You dare judge me and in doing so reducing God's role ?
I am not sending you to hell though. I can only warn you of an impending judgment and that you need to get right with God. I don't send anyone to hell or heaven. That is judgment. Jesus makes that call. I can only say you are in danger of going there because of your sins if you have not received the forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ and believe just following the commandments will save you, and beyond that it's up to you what you want to do with that.
Spaz said:
You dare presume to think what God knows and in doing so reduce God's role ?
How dare you ignore what Jesus is saying about the 10 commandments, particularly murder and adultery, not to mention what He implied in the Sermon of the Mount as He said in Matthew 5. If you want to go against Jesus and say I'm presuming to think what God knows then be my guest.
Spaz said:
You dare go against God's commandments by subverting his will and inserting your interpretation of it ?
You mean Jesus' interpretation of them. It's really right there in Matthew 5. Why don't you read it yourself, it's not a secret document.
Spaz said:
Satan is the master of lies and deceit. His duty is to subvert God's original will. You seem to be doing just that.
So you are saying that God wants everyone to fornicate, and I'm subverting God's will by quoting all the scriptures in the NT that clearly say that this is a sin and you are defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit if you do that. Got that. I can't even take you seriously.
Spaz said:
Again I ask, who r u ?
I accept no authority except God. It is in my communion with God himself that I accept his truths and not with you nor with false God's. Do not come here preaching your falsehoods.
So you are in communion with God and He told you that He wants people to fornicate?