messaging a girl im dating
, i played it more subtle since we never even kissed.
So.......you're dating a girl that you've never kissed before.
You also said this chick still lives with her parents. So I take it you two both must be in high school.
she consider the two of you to be "dating" as well?
she asks how im doing i answer ask about herself she answers "horny" i ask her if that was usual after she finished projects, and that i was all for it. She said that she likes to pleasure herself after stressfull projects. I told her she shouldnt be doing it all by herself. Then silence.
Hmm. Well...if you two have never even kissed,what makes you think you can just bypass that and just go straight to sex/and/or "pleasuring" her? And
WHY haven't you two kissed yet?
Have you tried and gotten turned down....or simply not tried at all? And you say you two "are dating"?
This is some Twilight Zone sh*t right here.
Whats the deal according to you guys??
I'm more interested in what
YOUR DEAL is,to be honest. Chicks play games and tease all the time,that's nothing new. But to be "dating" one whom you've yet to have even a single kiss with,that's what's odd.
Last dinner we had she told me how she had fun impersonating a younger girl to fish for pervs and enjoyed setting up appointments and teasing these people to then bale.
If that's the case....if she likes playing games and toying around with people,then why is her "I'm horny" then her disappearing such a shock to you? She straight up TOLD YOU what she likes to do and how she enjoys screwing around with people.
What,did you think she'd mess around with everyone else,but be straightforward only
with YOU?
You think you were the exception to her BS and games?