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Rant: The concept of a 'man-cave'.....

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
This is about the most beta thing I've ever heard of. A friend of mine put on facebook a post that asked what were the essentials for a man-cave, I told him it should be a jar with his testicles so he can reminisce about when he wasn't a p*ssy. Of course he gets pissed and I'm shamed to no end by the other crabs in the barrel. "You obviously aren't married with kids, because your man room is the only place you have a say-so". When did this crap become so commonplace and why does every man out there buy in to it? I'm married with kids, my whole house is my man-cave. I have deer horns in my living room, and my 'stuff' is everywhere. Sure I took down my sports stuff because at my age it's kinda weird to have posters of other men or college aged kids on my wall. I get having a home office or something but I don't understand the necessity of a room where you have to retreat, a long way away from the main living area, to engage in activities that you like.

It's accepted now that you get married and give the keys to your house to a woman, and then you get taken over by the latest trends. No heart, no depth, nothing. Men retreat to their mancaves. Whatever happened to having your HOME with input from your wife? ie. organization, some functional decorations, etc. But it's still yours.

When I watch a ball game, I watch in my mfing living room. I retreat nowhere. More than anything it's the acceptance of this sh*t that drives me insane. It's a function of the bigger problem. I mean it's ADMITTING you still have masculine/hetero tendencies but you are willing to submit to the dominance of the fem-tard consumer culture, filling up your house with retarded sh*t from Pier 1 Imports because her friends told her to.

You want to know why advertising caters to the dumber sects of society? Because they are why are we submitting to them


My “man-cave” is my reloading room. I build USPSA competition 2011’s and have my own range.

I don’t do the trophy thing with my bow kills. I sell the elk antlers to knife makers and artisans.

The rest of the house is just living space.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
This is about the most beta thing I've ever heard of. A friend of mine put on facebook a post that asked what were the essentials for a man-cave, I told him it should be a jar with his testicles so he can reminisce about when he wasn't a p*ssy. Of course he gets pissed and I'm shamed to no end by the other crabs in the barrel. "You obviously aren't married with kids, because your man room is the only place you have a say-so". When did this crap become so commonplace and why does every man out there buy in to it? I'm married with kids, my whole house is my man-cave. I have deer horns in my living room, and my 'stuff' is everywhere. Sure I took down my sports stuff because at my age it's kinda weird to have posters of other men or college aged kids on my wall. I get having a home office or something but I don't understand the necessity of a room where you have to retreat, a long way away from the main living area, to engage in activities that you like.

It's accepted now that you get married and give the keys to your house to a woman, and then you get taken over by the latest trends. No heart, no depth, nothing. Men retreat to their mancaves. Whatever happened to having your HOME with input from your wife? ie. organization, some functional decorations, etc. But it's still yours.

When I watch a ball game, I watch in my mfing living room. I retreat nowhere. More than anything it's the acceptance of this sh*t that drives me insane. It's a function of the bigger problem. I mean it's ADMITTING you still have masculine/hetero tendencies but you are willing to submit to the dominance of the fem-tard consumer culture, filling up your house with retarded sh*t from Pier 1 Imports because her friends told her to.

You want to know why advertising caters to the dumber sects of society? Because they are why are we submitting to them
I wouldn't worry or care much, think like a home office then you do what you need to do there, or your garage with your tools you use to do/build things, and lets get real here, we are guys at most we would have only a desk for a computer a sofa, a tv (if you still watch a tv that is) a book case maybe and a bed all useless thing we wouldn't care/have unless we would have a use for it, myself I wouldn't even have the tv, I don't watch tv.

I wouldn't say "you saying the jar with his balls are bad", I would do the same coment, but as a joke, if he get buthurt for It I just say "dude it is a joke, or you really let your wife get your balls?"

though after his all of you are not married with children, I would post a treatment for low testosterona for him, telling he should have this too


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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A few years ago, when my ex-wife moved into my home, she wanted redecorate. She said I can keep the den, outside, garage and basement the way it is, but she wants to redecorate the kitchen (she didn't cook), bedroom, guest bedroom and living room to be more inviting. I countered by we'll wipe each room clean and design together; she refused. I said fine, it stays the way it is then. We divorced shortly after. Apparently, she thought she'd be able to control the R.U.G. and HIS home. No chance. I offered a very fair compromise, but it was rebuffed. I still have the house and the way I like it. She now lives in a small 600 sq ft. 1 bedroom apt. Oh, she wanted me to sell my sports car too.

It seems, nowadays, it's either you do a honey to do list and just yes the biatch to death, or it's just not going to work. So, many men just retreat to the garage, basement or attic and form their little hideaway. Unreal how the world and relationships have turned upside down.

After the marriage I started dating and one woman asked me where's my mancave. I said man cave? The whole house is my man cave. But what happens when you get married and share it with someone one. I just smiled and said, sweetie, the house will always be my man cave. We didn't last much longer than that. She had nice t!ts too. I miss them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
Batcave is a better term. Probably, where 'mancave' stems from.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
This is about the most beta thing I've ever heard of. A friend of mine put on facebook a post that asked what were the essentials for a man-cave, I told him it should be a jar with his testicles so he can reminisce about when he wasn't a p*ssy. Of course he gets pissed and I'm shamed to no end by the other crabs in the barrel. "You obviously aren't married with kids, because your man room is the only place you have a say-so". When did this crap become so commonplace and why does every man out there buy in to it? I'm married with kids, my whole house is my man-cave. I have deer horns in my living room, and my 'stuff' is everywhere. Sure I took down my sports stuff because at my age it's kinda weird to have posters of other men or college aged kids on my wall. I get having a home office or something but I don't understand the necessity of a room where you have to retreat, a long way away from the main living area, to engage in activities that you like.

It's accepted now that you get married and give the keys to your house to a woman, and then you get taken over by the latest trends. No heart, no depth, nothing. Men retreat to their mancaves. Whatever happened to having your HOME with input from your wife? ie. organization, some functional decorations, etc. But it's still yours.

When I watch a ball game, I watch in my mfing living room. I retreat nowhere. More than anything it's the acceptance of this sh*t that drives me insane. It's a function of the bigger problem. I mean it's ADMITTING you still have masculine/hetero tendencies but you are willing to submit to the dominance of the fem-tard consumer culture, filling up your house with retarded sh*t from Pier 1 Imports because her friends told her to.

You want to know why advertising caters to the dumber sects of society? Because they are why are we submitting to them
I had a cuck go on about "the boss" and listening to her. The guy hasn't seen a vagina since before his wedding night.

RMG and rollo go off about the banishment of man to the attic or basement. She runs up bills, visa, and men are just dragged for the ride. I think your point is valid but posting the following over social media is begging for fallout.

If the consensus is 80:20, that 80% of women are sleeping with 20% of men (i would say iys more like 90:10 but i digress), what do you expect cucks to say/do?

Its flawed logic because it is validating female logic and beta male cuck provider with logic/rational. If you invest saud effort, you come off hell bent. Bitter or resentful even though you are correct.

Op, you aren't doing it right.

Watch the Matrix. You can take the red pill but its a conscious choice. You cannot force feed red pills via cuck central that is social media and hope to not get banged up.

Similar to the scebe above, when asked in the workplace about dating, gf or marriage, i retort thr following...

"I haven't met the one yet but one day."

You are covert. Blackops. Aloof. Nonchalant. Blasé. Never talk trp, red pill, game etc IRL be it workplace, social media and or around the world. Few aren't ready to be unplugged and the majority that are happen to be even more cucky. Theu know the truth and still marry cratered SMV or single mom's.

I say, they're even the worst of the losers as no claim to ignorance can be made. Its why i lose it when i see phaghotree around here.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I tend to think of the whole situation of having my own man-cave as similar to a mouse having his mousehole. It's like the woman wants all of your "stuff" to disappear. Been there..."this stuff doesn't belong here", etc. "you should build a man-cave in the basement". Yeah right. Didn't happen. I already had one foot out the door.

If it's my house, my stuff was already where it belongs. She can accept that, or not. Granted, I'll share my space, move some stuff around, and so forth.
To get peace, I can see going to my PC, but that's about the extent of that. After all, most women like to read in silence at times.
I see the whole man-cave and she-shed thing as silly and another way for women to set boundaries.
My house is a we-shed. After all, how many women actually have a sewing room like our moms? Most of them can't sew these days anyway.

At my age, it's hard to find a woman who isn't a single mom. Best case is kiddos are out of the nest. If not, then conditions get complicated/ aggravating @ best. I think we all know how that can get.. I never want to deal with that again.

I know a couple from the hippie generation that have a 60s room for nostalgia, it's their thing. I can understand as it's both of them.


Jan 14, 2018
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My hypothetical wife could have the run of the kitchen, the bedrooms and the dinning room - with my permission.

You gotta delegate some authority and they feel empowered - useful.

All women want power to feel secure, not give but delegate it to them even when it's an illusion.

Play to win guys.

Win on ur terms.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2017
Reaction score
I see it as fairly harmless if it's a place to rest and rid yourself of everyone else's BS. An example would be a quiet study with a decent PC or TV and your favourite DVDs/records or whatever. I think most men want a cave because they have to deal with so much crap in their life, haha.

But yeah there are also men who have no space in the house aside from some tiny annex because they were banished there by their wife. Then it's a case of uneven relationship.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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One of the many reasons for not getting married, I had a gf few yrs ago that was really a lovely girl, she meant no harm when she cleaned the house yet she failed to understand that moving my stuff was something that p1ssed me off.

The fact that "disorder was everywhere" according to her was not a reason to mess up the position of the objects that I wanted.

I understand that there should be a deal when a man and a woman live togheter, the problem is that women fail to understand why you organize your space or your tools in a certain way, its really beyond their skills as much as parking a car in a space which is not 5 times the size of the car.

You drop your running gear in front of the window with the instruction not to move it cause it takes the sun to dry it, they say ok then 5 minutes later they moved it in a dark corner cause "the living room is not a place to leave sport shoes" repeat the process and the explanation 100 times and 100 times you will get the same results from them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
If you can maintain that 'your house' is 'yours', you won't need a 'man cave'. Just areas where you can be alone, like the den/study. Letting a women have equal power or absolute power over your home, is beta/feminist.


You gotta delegate some authority and they feel empowered - useful.
This is very important. Otherwise she will feel like an object. You have to relinquish some things.
Trying to control everything absolutely is not only impossible but she won’t feel part of something.

I am so self reliant that women really don’t know what to do for me. They want to do things for me, I just didn’t realize that I had closed those doors at times just by being too self reliant.

I’ve adjusted that and now leave openings for them. If she’s into me she wants to feel needed to a degree.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
This is very important. Otherwise she will feel like an object. You have to relinquish some things.
Trying to control everything absolutely is not only impossible but she won’t feel part of something.

I am so self reliant that women really don’t know what to do for me. They want to do things for me, I just didn’t realize that I had closed those doors at times just by being too self reliant.

I’ve adjusted that and now leave openings for them. If she’s into me she wants to feel needed to a degree.
Funny, my ex-wife said the same thing. Her solution was for me to put her on the deed. I laughed and said talk to me in 10 years and we can discuss if you are still here. She turned red, I walked away.


Funny, my ex-wife said the same thing. Her solution was for me to put her on the deed. I laughed and said talk to me in 10 years and we can discuss if you are still here. She turned red, I walked away.
Well you don’t want to be stupid. Lol
If she isn’t making half the payment, then no.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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lol, my dad has a man-cave. Its a 5000 sqft shop he built a few miles from the house he has with my mom. Inside his shop is a beautiful office with nice leather couch, big conference table, antique metal tile ceiling! The shop is packed full of collector cars, boats, car trailer, motorcycles, nice shop equipment, etc. Every tool you could own and 3 of everything. Even has a wood shop! He spends most of his day here. He has his thing and she can do whatever she wants with the house. Works great. He has the better deal!


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
This is very important. Otherwise she will feel like an object. You have to relinquish some things.
Trying to control everything absolutely is not only impossible but she won’t feel part of something.

I am so self reliant that women really don’t know what to do for me. They want to do things for me, I just didn’t realize that I had closed those doors at times just by being too self reliant.

I’ve adjusted that and now leave openings for them. If she’s into me she wants to feel needed to a degree.
This is part and parcel of being a leader in a relationship.

You lead by delegating some of ur power off to her whilst still having the overall authority.

Just be wise on what needs to be delegated and gently assume an overseer role by being encouraging instead of being critical.

It's all about how a man phrases his words to get what he wants.


Jan 14, 2018
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Home was paid off prior to marriage. It wasn't because of that, it was mostly likely because if sh!t hit the fan, she wanted to have leverage. No dice, ain't gonna happen on my watch.
Delegating must never be meant as giving away power.

Don't ever sign off ownership of properties (who does that anyway ?).

But you can buy her a car as it depreciates over time :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
Delegating must never be meant as giving away power.

Don't ever sign off ownership of properties (who does that anyway ?).

But you can buy her a car as it depreciates over time :)
No kidding. Anyone, male or female who would do such a stupid thing is a tool.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
My hypothetical wife could have the run of the kitchen, the bedrooms and the dinning room - with my permission.

You gotta delegate some authority and they feel empowered - useful.

All women want power to feel secure, not give but delegate it to them even when it's an illusion.

Play to win guys.

Win on ur terms.
You're funny, you must live in a country where pre-nups mean something, or have literally the best attorney and mob working for you. Yep, see how far you get when you get married and tell her that. Besides laughing in your face, it probably won't be long before you are in divorce court and paying alimony.