In the game of the " hearts (love, feelings, sex, passions etc) " women are the apex predators.Age is not the deciding factor when you push the limits. How and why you approach them is.
If you're going after young women just so that everyone thinks you're a super stud (they won't), you're focusing on how everyone else sees you, which is selfish and predatory. If you do this, people WILL be creeped out, and so will the women. Instead, do it because you're a guy who appreciates their beauty and likes them as a person. That's the key difference. That's the line between creep and not creep.
If you're trying to pump and dump 16 and 18 year olds just to feel better about yourself, you're doing the world a disservice and potentially ruining her.
We men are merely the "catch".
Where do you think that phrase come from?