I remember listening in The Rational Male how Tomassi talked about the insidious nature and damage the single mommy, just by default, can inflict on not only her daughters but more specifically her boys.
It seems to me that this old programming comes off in layers. It’s not a one shot deal.
“Here, read this book.”
That book gets you to start thinking and noticing things. But it’s still you &I that have to apply it.
When one layer comes off, it exposes a new layer underneath that you had no concept of despite reading the book numerous times.
All the different things were covered in the book and you remember them but our cursory understanding didn’t have depth. It still leaves the programming in you. Until that is, you can actually “see” it. Then it blows right on out and is no longer an influence.
What actually happens to a young boy when he’s raised by his mother. That feminine frame he is constantly exposed to. He is trying to survive and the only frame he can grab onto is his mother’s.
I remember reading years ago how cultures removed the young boys from their mother at an early age. It varied. But these young boys would all live together with the men. Most Native American and Canadian tribes did this.
There they would learn all the skills and most importantly, the frame of being a man. Hunting. Exploring. Scrounging around for stuff. Looking for something cool to check out. He knew women were for sex and babies. But he also knew he was responsible for resources. Men and women complimented each other.
So what would a woman’s frame look like on a man? I know how mine looked when I finally saw it. My dad launched jets off of aircraft carriers during Vietnam. The USS Oriskany. He did three tours. So my mother was the rule of the home world. So the question I asked myself, when dealing with women and game and just living with one, who or what was I defaulting to, to access knowledge about women or even how to evaluate them?
It seems to me that this old programming comes off in layers. It’s not a one shot deal.
“Here, read this book.”
That book gets you to start thinking and noticing things. But it’s still you &I that have to apply it.
When one layer comes off, it exposes a new layer underneath that you had no concept of despite reading the book numerous times.
All the different things were covered in the book and you remember them but our cursory understanding didn’t have depth. It still leaves the programming in you. Until that is, you can actually “see” it. Then it blows right on out and is no longer an influence.
What actually happens to a young boy when he’s raised by his mother. That feminine frame he is constantly exposed to. He is trying to survive and the only frame he can grab onto is his mother’s.
I remember reading years ago how cultures removed the young boys from their mother at an early age. It varied. But these young boys would all live together with the men. Most Native American and Canadian tribes did this.
There they would learn all the skills and most importantly, the frame of being a man. Hunting. Exploring. Scrounging around for stuff. Looking for something cool to check out. He knew women were for sex and babies. But he also knew he was responsible for resources. Men and women complimented each other.
So what would a woman’s frame look like on a man? I know how mine looked when I finally saw it. My dad launched jets off of aircraft carriers during Vietnam. The USS Oriskany. He did three tours. So my mother was the rule of the home world. So the question I asked myself, when dealing with women and game and just living with one, who or what was I defaulting to, to access knowledge about women or even how to evaluate them?