Doesn’t that make women more pragmatical? If they want to use lawyers and courts to get as much from the man as possible; they are thinking in terms or future benefit, money, resources. They use their emotions to manipulate and get what they want, not because they are in love or anything else.
I think it’s the other way around. It’s the men who are emotional and lovey dovey and can’t live without a woman. It’s the men that want marriage, its the men that want family, it’s the men that want the relationship, it’s the men that don’t want to break up, it’s the men that will do anything for sex, it’s the men that want women to love them, it’s the men that want to feel needed by women.
Women are the more pragmatical in relationships. They look at relationships as transactional, not in terms of love. It used to be the other way around but the powers that be decided it would be beneficial for them for society to value women more, to give them more benefits, more power, more voice, more money. That way the man, if he wants to get married or be in a LTR, has to be a slave for the women instead of thinking and challenging status quo.