There really is nothing you can do about the genetic lottery. I will be the FIRST to acknowledge that I am VERY lucky. I'm taller than average, have a really good body frame to build on... still have all my hair, even at 52. Absent some nasty body scars gifted to me by a roadside bomb, and a slight limp that goes along with that 'gift', I look pretty good.... But like others have said... chicks dig scars... I never believed it before but they really do.
You just have to do the best with what you have. The truth is that OLD will never work for most men for the same reasons you have pointed out. Truth is that OLD would not work for me because most chicks will take one look at the fact that I'm over 50 and immediately screen me out, unless she is past the wall. They will see my age, then look at my picture and believe it's a lie and THAT is not my real picture.
Another thing you have to remember is that a majority of chicks are on OLD sites just to get an ego boost, and are not interested in actually dating. They get a kick out of getting messages from men and rejecting them. Always remember the ONLY card a man really holds is your validation. Too many men are all too willing to just give validation to women like it has no value. There really is nothing any of us can do about the sea of pvssy worshiping fools willing to dance like grinder monkeys for the pennies that chicks toss their way... but always remember that chicks do not, and never will, value men that engage in that behavior.