if she's worth a damn then yeah, shes probaly sick and tired of disgusting betas falling in love with her acting FXVKING insane.
I've experienced and seen the chit girls go through with plates/ ex boyfriends first hand and it's demented the way heartbroken betas act when they can't cuff their princess.
needs to be said girls with mental issues get off on making guys go crazy and fuel the behavior..
and other girls who are sweet humans simply do not want any part of that non sense and don't get off on drama.
(yes, these girls exist, pretty ones to
also needs to be said girls who date around will meet great guys they like alot at first but those same guys will flip out later down the road, hence she asked you to not fall for her.
so don't take everything girls say negative as a false flag, some just want some damn peice and quite with a happy life.
instead of the endless river of crying beta males who won't leave them alone xD