All Comes Down to Looks - Cold Hard Truth


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA

I've basically been saying the same thing myself for years.

She needs to find you good looking. Luckily there's a little more variance in that than most believe and so you really don't need to look like Brad Pitt. I banged a beautiful 17 year old half my age as an old man last year, and it was 100% because she thought I was good looking (even though no other girl in the whole place likely did!)

But yeah, it's about hitting the numbers game and finding them girls who think you're handsome, even if you aren't objectively good looking.

I actually saw 2 very miss matched couples last night when I was out hitting on girls. The bar girl was stunning and her boyfriend was a super nerdy looking, very average guy. (although it turned out he' pulled her when she was like 15 and he was 25 lol)

Another couple were strangers, but the dude was VERY short and again, kinda nerdy, super skinny, looked maybe Asian? Couldn#t qute tell. Weird looking little dude. And the girl was a sexy white girl. Not 'amazingly' hot, and slightly thick for me, but beautiful face, not fat and I'd have been very happy to smash her last night!

But yeah, I don't believe these 2 guys managed to get them because of 'game'. I think the girls simply had a slightly unusual idea of what they think 'hot' is. Same as me with that young girl I mentioned before. I'd love to pay myself on the back for my 'game' there, but fact is, she simply thought I was handsome and so made it super easy for me

If she thinks you're ugly or whatever, you won't get more than a few seconds to even try to convince her that you're attractive, and even if you do, it'll basically never happen. Game or on game

Even the 'top' PUA's get rejected LOADS (if they're not that good looking). But they're good at closing the 'maybe girls' and the 'yes girls'
Exactly! Its a numbers game and you hit on a girl that had the feeling of attraction for you resonate in her. Your game got you the rest of the way home.

There's pulling power and then there's staying power.

Pulling power is superficial. Man can grow old as time passes - looks will fade.

Staying power is what most of you gents lack and should be working on because it's for the long haul, and this is where men like Micheal Douglas pulls young women to be their wife's....and stays being their wife.

Staying power also generates pulling power.

Whilst looks/face only ever generates pulling power.
I think you mean controlling a relationship.. If so I agree and this is a completely different discussion. The girl needs to be attracted to you, you then have to reel her in and she has to invest in the relationship.... It all starts with attraction though.

Looks get you in the door. Game keeps her around. Nothing starts without looks.
Probably the most succinct and true way to state it. Thank you sir!

I wouldn't say looks, I'd say more your Aura/Vibe/Fashion
I think these should be congruent with your personality.. but trying to be something you're not because you think a girl is into that "style" won't work, trust me..

Vibe is body language.

Body language is a manifestation of the mindset of a man and his core personality (which he is born with/into).
Confidence, positive vibe or however you want to say it is needed and should be a core foundation of your game. However that alone won't get you a girl.. I believe that beneath the surface attraction needs to take place.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
LMS thats all, game or social skills can simply allow you to get the best of your potential or avoid damages.

The best driving skills are gonna help only to a certain degree if your car doesnt match top quality.

While Looks in order of importance score higher, Status and Money are not to be disregarded cause a man of high status will have a better body language and communication that will make him look even more attractive as much as moeny will allow him tools, clothes and a certain life style that will make him more interesting and able to afford more.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Because you’re focusing on looks.

Do you personally know each and every one of those lesser looking people you see all of the time or is this just a visual observation?

Obviously there would be other reasons other than looks for that pairing.

If an HB9 were a dead fish in the sack and an HB 7 was wild and rambunctious in the same way, I know who I’d spend more of my time with.

Money, social status, charm/charisma, etc. :All are factors that can skew the looks scale.

Looks definitely can play a significant role, sure, and it often does, but many people will forgo that factor for other benefits. To say only looks alone matter is not something I would agree with.

I have landed 9’s as a 7 with social status, and later on at one point, didn’t seem to fair much better than 7/8’s when I went through a lot of self improvements to be considered more of an 8+ myself but didn’t have the same social status as I had previously.

Everything factors in. Looks are relative.

When it is ONLY about looks, then you’re only going to see people in the same league pairing up.
Sorry I didn't respond to this amico. So attraction definitely works differentl for men versus women. Most men can find a girl objectively attractive and be willing to bang her without caring about her personality. A woman on the other hand has to feel attraction for a man which isn't based on objective looks. Yes your example of comparison versus an HB7 being better in the sack than an HB9 would have you choose her when faced with that binary decision... however the fact is you would have needed to bed both in order to make that conclusion on their sex skill... you bedded them based on physical attraction.

Money, social status, charm and charisma can certainly help with increasing attraction, but this is only if that initial attraction dare I say "spark" is there. The girls you landed were because they found you attractive... your game helped with escalating things and keeping them but they were attracted to your look.

"When it is ONLY about looks, then you’re only going to see people in the same league pairing up."

Maybe I read your first thread wrong... I thought you were saying that people in the same league pair up... It's not about objective looks but it is about looks. Someone that looks like Brad Pitt versus someone that looks like George Costanza could both have different women who finds one attractive versus the other, this is an example of what I'm trying to get across. Different looks of men resonate attraction differently in women... I've had fat average girls reject me and have hooked up with thin attractive girls and vice versa. Every girl will be different with what attracts them but they must be attracted to your looks...

LMS thats all, game or social skills can simply allow you to get the best of your potential or avoid damages.

The best driving skills are gonna help only to a certain degree if your car doesnt match top quality.

While Looks in order of importance score higher, Status and Money are not to be disregarded cause a man of high status will have a better body language and communication that will make him look even more attractive as much as moeny will allow him tools, clothes and a certain life style that will make him more interesting and able to afford more.
You can be confident, affluent, and generally attractive but if a girl sees you and something about your look doesn't spark feelings of attraction in her you're fighting an uphill battle.