Treating Woman Bad, Gets Better Results?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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It's not so much "treating them badly" but more about treating them indifferently

These guys do what they want, they dominate their environment, they don't make any special effort for anyone expect themselves and they NEVER act dopey. Women are highly attracted to them because they are constantly chasing validation and it's a challenge for them to "change" him. Of course, they never can.
So in most cases the woman can't change a man like this... So at some point she will up and leave, and settle for a Beta instead.

Or on the flip side.. She will CHANGE him, but then end up losing all interest, because he isn't the same guy anymore.


Mar 19, 2019
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Bad behavior requires correction. Tell them immediately when they've done something wrong. If they don't fix it, you walk away.


Mar 6, 2017
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So in most cases the woman can't change a man like this... So at some point she will up and leave, and settle for a Beta instead.

Or on the flip side.. She will CHANGE him, but then end up losing all interest, because he isn't the same guy anymore.
Yes! This! it always end the same way.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Actually makes sense. For some reason, doing the opposite with ladies in a personal relationship garners positive results. The reason? Simple. They are seeking your approval and attention. When you do not give it to them, they will chase it. It's called chasing the dragon.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
No being the good guy will get you more women than anything else. Being the nice guy will get you trampled, being the d!ck will get you some women,being the good guy who is a quality person and treats people with kindness and respect because that is who he is but is also not afraid to stand up for himself and speak his mind when needed will get you very far....that is the ttpe of guy women dream about meeting and when they do they wont let him go.
Agreed. Nice guys are fake and are to be avoided. You should be a good guy with a strong backbone. You say what's on your mind and be direct. Someone challenges you, you put them in their place and tolerate zero disrespect from anyone. You'll go far in life with the ladies as well in life in general following these ideals.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2017
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I’ve made a fair amount of women that have dealt with *******s their entire lives. When they run into me, I tend to switch between the ******* persona and the real me, according to the situation and it’s something different. Women aren’t used to it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I’ve made a fair amount of women that have dealt with *******s their entire lives. When they run into me, I tend to switch between the ******* persona and the real me, according to the situation and it’s something different. Women aren’t used to it.
Does it hook em?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I remember reading a psychology paper about what you are observing. I can't link the article, but to sum it up it essentially stated that women, or men, with a particular set of issues often are attracted to and fall into relationships with those who would be lower in empathy and are more self focused (narcissists, etc.). I could easily see how a clingy, unstable and insecure women would crave the attention and validation of a man who does not provide her much love or support. I think those with histrionic or borderlines might fall into this category, as the majority of those with these disorders are by and large female.

I have a friend who I would honestly say is a bit of a narcissist, albeit it isn't that bad to the point where no one likes him. Anyway, he has this woman who is a sort of FWB that he has sex with whenever he feels like it. He will literally just text her that he is coming over and he goes and does his thing. He offers her very little in regards to attention and it is quite apparent that is all she is to him, yet she pursues him relentlessly, texting him entire pages worth of crazy "love". I've actually met her and within a few minutes I could tell that there were some issues, as she came across as very immature for her age. I actually kind of feel bad for her but given what I've observed and heard he hasn't really done much to make her think that he wants anything more than that from her.

Now, I guarantee that if this woman was to meet a guy who had good intentions with her she would grow bored of him extremely quickly and lose interest. Crazy women are often a result of an unstable upbringing, which this young woman had, and by and large are drawn far more often to "bad boys".


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2017
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Does it hook em?
yeah, of course! They get both worlds-- the adventure that they seek and someone whom they can trust. I was explaining this same thing to my plate last night and she kinda got the hang of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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You can even just pretend to be that “bad boy”. A lot of times I will pretend I’m going to turn a huge water valve at a mill or shut off the electricity to something, and I can see that she absolutely loves that stuff.
It's a sad frigging world we live in when Atom Smasher - by all accounts a thoroughly decent guy - has to feign vandalism in order to attract a woman. I'd go total MGTOW first.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
"Treating Woman Bad, Gets Better Results?"


Yes, because kissing their ass, is extremely more unattractive. And, you end up in the friendzone.

Better to treat her like a woman. But, most guys are clueless in this area.

you have three options

1. treat her bad (a55holes and losers do this)

2. kiss her ass (orbiter woman worshippers do this)

3. joke around and HAVE FUN (DJ's do this)


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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"Treating Woman Bad, Gets Better Results?"


Yes, because kissing their ass, is extremely more unattractive. And, you end up in the friendzone.

Better to treat her like a woman. But, most guys are clueless in this area.

you have three options

1. treat her bad (a55holes and losers do this)

2. kiss her ass (orbiter woman worshippers do this)

3. joke around and HAVE FUN (DJ's do this)
Boom lolll


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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It's a sad frigging world we live in when Atom Smasher - by all accounts a thoroughly decent guy - has to feign vandalism in order to attract a woman. I'd go total MGTOW first.

In order to keep a woman these days... You simply just Cannot be yourself.

Being the caring, empathetic guys, doesn't get you chit.


Mar 22, 2019
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No man.. More like forgetting her Birthday.. Showing her little attention..

She tells you, she loves you.. You change the subject matter.

Robbing her while she sleeps (Joke)

You cancel the odd date (Intentionally)

You flirt and talk about other woman.

You tell her, she is letting herself go, and seems to be putting lots of weight on, when she is size 8

Just being a complete A Hole.
Don't treat them bad for the sake of it. But treat them like they deserve based on their individual actual.

All those examples you said seem like child's play to me. Search Google for pictures of domestic violence victims to see why I think that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
In order to keep a woman these days... You simply just Cannot be yourself.

Being the caring, empathetic guys, doesn't get you chit.
The is why self improvement is so important. People need to progress, some need to go as far as reinventing themselves.

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

- Socrates


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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In order to keep a woman these days... You simply just Cannot be yourself.
I be myself. I refuse NOT to be myself. If I couldn't get a woman without being myself, it wouldn't be worth it to me.

Having said that, I make no claim to being the most caring, empathic guy. I do care, and I make no attempt to hide it (which is not to say I care about every little thing, but I certainly care about her overall well being, and I see NOTHING wrong with that, I don't care what "DJs" say). But I am also naturally aloof, fiercely independent, and self respect is very important to me. Along with that self respect means that I don't have to air all my dirty laundry with her - I'm not going to expose all my weaknesses because I'm a man and I will wrestle with those myself. There's no need to tell her any more than she needs to know in that regard. Men are supposed to be strong, and that's a good gender role to model yourself after.

But I don't feel I have to fake any "bad boy" nonsense to attract or keep women, and I've never had to. If she doesn't like me for who I am, seriously, she can go fvck herself.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
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The last girl I pulled was a legit 8. She had a perfect 10 body and a face if a 7.5. So I'd round her up to an 8. But she was sitting down and I couldn't tell how hot she was. I thought she was a typical 6 to 7 range that I usually get without effort. Here were some of the things I did during the interaction:

*Forgot her name
*Told her I was drunk
*Kept cracking self amusing jokes
*Placed my hand on her lower back touching her bare skin and kept going below her thong and grabbing her ass cheeks (she told me a few times to move my hand up an inch or 2
*Generally treated her as if I didn't care if she validated me or not
*Kept trying to escalate with no fear she would walk away
*Her friends were looking at me and I called them 12 year old kids (They were all 21)

I was basically completely unreactive/indifferent and self amusing throughout while shamelessly copping feels and kept escalating.

But when she stood up, I almost supplicated. I almost reverted to pedestalizing her. I couldn't believe I didn't realize she was that hot.

Women are attracted hypergamy. It does not mean that if she is an 8, then you have to be a 9. It's not an exact science. It means that if she is an 8, your frame has to be able to "contain" her. Some guys act perfect and indifferent around 6's but lose their frame around 8's. I am guilty of that myself.

I wouldn't call it treating women bad. It's more like active indifference. You are indifferent but actively trying to seduce her. What most guys talk about on this site is "passive indifference." Passive indifference is actually reacting to her. You are pretending to be indifferent because she is hot, thinking that it will work. But she sees through your facade and calls your bluff by flirting with other guys to drive you crazy.

The only true form of indifference is the type Chads, douchebags, and players, use. The type where they sexually escalate, treat her like a little girl, and don't give a fvck if it works out or not. This is how you "contain" really hot women within your frame.
Pretty much in line with my view and agree it's so important to keep our **** together

I will add this - When I think back to some of my successful lay's I realize I barely did ANYTHING

No action at all is a form of indifference

For example, will you be seeing this 8 again?

Whenever I get too frisky on first meeting (a non-date) it tends to never go full-lay

It's like they have your validation so there's no need to see you again

Purely getting the number and "moving on" always works


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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I be myself. I refuse NOT to be myself. If I couldn't get a woman without being myself, it wouldn't be worth it to me.

Having said that, I make no claim to being the most caring, empathic guy. I do care, and I make no attempt to hide it (which is not to say I care about every little thing, but I certainly care about her overall well being, and I see NOTHING wrong with that, I don't care what "DJs" say). But I am also naturally aloof, fiercely independent, and self respect is very important to me. Along with that self respect means that I don't have to air all my dirty laundry with her - I'm not going to expose all my weaknesses because I'm a man and I will wrestle with those myself. There's no need to tell her any more than she needs to know in that regard. Men are supposed to be strong, and that's a good gender role to model yourself after.

But I don't feel I have to fake any "bad boy" nonsense to attract or keep women, and I've never had to. If she doesn't like me for who I am, seriously, she can go fvck herself.
I like this.. It comes down to NATURAL traits.

Myself i'm quite reserved with woman, in the sense that I don't discuss my private issues or problems I might be experiencing.. I keep that shyte to myself.

Naturally i'm not what you would consider a romantic guy.. I do show some affection here and there, but I control how much love I give out to them.

I come down VERY hard on disrespect.. Any games or drama/bad behaviour gets dealt with or I simply downgrade to fuk material or walk away.

However I still feel i'm a little too empathetic and caring.. Nothing wrong with occasionally fukin with them.. Letting them down.

It boils down to the TYPE of woman you are dealing with.

If your dating a chick who has consistently CHOSEN to have long term relationships with Narcissistic Azzholes.. Then the CARING good guy isn't going to last long.

The good guy isn't what she is USED to or someone who can keep her addicted.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If your dating a chick who has consistently CHOSEN to have long term relationships with Narcissistic Azzholes.. Then the CARING good guy isn't going to last long..
Those girls definitely exist, however I consider them to be toxic. You have to have standards.

I don't really consider myself to be that good of a person. I'm well aware of my flaws. I tend to be selfish and self centered. I'm not proud of that though, and I would like to change it, up to a point anyway. That said, I will definitely tease my girlfriend, it fits well with my (somewhat) witty personality. But I'm not going to purposely set her up to let her down just to maintain some sort of push/pull effect, that would be asinine IMO, and I can't be bothered with it.