done so to survive. As you can clearly notice even if a man is dimwitted, that the world has reversed the dynamic of our entire existence.
You have been raised in the Feminine Imperative. Even the very nature of your thoughts can be alloyed with it's teachings. The all powerful woman is artificially made so while the power and gifts of a man are purposely limited.
You have fallen for it. Men are the leaders. Many of your very thoughts are molded to make you subservient to the almighty powers of the pvssy. Its a false world. Its an illusion and you have bought into it.
If you knew your power and your gifts, a woman would not matter and it is your good graces when you let her in. Your gift to her. She brings nothing in this modern world. What has this woman given you that is so valuable that you would subject yourself to even her very first manipulation? Do you seek enslavement to the whims of her pursuit of laziness and life of luxury?
How will she serve you and your family? What has she given you that you think she is so worthy? She neither has your power of creation and understanding with the beauty of the male mind which you have been given. Not even her idea of love is the same as yours. Hers is completely conditional. Conditional based on your ability to serve her.
Yet you appear to seek enslavement as she does not have the ability to repay you. Yet in the Feminine Imperative she was born with the idea that men serve her. How did this happen? What forces are existing that the powerful and highly productive man, infinite in his capacity to create civilizations, is the production slave for a woman? To reward her with status and luxury of creature comforts for the rare thing called vagina?
What makes this woman so valuable? Explain it to me. If you cannot, its your biology and she has masterfully played you like a coveted Stradivarius violin. She is doing exactly what she was born to do modified by this ridiculous Feminine Imperative and you reduce your own power at the very thought of her. She doesn't want that type of man. She wants a man who was not tricked into the ways of the Imperative. A man who feels things like a woman and can't be trusted to stay a man is despicable. There's a girl still in you.