Exactly. Why would someone consider otherwise given all threads on this forum?
My point is that a man can make a decision about a woman only after he has gained a near waterproof frame and mindset.
But if he ever goes into any woman at any time with the intent to find a partner. He’s already in the wrong frame and will eventually be eaten up. Then of course it’s the woman’s fault.
Well no, it’s not. It’s the man’s fault. And he deserves every bit of what he gets.
He wasn’t being a man. From her biological standpoint. All she knows is that she no longer feels safe and she’s dead inside. Sex may not even possible for her. It’s like someone pointing a gun at your head and saying “Get it up for this sweaty, gross, 600 heifer or else.”
If you can be reduced...you’re a weak man. As per her biology. If a man is still concerned about what will happen to him. If he’s concerned that all women are tramps and there are no good partners out there, if he is critical of bytches, in any way, he’s not even close to being ready and ANY woman will eventually feel resentment for him and may even make him pay dearly for “Not staying a man and tricking her”