I think sleep quality is very important! Here are some simple measures that help me:
Be physically active during the day - exercise, go for a walk, take the stairs and not the elevator, clean your apartment, play with your children and pets, have sex, wash your car, go dancing with friends after work. In a word do anything to get physically tired by the end of the day, this state helps us sleep better. Mental fatigue makes you restless and stressed, physical fatigue makes your sleepy.
Make sure you have a comfortable bed, fresh linens and shut drapes in your bedroom. It also wouldn’t hurt to open the windows there for 10–20 minutes before you turn in to get some fresh air in.
No TV right before bed. The last hour before getting into bed should be spent reading or listening to audio books, taking a bath, having sex, applying beauty treatments or enjoying slow relaxing music. TV is too stimulating, keeps your mind alert and feeds it a lot of information that needs to be processed one way of the other which would keep you awake longer than you want.
Do some yoga or simple stretching exercises before bed - it would help you relax.
Try massaging your head and back of the neck with your own fingers for 5–6 minutes before going to bed. When muscles in this area are in spasm which often happens when you are stressed or tired this may prevent you from falling asleep.
Try aroma therapy - lavender oil put into aroma lamp or a couple of drops of on on your pillow as well as keeping a small sack of dried lavender under your pillow or on the nightstand can help your sleep better.
Take a hot shower or a hot bath before going to bed without immersing your head into the water. This will cause the blood to rush away from your brain to other parts of the body which would automatically make you sleepy, simple physics.
If you can’t fall asleep because of persistent thoughts about your problems that attack you once your are in bed, say to yourself: I will think about it tomorrow, and try thinking about some pleasant things, your best memories, your loved ones, the things you want to buy from your next salary and so on.