It’s not a slippery slope. Slippery slope is when you take an argument to a completely separate conclusion that is quite different from the argument’s form. For example, “if men can marry each other next thing you know my sink should be able to marry my dishwasher.” I simply took your argument to its logical conclusion.
Nope. You took it to the extreme, implying that I suggest a 5'7 man claim to be 6'3. But continue with your slippery slope distortions.
You said that lying about height doesn’t matter because you can win the woman over on the date. I argued that lying does matter, and you implicitly agree because you refuse to lie to the point that it becomes laughably obvious.
That's is my whole point. You lie to the extent with which you can get away with it, which I suggested as 3 inches.
Instead, you prefer to keep your lie to the point where there is an obvious deception (if you think someone can’t tell the difference between a man that’s 5’9 and a man that’s 6’0, you’re completely delusional) in the hopes the woman will forgive you. News flash: she won’t.
Look at your weak spin game. That's completely contradictory to what I said. No, your average person cannot tell the difference unless the 5'9 man stands next to a 6' man that says "Hi I'm 6' tall!" Most people don't care enough to make the distinction.
You're also blatantly clueless when it comes to overall appearance. Boots add 1.5 inches of height. Then it also comes down to body proportions. That 5'9 man with footwear can appear within an inch of a 6'0 man wearing sandals. This happens all the time.
By the way, I actually AM 6’3. And on every date I go on the woman tells me that she’s relieved I didn’t lie about my height, because “its the most common lie out there.” One actually wished there was an online blacklist for guys who lie about their height. They hate it.
Ahhhhh this explains why you're so butthurt over other men boosting their height. Again, here you are taking a woman's complaint literally. You have to get more experience in this arena.