So today I think I totally blew it with a cute girl I probably could have bagged. My issue as of recently is that if the girl doesn't ask me any questions, I assume that they are just being friendly. I do not assume a romantic agenda. I was talking to a chick at work ( who I won't see again) and we were vibing. She stayed around after when she didn't have to. Even though she was super into the convo she didn't ask anything about me. In my years of talking to chicks I have noticed that them being curious about you is a huge indication of interest. I was waiting for that IOI in order to go for the kill. Otherwise I just assume they are being friendly.
I should have jumped on it and asked for her number. I should have given her mine. But the regret is killing me. As a guy you have to vigilant 100% because you never know when you get that chance. Its tough though because some days you are off your game and don't want to over read a situation. There have been times when I have assumed attraction, then the girl was like " I was just being friendly, I have a bf''. So these days I am overly cautious. I only strike if it is super obvious. The problem with this is that you also may miss oppurtunities. Long story short, I blew it and its bugging me badly. Work day game is tricky.
I should have jumped on it and asked for her number. I should have given her mine. But the regret is killing me. As a guy you have to vigilant 100% because you never know when you get that chance. Its tough though because some days you are off your game and don't want to over read a situation. There have been times when I have assumed attraction, then the girl was like " I was just being friendly, I have a bf''. So these days I am overly cautious. I only strike if it is super obvious. The problem with this is that you also may miss oppurtunities. Long story short, I blew it and its bugging me badly. Work day game is tricky.