Social circle is generally not worth it in terms of time invested, headaches from gossip, jealous ****blocking guys, jealous girls who become enraged if you don't hook up with them.
These days, I minimally invest in social circle. I use it for light social proof, I chat casually with people I know but if you get drawn in, they're like a boat anchor making it just a little more difficult for other women to approach you and just a little too convenient to stick around with your circle rather than approaching others.
So what if some in your "circle" get pissed off because you are "ignoring" them. What recourse do they have? Are they gonna sue? They like the pleasure of my company so they can't resist anyway. Remember, a light touch. Spend just enough time so that you're "friends" with at least some in your circle/s, but not so much that you get too comfortable with them and feel constrained in approaching others and vice versa.