As one gets older (for the man), the sex becomes less and less important. Yes, it's wonderful, but the payment becomes less and less worth it for the access. The ladies may be laughing, but at the men who just turn away and not play their games. I guess it goes back to frame. I sometimes need to take a break from a month or two from dating. The ladies, in the end, are just fooling themselves.
Technology is driving people and relationships away, not making them better. Yes, pvssy is available and easier now more than ever, but at what price? I can only speak for myself, but rinse and repeating with a new lady or several ladies gets tiring. I'd rather go to the gym and workout with my MMA buds. At least I can still be a man there.
Any man than puts up with anything that goes against his own beliefs with a lady just for access is heading for a hard crash into a wall. Even the men with the strongest frame would still have to put up with a lady's emotional changes during different times of the hour, day, week, month, year. Once she suggests or does something you don't like, a man needs to walk away. If she comes after you, then she'll be back in your frame, if a man puts up with it or chases after her, he's in her frame and things will just get worse.
It a sad fact of relationships in this day an age. Not just for average men, but for high powered men too.