Need to read the book if you’re gonna play his rules. You reach out once a week to set dates. Over time, she will begin to reach out to you in between those dates, and that is your cue to make the next date.
Now, there are exceptions. Like if she texts you the day after a first date to say she “had a good time, yadda yadda yadda” that is not an indication that it’s time to set the next date. Give it a few more days and initiate and setup then.
Basically that “rule” is in place so you don’t end up coming off needy or insecure and start messaging her all the time or right after dates to setup another date.
Also it does not mean that, once she is reaching out weekly to cue your initiation of a date proposal, that you should stop courting her. Otherwise she will lose interest and you’ll be left wanting to reach out all the time again since she is backing away.
Less is always more. His stuff isn’t rigid, but another tool to rely on. I’ve done the setting dates 1x weekly thing the last year and it’s gone well for me. Can be a little nerve-wracking to go a whole week between talking to or texting a girl you actually like a lot. For example, I have a second date tomorrow with a girl I had a first date with earlier last week. I haven’t spoken to her since last Friday (5 days now), and my plan is to text her tomorrow mid-day to let her know I’ll call her when I arrive to pick her up for the date that evening.
Like he says, “when you put a cake in the oven, if you go opening it every so often, it won’t bake properly”. It’s a good analogy with women and trying to maintain attraction.