Getting tired of dealing with women


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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I used to talk to a 19 year old a few months back.

She was a bag of red flags but I was curious on how many guys she slept with. She told me 11 different ones.

That number disgusted me. I don't think any reasonable female should be in, or anywhere near, double digits with a 1 in front of her age.
11 is peanuts, I doubt she was even telling the truth.


Feb 5, 2016
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It sounds like you are saying to create space when things are good and create space when they stop chasing too. Could you clarify? Maybe I misunderstanding your comment of "dismissing" them as being the same thing as creating space.
I think he means end your interactions while on a high note.

Leave women wanting more. Create desire. Guys often get caught up in the moment and try to extend an interaction indefinitely because things are going "good" which eventually fizzles out the "high". I think Guru is saying to end your interaction on the "high" before it inevitably fades. Failure to do so repeatedly so will create familiarity and boredom instead of mystery and desire, and perhaps give off the impression of desperation/clinginess/lack of options (especially over text) and, thus, your novelty and perceived value in her eyes will wear off.


Jan 14, 2018
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My feelings are hurt.
I'd be real kful with those hurt feelings...

Wouldn't want a slew of mental illness threads spouting every other week do we ?

But who knows, perhaps it's therapeutic to hv men patting each other on their backs on how they were brought to their knees for years on end by different women.

At the consistency that's being displayed, it most probably suggest that it must be good 4 their fragile egos...

Carry on boys !


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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It sounds like you are saying to create space when things are good and create space when they stop chasing too. Could you clarify? Maybe I misunderstanding your comment of "dismissing" them as being the same thing as creating space.
What I’m saying is your acts should seemly operate counterproductive to your goal. In other words, if your goal is to retain, then learn to dismiss.

What does dismiss mean? I get some flack around here when I make some extraordinary claims. One of those claims is that I have an army of loyal troopers ready to go to war for me if I snap my finger. Yet, here in this thread alone, we have grown men who can’t get any women to jump at any of their whims. What is the primary difference in how we operate?

When things are great with the woman, I dismiss them. I pow out. Vanish. Poof.

I don’t do this with the motive to hook them. I don't do this with ill intent. I genuinely do it because I don’t want to be bothered. What happens in these dismissals is that they remain loyal, waiting, and ready to act upon my return. I could ask any of them to fvck, go away on a vaca, LTR or marry and they will jump at my beck and call even if I had vanished for months prior without notice or reason.

Here are three more recent examples of my dismissals following great rapport:

Example Three:

I'm in green. I know this girl for a few months. She initiates contact Oct 19. I reply. She invites me to a Halloween party. I ignore. She reaches out two day later. I ignore. She reaches out four days later. I ignore. And I don't show up to the party.

Example Four:
I went on two dates with this girl, sex on the second date.
She texts me four times on 11/18. I ignore all the texts. She reaches out the next day breaking down. I ignore.

Example Five
She reaches out Oct 13. I ignore. She texts again Oct 26. I ignore. She texts again Nov 8. I ignore.

Seems counterproductive. May even clash with the ethics that some of you have married. However questionable the moral, it's effective.

Just keep in mind you serve her better by igniting desire in her that she has never felt but always yearned for. You create the childhood Disney fantasy of catching the man of her dreams, the elusive golden knight. While every other guy is trying to catch her ... If only IF ... she can catch you.

You do this by forging a concrete frame through dismissal when rapport is great.

IS this the only way? No. Will it work with every woman? No. Will it work with most women? In my experience, yes.

As to the type of space to create when a girl is not chasing, that’s subject matter for another post.

As to how to keep this fire burning long term, that's subject matter for another thread.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
What I’m saying is your acts should seemly operate counterproductive to your goal. In other words, if your goal is to retain, then learn to dismiss.

What does dismiss mean? I get some flack around here when I make some extraordinary claims. One of those claims is that I have an army of loyal troopers ready to go to war for me if I snap my finger. Yet, here in this thread alone, we have grown men who can’t get any women to jump at any of their whims. What is the primary difference in how we operate?

When things are great with the woman, I dismiss them. I pow out. Vanish. Poof.

I don’t do this with the motive to hook them. I don't do this with ill intent. I genuinely do it because I don’t want to be bothered. What happens in these dismissals is that they remain loyal, waiting, and ready to act upon my return. I could ask any of them to fvck, go away on a vaca, LTR or marry and they will jump at my beck and call even if I had vanished for months prior without notice or reason.

Here are three more recent examples of my dismissals following great rapport:

Example Three:

I'm in green. I know this girl for a few months. She initiates contact Oct 19. I reply. She invites me to a Halloween party. I ignore. She reaches out two day later. I ignore. She reaches out four days later. I ignore. And I don't show up to the party.

Example Four:
I went on two dates with this girl, sex on the second date.
She texts me four times on 11/18. I ignore all the texts. She reaches out the next day breaking down. I ignore.

Example Five
She reaches out Oct 13. I ignore. She texts again Oct 26. I ignore. She texts again Nov 8. I ignore.

Seems counterproductive. May even clash with the ethics that some of you have married. However questionable the moral, it's effective.

Just keep in mind you serve her better by igniting desire in her that she has never felt but always yearned for. You create the childhood Disney fantasy of catching the man of her dreams, the elusive golden knight. While every other guy is trying to catch her ... If only IF ... she can catch you.

You do this by forging a concrete frame through dismissal when rapport is great.

IS this the only way? No. Will it work with every woman? No. Will it work with most women? In my experience, yes.

As to the type of space to create when a girl is not chasing, that’s subject matter for another post.

As to how to keep this fire burning long term, that's subject matter for another thread.
Nice stuff, and should work well the more codependent they are if you want to run this game, but it's still kinda off from the subject matter. The guys don't seem to be concerned about whether or not they get laid, but rather the "quality" of the women on the market.

Now I would say their first option could be to go to a different market (not something I've tried), America is one of the worst in the world for the kind of physique of a woman that most guys here want (small, slim, cute) and I suppose even in attitude.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Nice stuff, and should work well the more codependent they are if you want to run this game, but it's still kinda off from the subject matter. The guys aren't concerned about whether or not they get laid, but the "quality" of the women on the market.
Yes but my position has always been that the "quality" she shows is dependent upon and the responsibility of the man. The quality these men seek in these women is already there ... if only these men knew how to bring it out.

Troopers are forged.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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When I first got on this site I did admit I was good looking but I'm not a 10 lol and I'm sure there's guys better looking than I am on here.

Your not the issue, and I very rarely see you complain and you usually have good input so I'm sure you will find a solution to the issue at hand.
Yeah but you get enough puzzy that the matrix we know as "the game" knows your preselected. The game sees that clearly in your presence, your eyes the way you move.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I'd add to this that it's feminists who are shaping the meta of northern Europe right now in particular. That is despite an electrate's contrary vote or whatever else.

Players can only play within the meta. Anyone with two braincells to rub together knows this.

Some arseclown on the internet isn't changing that.
What are you saying their feminizing that entire region?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I'm saying that ultimately "no man is an island". We only have so much influence.

That's what you American's get taught in school, right? I think i saw it on an episode of Kenan and Kel or something.

This tard's solution is the exact thing i said in my first line. He certainly didn't go to school, because he musn't be able to read. But perhaps he watched Kenan and Kel and learnt this lesson at least.
I did like the watching football and a beer solution. Hunting and fishing works too. The devil beats you by isolation and confusion.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Troopers are forged? WTF are you on about? You're a d!ck in their rotation, dude. Wise up.

That's what this thread's all about.
Some of the men do have women trying to be one of the "girls" for a guy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Playersupreme said it best, even the biggest Mack's women will cheat on him for revenge. Consider The mentality to even submit to that situation, not healthy. Whether the Mack's ego will allow him to admit this is another issue. No one on the planet pedestalizes women more than a Mack who is ego invested in believing he has superpowers. Have seen enough of them rationalize being torn to shreds or turning a blind eye to it.
He would have enough woman that it wouldnt make a difference. Now if all cheated on him hed be disturbed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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No one on the planet pedestalizes women more than a Mack who is ego invested in believing he has superpowers.
Oxymoron. To have superpowers with woman you dismiss them, not pedestalize them.

even the biggest Mack's women will cheat on him for revenge.
She can't cheat as she never belonged to a Mack to begin with. If the Mack is exclusive, then he is no Mack.

This Mack talk is irrelevant to what most men in this thread seek, which is an LTR. However, the lessons learned by a Mack better equip him for an LTR.


Jan 14, 2018
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I see more of that victim mindset being displayed..

How does that help you boys ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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This is the reason to not catch feelings for them, that was Supreme's point.

@guru1000 the pedestal is when you think you can control women or they are somehow inherently monogamous. I was talking to an absolute alpha Mack the other day and he believes women don't like variety etc...I mean yeah compared to him they don't but that's a relative standard and his situation isn't objectively true.
Wouldnt some cultures be monogamous?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I've ran the show with several women. The relationship revolved around me. They were all about me. Most everything was on my terms. It was rarely balanced and i kept the upper hand. They cared more about the relationship than me and I did all the things Guru mentioned and it worked. The one who cares the least wins! Always. And with everyone of these girls, I left them.....they didn't leave me.

But its also selfish, and a form of manipulation. You constantly have her chasing after you. She feels anxiety because of the situation you have put her in. She starts to tell you she doesn't feel like she can ever please you and that she isn't good enough. She thinks you are a dihk, but still stays. These are things I've been told.

This isn't how I prefer to treat others. Its not balanced. Its not mentally healthy for either party. If you think this is how it should be in a long term relationship then I think you need some help. I question if some of you are even capable of having something healthy/balanced long term. lol

I was married for a long time and didn't have to play games to keep my woman in check. I also didn't have to deal with the market we have now days.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
@guru1000 the pedestal is when you think you can control women or they are somehow inherently monogamous. I was talking to an absolute alpha Mack the other day and he believes women don't like variety etc...I mean yeah compared to him they don't but that's a relative standard and his situation isn't objectively true.
You mean a belief. To pedestal is to elevate above yourself.

As to control, that's a deep, nuanced word. The way I view control is I can control my life and thus can control my dealings with women. In these dealings, either I'm elevated or she gets dropped.
Howiestern said:
I've ran the show with several women. The relationship revolved around me. They were all about me. Most everything was on my terms. It was rarely balanced and i kept the upper hand. They cared more about the relationship than me and I did all the things Guru mentioned and it worked. The one who cares the least wins! Always.

But its also selfish, and a form of manipulation. You constantly have her chasing after you. She feels anxiety because of the situation you have put her in. She starts to tell you she doesn't feel like she can ever please you and that she isn't good enough. She thinks you are a dihk, but still stays. These are things I've been told.

This isn't how I prefer to treat others. Its not balanced. Its not mentally healthy for either party. If you think this is how it should be in a long term relationship then I think you need some help.

I was married for a long time and didn't have to play games to keep my woman in check. I also didn't have to deal with the market we have now days.
Manipulation can only derive by conscious effort. These actions shouldn't be contrived, but rather a consequence of who you are.

I did not create this "game." Nature did. So either you become fluid and comport your essence to the rules of Nature,--or-- be a statistical victim like 90% of men for the remaining 40% of your life. As long as you belie yourself by chaining to social constructs that society deems "proper," you remain a slave of construct, and are never truly free.

To be free is to absolve yourself of all social constructs and conditioning and act upon your volition untainted, unencumbered and not influenced by the social chains that were constructed to keep you a statistic.

Seems like you agree with the message but the message is just not "right." What you fail to look at is who determines what "right" is, means, or the consequence of.

As to LTR game, same rules of distance and challenge apply, but not to such extremes. Ironically, in the beginning stages, these extremes forge the frame you carry into the remaining relation. Where there is frame, she comports. But to keep frame, your mentality needs to change.
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