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Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,

My first post. I've only been lurking these hallowed threads for a few days after reading the Book of Pook.

A little background. I'm Korean-American. I was born in South Korea, immigrated to the US when I was a child.

I was born out of wedlock and an only child. Mother a devout Christian, Father not. Father was a angry drunk and a ladies man but over the years he has toned down and become a Christian man.

My youth, I fantasized about girls but did nothing to approach them. I've had many girls show interest in me but my thought was I don't see myself with them for a long period of time and I don't want to hurt their feelings, so I never pursued them or allowed them to pursue me.

I ended up sleeping with a co-worker in my late 20's who was in a relationship. That opened the flood gates and I went on a bit of a tear through girls.
One day my roommate asked me a question, he asked, "Do you feel a sense of elation or joy after you have sex with these girls you bring home?"

I thought about it and the answer was No, I didn't. It felt like more like work. After that I stopped dating and sleeping with women for awhile.

I met a girl I really liked and she liked me then she got pregnant. I wanted to have a child but she didn't. She pursued an abortion and there was nothing I could do about it
because she had done it before telling me. I stopped any sort of pursuit of woman for 10 years, I kept to myself.

Age 40 rolled around, being an only child and the responsibility of having a progeny and a legacy for my parents was fed to me on the daily.

I met a girl online, she had a lot of personal family problems but she showed high interest and for whatever reason I just thought maybe this was the time and this was the girl. I was wrong, reading these forums showed to me, I was irresponsible and foolish. I was not a man.

Luckily, we didn't have kids but the experience has really shaken up my being, my life.

I've been divorced a year now and been in the process of rebuilding my life. All of my old interests hold no value to me now and are no longer fun.

This past September I started going to strip clubs, just because I hated being home alone with nothing to do. I started reading and watching YouTube videos on pickup which eventually lead me here. I started driving Uber as a side hustle to fund my stripper nights and to tell myself I'm being fiscally responsible.

I live near a big metropolitan city but the city I live in is I would say the boon docks.

SO yeah that's my background, hope it didn't put you to sleep. I thought it might be useful for the next piece.

Sometimes I'm left wondering why certain girls don't approach me. What's weird is some girls give me a look of disdain that I don't understand where it's coming from.
I'm usually neutral to them when I speak and I've been told I come off smug and glib by my co-workers. I don't have many 'friends' and one I do care about are married with kids doing their own things.

Here are some instances, let me know what you think.

She has a boyfriend and she's very selective of who she gives lap dances to. I'd say she's a 9 in her mid twenties. I've seen her a few times and she's always making small talk to me as she makes her rounds after dancing but I didn't speak to her. I just smiled and observed.

One day she said her grandmother passed away and she looked sad. I asked her for a dance and I'll give her some cuddle time to which she said, you're so mysterious and proceeded to tell me about how there was a group of awkward guys that asked her for a dance just before but she turned them down but she said she would give me one because I smelled nice.

In the lap dance room, she took my jacket and hung it up and I moved into give her a hug. She said, you feel so nice, that sweater is so soft. I said yeah it's cashmere, it's supposed to be soft. She said where did you get it, I said Amazon. She laughed and didn't believe me. She started her routine, I said I just wanted to hug her. She started feeling me up and lifted up my sweater and said you have an amazing body. In my mind I had no idea what the fvck was going on. I just smiled and didn't say anything.

then she complimented my nipples and asked if she can kiss them. I said sure. We hugged again and I played with her hair then I grabbed a chunk of her hair and gave it a nice tug to which she said, see. mysterious and laughed. She was giggly the whole time. There was a lot more but I can't really express it all in order as it's been awhile.

We spent 15 minutes at which point she said we should get out of the room, I don't want to take all of your money to which I answered I thought it was your job to take all of my money. I didn't tease her anymore and walked out to pay. She asked when are you coming back and I said i'm never coming back. At the time I thought I was done with strip clubs.

Couple of weeks later, I'm back. I ask her for a dance. She says maybe. I see her walk out so I thought she left. I left.
Next week, I ask her for a dance. She says you asked last time and you left. I said I saw you leave so I thought you left. Her response, maybe.
I stayed for a few extra songs, she didn't come, she went to talk to a old timer she always talks to instead. so I left.

Should I read into anything here other than, she just doesn't feel like doing dances?

She's a 9 in her early twenties. I've seen her a few times at the club. She makes good eye contact and is friendly. She's a busy girl, usually has a lot of older gentlemen take her to the champagne room. I asked her for a dance one night but she had a queue of dudes so I left. I asked another night and she broke a nail while pole dancing and was bleeding. So I left. One night I didn't even ask her but she apologized for not getting to me, I said it was OK. I teased her a little bit and she rushed over and said alright lets go.

We walk in and she proceeds to stand on the sofa and shove her ass in my face. I said this is nice but I want to see your face. She came down and straddled me. We locked eyes and just enjoyed each other. She was surprised. She thought I just wanted to hump her. She complimented me by saying I was really sensual. We spent 20 minutes to which she said let's get out of here and talk at the bar. She was just a open well of information. She told me she had 4 jobs, was having relationship problems with her guy who she brought women home for, she liked older guys, was going to vacation in Florida for her birthday etc... It was overwhelming. She gave me her number and told me to text her with my name. She had to go on stage and I left.
She messaged me a few times but went cold. I haven't seen her at the club.

she's a 9. she's 18. I've seen her a few times but wasn't really interested. One night she approached me and we had a long talk. She told me how she was into crystals and meditation and how she could feel people with her touch and got vibes from them. That piqued my interest so I said let's go for a dance. She was pleasant, we spent 40 minutes just staring at each other, touching each other and having fun. I tried to kiss her but she said she doesn't do that and gave me kisses on my neck. I saw her on another night but we just talked at the bar. The other night there was a porn star visiting and I went to see if the club was any busier/better. She was working that night, I saw her looking at me a few times roaming about the club and after awhile she sat down next to me and we talked for a good 30 minutes before she left to make her rounds. It was 1:30 close to closing time, I drank too much and was tired. I was watching the Pacquio fight. She came back around and just stood in front of me so I asked whats up hows your night. She said slow, there's no one to really go see so I figured I'd come see you but there were still a lot of people in the club. Maybe it was the beta in me but I felt sorry for her so I said let's go for a dance. We made out and she told me how comfortable I was. I said we should date, her response was I had a bad experience and I said well that's not me and left it at that. I was playing with her nipples with my fingers and I said you should come home with me right now. I didn't make eye contact and she didn't say anything and as I was about to look up at her the lights went on and it was time to leave.

I have more but those are what stand out to me and I didn't realize how long it would take to post this. I'm sure I'm leaving details out as well.

Any feedback is appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Going to strip bars is not helping you in any way. If you want to buy sex, use whatever web site is popular for that, probably seeking arrangement. If you want to get better with women, go talk to women who are not making money to talk to guys. Strippers are the most notorious, but that includes waitresses and bar tenders. They talk to you because that is their job. And the more they make you believe that is not what is going on, the more money they make.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Going to strip bars is not helping you in any way. If you want to buy sex, use whatever web site is popular for that, probably seeking arrangement. If you want to get better with women, go talk to women who are not making money to talk to guys. Strippers are the most notorious, but that includes waitresses and bar tenders. They talk to you because that is their job. And the more they make you believe that is not what is going on, the more money they make.

Well that's one of the issues. I don't really have a convenient outlet to meet women. Strip bar is also pretty good for people watching and getting outside of my head for me it's kind of therapeutic so far.

I understand the limitations and the frames but as people on these forums have said, actions not words. I'm trying to confirm my intuitions or disconfirm them.

I didn't find your feedback of much use as I don't think you've really read what I wrote, but thank you for your time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Serious question is serious... If your father is a angry dtunk, why did your Korean mother get plowed by him? Sounds made up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
So is your question why don't women approach you?

Or why they give you a look of disdain?

Or why stripper #1 only wants to smash?

Tbh, I don't think you can make any conclusions as to how you are with women based on experience with strippers. Specifically because of what Bible_Belt said.

And in your response to him, you said you don't have any outlets to women. Your problem is that you don't have any hobbies, which you said yourself. Women are all over the place. There's 7 billion people on Earth and the only stream of women you can find is a strip club? You don't meet women in Ubers? You don't have any classes in your area teaching skills? Do you play a sport? Bookstores in your area?

Anyways, you should help us help you by clarifying what your question is. The stories were a fun read but iono what you want haha


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
So is your question why don't women approach you?

Or why they give you a look of disdain?

Or why stripper #1 only wants to smash?

Tbh, I don't think you can make any conclusions as to how you are with women based on experience with strippers. Specifically because of what Bible_Belt said.

And in your response to him, you said you don't have any outlets to women. Your problem is that you don't have any hobbies, which you said yourself. Women are all over the place. There's 7 billion people on Earth and the only stream of women you can find is a strip club? You don't meet women in Ubers? You don't have any classes in your area teaching skills? Do you play a sport? Bookstores in your area?

Anyways, you should help us help you by clarifying what your question is. The stories were a fun read but iono what you want haha

Think that's part of my problem. I don't know what I want. Tbh I enjoy chilling at a strip bar on shrooms. It helps me see a lot of things I don't normally see and removes my ego.

I had hobbies but they don't hold my attention anymore. I used to play a lot of sports, I was a professional esports gamer, I'm a partnered twitch streamer, I was a lot of things.

Recently I got into one dollar origami :)


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Serious question is serious... If your father is a angry dtunk, why did your Korean mother get plowed by him? Sounds made up.
She's 5'6 He is 5'10. She refused to date men shorter than her or tall as.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
Think that's part of my problem. I don't know what I want. Tbh I enjoy chilling at a strip bar on shrooms. It helps me see a lot of things I don't normally see and removes my ego.

I had hobbies but they don't hold my attention anymore. I used to play a lot of sports, I was a professional esports gamer, I'm a partnered twitch streamer, I was a lot of things.

Recently I got into one dollar origami :)
Could be. I, too am at a point where I'm having to rediscover what I like. I'm about 1 year out of a LTR which we both relied on each other heavily. This meant that a big part of my identity was her and same for her. And that relationship was during a very developmental time in my life- college. As a result of not being together, I needed to reconnect with wtf I like to do - which I should've never lost sight of.

So, I've been trying a lot of things. Doing things I find interesting. Meeting a ton of new people. Origami sounds cool, check and see if there's any origami meetups in the area. Ask people what they enjoy doing and give it a shot. My point is you gotta give it some effort to really figure it out. Your new hobbies won't just be at your doorstep tomorrow morning after you just lay there. Explore the world, brother - on shrooms if you must. There's so much more to see and do.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
What do you want? A legacy and kids and a family? Or strippers?

If you try to mix the two you are in the deepest shyt you could possibly imagine.

They are prostitutes bro. This isn’t “pretty woman”. I have been described as a cuck and a feminist on this forum countless times, but even I know strippers are for fvcking and not for wifeing up. She needs to end her career and never, ever reveal that to the man she intends to marry if she wants that.

Strippers are even worse than escorts. At least escorts are honest with themselves.

My guess is, like I found post 30, you’re struggling to meet suitable women and the strip club is like a woman store to you.

Go online, to a paid for site. Work as hard as you can on it for a few months and you will find a few gems.

Alternatively, pick up a girl from a pre feminist society. Thai, Russia, Vietnam, China, South America....they will be more than happy to be rescued and despite the scaremongering, if you select correctly with a girl you click with , will last longer with you than most western women. And you’ll have an option of early retirement.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
She's 5'6 He is 5'10. She refused to date men shorter than her or tall as.
That's not what I asked.

If he is a drunk, she picked the wrong man or she lied and he left her.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
That's not what I asked.

If he is a drunk, she picked the wrong man or she lied and he left her.
not sure what you asked then. maybe you can re-frame the question.

I stated the facts, you can believe or not believe as that is always up to you.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
What do you want? A legacy and kids and a family? Or strippers?

If you try to mix the two you are in the deepest shyt you could possibly imagine.

They are prostitutes bro. This isn’t “pretty woman”. I have been described as a cuck and a feminist on this forum countless times, but even I know strippers are for fvcking and not for wifeing up. She needs to end her career and never, ever reveal that to the man she intends to marry if she wants that.

Strippers are even worse than escorts. At least escorts are honest with themselves.

My guess is, like I found post 30, you’re struggling to meet suitable women and the strip club is like a woman store to you.

Go online, to a paid for site. Work as hard as you can on it for a few months and you will find a few gems.

Alternatively, pick up a girl from a pre feminist society. Thai, Russia, Vietnam, China, South America....they will be more than happy to be rescued and despite the scaremongering, if you select correctly with a girl you click with , will last longer with you than most western women. And you’ll have an option of early retirement.
I've heard the same sentiment about strippers a few times. I guess I will come to a realization soon enough, I feel it coming, about strip bars anyway.

I would also say with technology a lot of the cultures that were not influenced by the western world are now heavily influenced, business saw to that.

I think that's why the book of pook is a great resource, because at the end of the day, it's all about you, your self-worth, your drive, your reality.

Our perception is our reality. We live in a shared reality. Hive mind mentality is what we want to get away from, but even on this forum there are people with the collective mindset feeding the masses. I've only seen a few real standouts on this forum that really think on their own and outside the box as they say.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score

For 20y old 9/10 stripper you are just a money bag. You are too old for them and too low quality and not CHAD or bad boy enough.

You seriously need to get your **** together. What you are doing right now is just pointless.

Best idea would be to concentrate on your own business, building income, changing life around you. Doing what you do now... You are sentenced to fail mate.

And what's with that entitlement on these boards to go after 9/10 chicks from looks only? Half of guys here are like SMV 6/10 tops probably. Aim @ your potential success level. 9/10 doing you and dating you OP is a mirage. Fool's gold.

You'd need to turn what you are doing right now by +/- 150 degree to get a real low chance shot at such a woman. I recommend you to get your shi.te together first.

not pointless as it brought me to people like you :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I suggest you get a red pill treatment immediately (this is a red pill forum really) it's ok to go after women but it needs to be done with a strategic plan really.

Start with "no hookers" and "no strippers", it's ok to **** around with 6/10's or even lower if it is still achieved through the Game. Paying for sex or scent of it is just a "no".
Its disrespecting yourself.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Shrooms at a strip bar? I have never heard of that one. Most people prefer to be out in nature when on shrooms.
Yup. Shrooms and Molly. It's an experience.

Not sure why people seem taken a back.

I highly endorse it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I have done well over a lifetime's worth of mushrooms. But quite honestly, Molly is for losers who are too young and ignorant to get mushrooms. You spend the night thinking that you are the world's greatest dancing sensation, to the hilarious entertainment of people not on molly. I had a guy dirty dancing with a urinal next to me in the bathroom, feeling it up and everything while he peed. And then the next morning, your brain is melted. You are basically retarded for the next day or two, like after having crappy acid. Obviously I dont mean you, specifically, but just everyone else i have ever seen do molly.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
not sure what you asked then. maybe you can re-frame the question.

I stated the facts, you can believe or not believe as that is always up to you.
Female logic blames banishment of the father on his alcoholism, drug use or abuse combined with female logic. If she is truthful she ****ed up pickin an ifiot to **** lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Yup. Shrooms and Molly. It's an experience.

Not sure why people seem taken a back.

I highly endorse it.
Shrooms yes. Molly? Meh. Prefer acid, mescaline, dmt, and ayahuasca.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Shrooms yes. Molly? Meh. Prefer acid, mescaline, dmt, and ayahuasca.
well it's more about control. I'm not looking to have a full blown episode. it's just to elevate my game.

control the dose, remove the ego, see things for what they are without any previous learned habits.

I just find shrooms easier to dose, don't feel like liquifying acid to dose.

All the other stuff you mentioned aren't really micro-dosable and I like to remain in full control.

I had one bad experience where I didn't test a strain prior to going out. I was stuck in the club frozen in fear and anxiety.

I saw girl's faces melting, whithering, aging. Their bodies shriveling, melting, getting thinner then ballooning. I'd close my eyes and I'd see white LED fireworks. I felt like everyone was staring at me, into my soul, like I was exposed. Watching a dancer's ass was like a 3D show. Music was also a weapon. Every note and beat was like a needle jab into my psyche. I kept telling myself it's alright, just breathe and I survived. That was a lesson and a experience.