Treating Woman Bad, Gets Better Results?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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First off all guys, I am absolutely NOT advocating we go around treating woman like shyte.

I am just curious.. Over the years, I have met a considerable amount of woman, who have claimed that the EX was a complete A HOLE.

Yet these very same women stuck to these guys like glue for a good 10 years & more, even had children with them.

How is this even possible?

01.Either these women are always lying about how bad the EX was...

02.Or they are attracted to the guy who treats them like shyte, but occasionally rewards them with a little love & attention.

03. Or they simply stick around for the sake of the kids.

What are your thoughts on this matter?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
If he treats her badly and she stays and eats it up, it’s what her subconscious mind needs and she’s likely damaged beyond repair…
Correct answer. If you are treating her poorly, like openly disrespecting her, or hitting her, or cheating on her, or controlling her (or whatever other abusive behavior you can come up with)...and she keeps coming back...she is just as much of the problem. Best not to deal with these women, they are damaged goods.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Whats bad? Having your own priorities?

No man.. More like forgetting her Birthday.. Showing her little attention..

She tells you, she loves you.. You change the subject matter.

Robbing her while she sleeps (Joke)

You cancel the odd date (Intentionally)

You flirt and talk about other woman.

You tell her, she is letting herself go, and seems to be putting lots of weight on, when she is size 8

Just being a complete A Hole.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
It's not so much "treating them badly" but more about treating them indifferently

These guys do what they want, they dominate their environment, they don't make any special effort for anyone expect themselves and they NEVER act dopey. Women are highly attracted to them because they are constantly chasing validation and it's a challenge for them to "change" him. Of course, they never can.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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No man.. More like forgetting her Birthday.. Showing her little attention..

She tells you, she loves you.. You change the subject matter.

Robbing her while she sleeps (Joke)

You cancel the odd date (Intentionally)

You flirt and talk about other woman.

You tell her, she is letting herself go, and seems to be putting lots of weight on, when she is size 8

Just being a complete A Hole.
Old school men shyt before we worried too much. The "timing" and polarity got messed upp


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
If you are treating her poorly, like openly disrespecting her, or hitting her, or cheating on her, or controlling her (or whatever other abusive behavior you can come up with)...and she keeps coming back...she is just as much of the problem.
That’s too extreme.

I think the question was more about; supplicating, being too polite, never getting upset, never initiating sex, never arguing, always giving in. These are the guys who usually have issues “he’s a gentlemen.”

Beating her up or having sex with another woman is a different ballgame.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Correct answer. If you are treating her poorly, like openly disrespecting her, or hitting her, or cheating on her, or controlling her (or whatever other abusive behavior you can come up with)...and she keeps coming back...she is just as much of the problem. Best not to deal with these women, they are damaged goods.
Yeah but the problem is there’s TONS AND TONS of women like this out there.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
That’s too extreme.

I think the question was more about; not supplicating, being too polite, never getting upset, never initiating sex, never arguing, always giving in. These are the guys who usually have issues “he’s a gentlemen.”

Beating her up or having sex with another woman is a different ballgame.
Got it, misunderstood the OP.

Of course things like indifference, not being too polite, not arguing, never giving in, are going to be more attractive to women. It's what we talk about here literally nonstop. But you gotta feed em scraps so they can cling to that one thing you did 2 months ago to make her feel all special and wonderful. Then you go right back to fvcking her like an animal, cancel a date, disappear for a week, etc.

What happens though usually for men of congruence that don't want a relationship, is eventually she will want one. And good women will not stick around forever chasing a man who doesn't hold the same relationship value that she does. A good woman will leave. If he succumbs to a relationship with her she will expect him to do more relationshippy things..and when he doesn't he becomes in her eyes "an a$$hole." Yet he keeps feeding her scraps to keep her around. He takes her away on a weekend trip and treats her great, then creates chaos in her life by disappearing as soon as they get home and telling her they can't move in together.

When a woman is in chaos the guy is an "a$$hole." She attributes a negative word to something she can't understand. It's why if a woman says oh "he was such a nice guy" about an ex you can dismiss him. If she says "he was a great guy but kind of an a$$" then you need to watch out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Got it, misunderstood the OP.

Of course things like indifference, not being too polite, not arguing, never giving in, are going to be more attractive to women. It's what we talk about here literally nonstop. But you gotta feed em scraps so they can cling to that one thing you did 2 months ago to make her feel all special and wonderful. Then you go right back to fvcking her like an animal, cancel a date, disappear for a week, etc.

What happens though usually for men of congruence that don't want a relationship, is eventually she will want one. And good women will not stick around forever chasing a man who doesn't hold the same relationship value that she does. A good woman will leave. If he succumbs to a relationship with her she will expect him to do more relationshippy things..and when he doesn't he becomes in her eyes "an a$$hole." Yet he keeps feeding her scraps to keep her around. He takes her away on a weekend trip and treats her great, then creates chaos in her life by disappearing as soon as they get home and telling her they can't move in together.

When a woman is in chaos the guy is an "a$$hole." She attributes a negative word to something she can't understand. It's why if a woman says oh "he was such a nice guy" about an ex you can dismiss him. If she says "he was a great guy but kind of an a$$" then you need to watch out.
All true 1000%! I’ve been dating girls that flat out told me their ex before me contacted them and sent them pics of them with other girls and how she’d been crying all day about it. Now, you may ask yourself “why don’t you just block his number or social media?” and the answer is because the guy still has all of her emotions in his favor! The bastard can be across the country and you’re sitting right next to her but right then you better tell yourself “I’m fvcked”. I don’t like messing with damaged women because I honestly don’t have the want to, to play the game on their level. I can but I don’t want to deal with all that.


Mar 19, 2019
Reaction score
Q: Treating women bad gets better results?

A: Try it and find out.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Knowing women who have done this, I'd say it's option 2 combined with very low self-esteem.

There is an important thing to note though, it's their ex and that's why it's their ex. Many get out of it eventually, some don't learn and do it all over again, some others stay fearful of men and stay single and some find better men. Some also never get out of it because of fear and a sustained low self-esteem.

My female cousin was with a guy some years ago, this guy was a completely manipulative psycho. He was well behaved in public to give everyone the impression he was a good guy, when it was just them though, oh boy was he a jerk. He didn't fool me though, but I'm unusually skilled at seeing the subtle signs. My cousin had very low self-esteem, had a hard time breaking up with him even though she really didn't like what he did. She didn't know what to do and fear is what made her stay, certainly not any form of attraction. I tried talking sense into her every time, eventually she made an exit plan.

She got home to their apartment, packed her stuff while he was away and went to our aunt until she could find an apartment. He then revealed who he truly was to everyone. The texts he sent was pathetic and psychotic. It got bad enough that he got a restraining order.

Having seen that entire process as it developed I can see how it's not so easy to get away from such guys. It's not rational, but rationality isn't what drives situations like that, it's blinding fear. It's easy to sit on the outside think they're dumb for not doing X, Y or Z, but it is in fact totally different to be in their state of mind. I know that state of mind myself, the solution in my case was so incredibly simple, but at that time I was simply incapable of realizing it.

So my thoughts on this is that most likely the fewest of members on this forum will ever truly understand it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Generally speaking, I think the girls who are attracted to abusive behavior are NOT the girls you want to keep around.

Secondly, the girl may be attracted to the guy for other reasons - maybe he's exceptionally hot and that's why she's so fixated on him. It isn't necessarily that he treats her badly. Picture a chode type guy treating her badly, would she eat that up? I doubt it. But with many girls, once the guy has sex with her, she's emotionally hooked.

It's true that you don't want to be boring or supplicating, but I don't think you have to go so far as to treat her badly to avoid that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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I’ll say this, going that extra mile to treat women good will get you less women than treating them bad. Being the good guy is so engrained into guys heads that it’s hard to overcome and act the opposite because it doesn’t feel natural and has been taught your whole life.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Women are attracted to boldness and audacity. It’s a huge turn on for them because they lack these qualities.

A holes have this in spades. It’s a drug.

The trick is to display boldness and audacity in a controlled fashion. You can still be a decent man yet thrill her with audacity and risky behavior. You’ve got to throttle it according to instinct and what’s appropriate for any situation.

When I’m out with my girl I notice she gets a deep thrill when I do things that could get us into trouble.

This way you can provide that thrill for her while still remaining classy.

Edit: You can even just pretend to be that “bad boy”. A lot of times I will pretend I’m going to turn a huge water valve at a mill or shut off the electricity to something, and I can see that she absolutely loves that stuff. It engages her imagination and thrills her, because I “just might” actually go through with it.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I’ll say this, going that extra mile to treat women good will get you less women than treating them bad. Being the good guy is so engrained into guys heads that it’s hard to overcome and act the opposite because it doesn’t feel natural and has been taught your whole life.
No being the good guy will get you more women than anything else. Being the nice guy will get you trampled, being the d!ck will get you some women,being the good guy who is a quality person and treats people with kindness and respect because that is who he is but is also not afraid to stand up for himself and speak his mind when needed will get you very far....that is the ttpe of guy women dream about meeting and when they do they wont let him go.