Great news for the motorcycle manufacturers but the small part of SS personality in me couldn't help but wonder if this is a result of women becoming more masculine than in the past? Even women I meet are usually into sports, hunting, weight lifting, rock climbing...than baking, gardening, sewing/knitting.
Sasha has several vids out. It depicts everything wrong with western women. One, he interviewed a woman who was pedaling the rubbish of what women were better at. She is then incapable of acknowledgement that men are better at things. She's also triggered. Classic bpd woman.
High kill count, useless, abortions, attention *****, prostitute or *****, and unable to turn on a stove. Arm tattoos, fat as ****kkk, and valueless outside sex. Nit much value for a man to stake value for any long term basis.
Another Sasha vid, a bald dyke basically calls for genocide of all men and deems this paradise. Also calls all men rapists. Regurgitated fake rape stats.
These types if women are ****ed up. Must be avoided or expect a fakse rape case and domestic violence.
Zero tolerance policy. If nit feminine and submissive, next her.