I've basically been saying the same thing myself for years.
She needs to find you good looking. Luckily there's a little more variance in that than most believe and so you really don't need to look like Brad Pitt. I banged a beautiful 17 year old half my age as an old man last year, and it was 100% because she thought I was good looking (even though no other girl in the whole place likely did!)
But yeah, it's about hitting the numbers game and finding them girls who think you're handsome, even if you aren't objectively good looking.
I actually saw 2 very miss matched couples last night when I was out hitting on girls. The bar girl was stunning and her boyfriend was a super nerdy looking, very average guy. (although it turned out he' pulled her when she was like 15 and he was 25 lol)
Another couple were strangers, but the dude was VERY short and again, kinda nerdy, super skinny, looked maybe Asian? Couldn#t qute tell. Weird looking little dude. And the girl was a sexy white girl. Not 'amazingly' hot, and slightly thick for me, but beautiful face, not fat and I'd have been very happy to smash her last night!
But yeah, I don't believe these 2 guys managed to get them because of 'game'. I think the girls simply had a slightly unusual idea of what they think 'hot' is. Same as me with that young girl I mentioned before. I'd love to pay myself on the back for my 'game' there, but fact is, she simply thought I was handsome and so made it super easy for me
If she thinks you're ugly or whatever, you won't get more than a few seconds to even try to convince her that you're attractive, and even if you do, it'll basically never happen. Game or on game
Even the 'top' PUA's get rejected LOADS (if they're not that good looking). But they're good at closing the 'maybe girls' and the 'yes girls'