I'm about to give up, i have no idea what's wrong.


New Member
Jan 19, 2019
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I've been a lurker for the last couple of months, but i believe it is time for me to ask advice now. It'll be long.

For some background, as i type in these words, some sort of dread is coming upon me, as i think that it is time for me to open up to someone or some community before i lose my mind. Years ago i met redpill and i've been reading, and trying to apply some/most of the principles there. As soon as i met them, my journey on self improvement started. I've started reading books, lifting, eating healthy and ****. Below is a list of what i do;

- I lift four days a week.
- I eat healthy and watch my diet.
- I meditate for 15 minutes everyday.
- I take cold showers in the morning.
- Always groom and be hygienic.
- I read books. (I've already read Weapons of Mass Seduction, and reading pook atm)
- I'm a 24 yr old teacher 1.70, 72 kg, fit

Here is how my last 5 years went;

First relationship [HB6], (1 year) at age 20, dumped her (depressed after this ****, this is where i met theredpill, overcome depression after a year)
One and a half year of nothing
Met a slut[HB5], become fwb for 2 months, dumped her
Second relationship,[HB7] (2 months), dumped her (this was 14 months ago, last satisfying sex)
6 months ago, **** with a girl, worst sex ever.[HB5]

I am a 24 year old dude with a good physique and ****, i believe i'm at least 7/10 and i've been rejected by even what i consider below my level. Rejected by atleast five different girls in last two months. It's been more than a year and i feel like i'm going to throw up at this point. I'm not depressed, i'm outgoing, active, funny, tasteful dude with a biker soul, living what i consider a quality life. It has started to get into my blood at this point and i feel like i'm losing it.

I'm going to attach some of my photos, maybe that'll give you guys some idea, but i seriously need a perspective here.



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
idk about your rating from 1-10
But i can tell you one thing its gonna get better with age.
Men age way better and imo look better when they hit around 35 if the keep in shape.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
You're not alone as many as guys here.. Here whats worth your thought -

First of all from what I've read the issue was you been rejected by several girls that you were attracted too? Does these girls attracted to you too or you're just shoot them out of the blue? I believe you've been on several dates before, how do you make sure they attracted to you before you shoot your shot?

Secondly you're making a mistake selecting a girl that you just didnt want , im sure it's out of a fact that you didn't want to be alone. Growth is aren't about only to your physics, you have to learn having a relationship with yourself first, enjoy being with yourself, figure out what's making you tick before putting someone else's up front your door.

We were drawn to the person who matches our emotional level as opposed applied to the girls as well as selecting their partner, you can't just shoot your shot out of no where, getting to know them being in their proximity being comfortable to each other, emotional connections etc all of that matters when you shoot.


New Member
Jan 19, 2019
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You're not alone as many as guys here.. Here whats worth your thought -

First of all from what I've read the issue was you been rejected by several girls that you were attracted too? Does these girls attracted to you too or you're just shoot them out of the blue? I believe you've been on several dates before, how do you make sure they attracted to you before you shoot your shot?

Secondly you're making a mistake selecting a girl that you just didnt want , im sure it's out of a fact that you didn't want to be alone. Growth is aren't about only to your physics, you have to learn having a relationship with yourself first, enjoy being with yourself, figure out what's making you tick before putting someone else's up front your door.

We were drawn to the person who matches our emotional level as opposed applied to the girls as well as selecting their partner, you can't just shoot your shot out of no where, getting to know them being in their proximity being comfortable to each other, emotional connections etc all of that matters when you shoot.
I don't approach a girl unless we both show interest towards each other.


Jan 14, 2018
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The pictures doesn't give out the right vibe.

Can't exactly explain it, but I'll try, ur "eyes" comes off as weak and ur posture comes off as forced - nerd like.

You even look older then 24 - more like 34.

You'll need to reinvent urself.


New Member
Jan 19, 2019
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The pictures doesn't give out the right vibe.

Can't exactly explain it, but I'll try, ur "eyes" comes off as weak and ur posture comes off as forced - nerd like.

You even look older then 24 - more like 34.

You'll need to reinvent urself.
It's dry eye syndrome, trying to solve that one. But can you elaborate on that reinventing part.

You didn't put much details to provide you with useful insights sire.
First girl: I see cool girl, i like her, she shows interest but i can't get the opportunity meet her, as it's always between classes so i add her on instagram we chat, she shows huge interest while chatting, get her number easily, call up to meet her, she agrees but flakes, coming up with some bull**** excuse. Go radiosilent, hit her up again in after a week, she shows interest but won't meet because she has plans. Finally get to see her in person, pull my move, to no avail.

Second: She shows lots of ioi's but when i approach her, she goes completely retarded. (i thought this one was hot but doesn't have the skills to communicate)

Third, She shows lots of interest, we talk and tease each other in person, playful, push&pull she looks at me like she wants to marry me on the spot but when i suggest doing something together she just didn't even respond (wtf?)

Fourth, same as above but less interest

Fifth, the day we arrange to meet she says that she got back to her boyfriend and hour ago, but she'll meet me anyway. (I flaked on this one, because it's a small city and i know his boyfriend)

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
First ; the girl is an attention whoring not so much into you.. Using you for ego stroking.. Steer away. U dodge a bullet anyways.

Second;same as first. Being played again.

Third;you're in her friendzoned. She comfortably being your friend just not that into you yet. Should go slow with this one or see how it goes instead making sudden moves.

Fourth: same

Fifth; being used again as very short rebound.

A lot of Girls nowadays are an expert for faking interest ioi just for the sake of the attention she gets from men.. Way forward is to watch for feelings and emotional connection between you two.. Stop being a nice guy ego stroker to women, watch for genuine feelings not "instant chemistry" as they were no such thing..

Youre doing just fine op.. Time to move forward.


Jan 14, 2018
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How you carry urself (the vibe) is a reflection of how you think.

Women are able to sense if the man before her is either strong or weak just by observing his body language - the way he walks, talks, head movements, eye movements etc.

You'll need to reinvent that part - ur frame.

Once u hv the right mind frame it will then influence how you do things.

I saw that you're mentioned POOK. Read that. I've only read 3 of his threads and I can tell you it's solid.

Start there.


Nov 2, 2011
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Your pics come across as a bit femenine and young and perhaps a bit try hard, but not sure about last one. (let's scrap that one, spaz got it right, the frame) Gotta bulk up man. With your parameters you are a 6, and you are attracting 5s 6s. If you bulk up 10 kilos things will get better.

The main evil for you is your baby face.

Take it this way; women mostly prefer masculine men. There will be women that prefer your type, just have to look for them. +10 or 15 kg will do you really good.

P.S. last but not least, look into plastic surgery option for your ears, often times it's cheaper to do it outside country, it's nothing major, plus you kill two bunnies with one stone, valuable vacation photos and ears.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
First ; the girl is an attention whoring not so much into you.. Using you for ego stroking.. Steer away. U dodge a bullet anyways.

Second;same as first. Being played again.

Third;you're in her friendzoned. She comfortably being your friend just not that into you yet. Should go slow with this one or see how it goes instead making sudden moves.

Fourth: same

Fifth; being used again as very short rebound.

A lot of Girls nowadays are an expert for faking interest ioi just for the sake of the attention she gets from men.. Way forward is to watch for feelings and emotional connection between you two.. Stop being a nice guy ego stroker to women, watch for genuine feelings not "instant chemistry" as they were no such thing..

Youre doing just fine op.. Time to move forward.

I'd agree with most of this except the last part. I think you are struggling with getting actual dates most of the time.

When you DO get a date, it's rare and with mostly 5's which are women with few options. Even when you get a 7 you seem to dump her, WHY???? Why dump them if you struggle getting them????

Try c/f. It worked for me. As to why you're getting so many girls using you for attention or playing hard to get: I've noticed that happens or happened to me at places I know them from such as work, college (long ago), etc.

Try OLD, I met almost all of my girls and dates OLD. Try different gurus until you find what works for you.


New Member
Jan 19, 2019
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Your pics come across as a bit femenine and young and perhaps a bit try hard, but not sure about last one. Gotta bulk up man. With your parameters you are a 6, and you are attracting 5s 6s. If you bulk up 10 kilos things will get better.

The main evil for you is your baby face.

Take it this way; women mostly prefer masculine men. There will be women that prefer your type, just have to look for them. +10 or 15 kg will do you really good.

Continuing on lifting, bulking that much will take time, i'm trying to get lean muscle in my current workout routine.

I'd agree with most of this except the last part. I think you are struggling with getting actual dates most of the time.

When you DO get a date, it's rare and with mostly 5's which are women with few options. Even when you get a 7 you seem to dump her, WHY???? Why dump them if you struggle getting them????

Try c/f. It worked for me. As to why you're getting so many girls using you for attention or playing hard to get: I've noticed that happens or happened to me at places I know them from such as work, college (long ago), etc.

Try OLD, I met almost all of my girls and dates OLD. Try different gurus until you find what works for you.
I'm not familiar with the terms c/f and OLD, what do they mean?

That 7 happened to have some issues, which i couldn't deal with at the time. I wouldn't want to dump her either but she was playing games, which i was not interested in. Mates need to be each others' escape, but this one was creating stress.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
- I lift four days a week. Change it to 6. One rest day only.
- I eat healthy and watch my diet. You sure?
- I meditate for 15 minutes everyday. Make it 30
- I take cold showers in the morning. Meh, Ok
- Always groom and be hygienic. Good, but this is normal human behavior
- I read books. (I've already read Weapons of Mass Seduction, and reading pook atm) Read more. Does not need to be about women/pickup. Just read more.
- I'm a 24 yr old teacher 1.70, 72 kg, fit So you are 5'5 160? Height is probably your main obstacle
As others said your pictures give off a try hard vibe. Women want someone who is fun and energetic, not a 24 year old trying to look like the most interesting man in the world. Go out and do some stuff, enjoy the world. If a woman rejects you, then **** her it's her loss. That's got to be the mentality you have. Just making a post like you did screams of insecurity and defeatism. That energy is infectious and a woman can sense it from miles away...


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
@your ears, I too have fvcked up ears, except mine are not sticking out like that, my ears are rolled up like I've been doing wrestling. Fvcked up man. I'm hitting 38 next month, for me it's too late, but I wish I would have done it when I was your age. Apparently this is a cheap procedure in Russia, something like 25,000 rubles, that's less than $500, plenty affordable.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
Your pics come across as a bit femenine and young and perhaps a bit try hard, but not sure about last one. (let's scrap that one, spaz got it right, the frame) Gotta bulk up man. With your parameters you are a 6, and you are attracting 5s 6s. If you bulk up 10 kilos things will get better.

The main evil for you is your baby face.

Take it this way; women mostly prefer masculine men. There will be women that prefer your type, just have to look for them. +10 or 15 kg will do you really good.

P.S. last but not least, look into plastic surgery option for your ears, often times it's cheaper to do it outside country, it's nothing major, plus you kill two bunnies with one stone, valuable vacation photos and ears.
Or seek a donation from Tom cruise alike ear that will trade it off for iPhone would be better for op..

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
As others said your pictures give off a try hard vibe. Women want someone who is fun and energetic, not a 24 year old trying to look like the most interesting man in the world. Go out and do some stuff, enjoy the world. If a woman rejects you, then **** her it's her loss. That's got to be the mentality you have. Just making a post like you did screams of insecurity and defeatism. That energy is infectious and a woman can sense it from miles away...
Most agreed and Thats why you have to enjoy to be with yourself before you open up to somebody..


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
OP, you've only approached 5 girls in the past 14 months? That's your problem.

Increase this to 1 a day.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I've been a lurker for the last couple of months, but i believe it is time for me to ask advice now. It'll be long.

For some background, as i type in these words, some sort of dread is coming upon me, as i think that it is time for me to open up to someone or some community before i lose my mind. Years ago i met redpill and i've been reading, and trying to apply some/most of the principles there. As soon as i met them, my journey on self improvement started. I've started reading books, lifting, eating healthy and ****. Below is a list of what i do;

- I lift four days a week.
- I eat healthy and watch my diet.
- I meditate for 15 minutes everyday.
- I take cold showers in the morning.
- Always groom and be hygienic.
- I read books. (I've already read Weapons of Mass Seduction, and reading pook atm)
- I'm a 24 yr old teacher 1.70, 72 kg, fit

Here is how my last 5 years went;

First relationship [HB6], (1 year) at age 20, dumped her (depressed after this ****, this is where i met theredpill, overcome depression after a year)
One and a half year of nothing
Met a slut[HB5], become fwb for 2 months, dumped her
Second relationship,[HB7] (2 months), dumped her (this was 14 months ago, last satisfying sex)
6 months ago, **** with a girl, worst sex ever.[HB5]

I am a 24 year old dude with a good physique and ****, i believe i'm at least 7/10 and i've been rejected by even what i consider below my level. Rejected by atleast five different girls in last two months. It's been more than a year and i feel like i'm going to throw up at this point. I'm not depressed, i'm outgoing, active, funny, tasteful dude with a biker soul, living what i consider a quality life. It has started to get into my blood at this point and i feel like i'm losing it.

I'm going to attach some of my photos, maybe that'll give you guys some idea, but i seriously need a perspective here.
- Shirtless you are 7 , otherwise you might be 6 if you are in the West, but in middle east you can be 7
- I am seeing you with Asian girl , usually you loose 2-3 points once you look for relationship outside of your ethnic group, unless you are really hot guy or from majority.
- You look older, maybe because of your job as teacher , try military hair cut .
- I general it seem you are not looser , you have some history with women , which is good so I dont see why you are so depressed, one year without relationship is not a lot for average guy.
- Buy some nice clothes, the one you wear doesnt look that interesting .
- try to widen your social circle and meet new women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
If guys like Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Ben Affleck etc who are millionaires, tall, handsome and voted Sexiest Man of the Year by People magazine multiple times have trouble with relationships, it just goes to show how hard dealing with women can be. Just keep talking to as many women as possible and you'll find the right one eventually if you persevere.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Eh, there's worse looking. Judging by the pictures you can't really say he's ugly. It would probably be down to your personality/how you come across more than anything if you are really having difficulties. None of us know you personally so only you can answer that question. I do want to emphasize that unless you are a celebrity or something there is far more rejection than success to be had on your journey so you are probably not doing anything *wrong* per say. There are also no "shortcuts" outside the obvious like lose weight if you are fat, dress better if you are a slob and so on. The game can largely be summed up as being a numbers game and being in the right place at the right time really. One approach that totally bombed with one girl could be dynamite with some other girl. Don't take this forum *too seriously* or it'll be the death of you - look over the essential, *classic* posts, take what you can and use it and keep making moves.