The most common counter response on the thread to the fact that women literally have total control over who is allowed to be born is this:
Up your game
Be more alpha
Be a “real ass” dude (that one actually made me laugh)
So, in essence, the argument is to be such a big swinging d*ck that a woman would never want to abort your baby (and oh, by the way, I’m saying this because I’m such a big swinging **** myself that it nullifies the fact that women have the ultimate power to decide who is allowed to be born).
A so called "father" (I choose the word "cuvk" being more fitting since being stand by as your child gets murdered isn't fatherly) argues the same jargon as a feminist.
Rollo is bang on about hypergamy and abortion.
Even the title, "planned parenthood" is covert and a cute attempt to disguise murdering babies. Forget morality. The argument that men have no say in murdering their child or any sort of reproductive rights is retarded.
I will admit that when a woman is totally into you or sees you as potential good provider/father material, yes, she will be more inclined to have your baby (albeit for 2 totally different motivations). For example, About 3 years ago I had a Jamaican plate who was 23 years younger than me. You should have seen her priceless reaction when I told her I had a vasectomy. It was obvious that she was going to try to play a “oops, I got pregnant “ card on me. And my current girlfriend would genuinely love to have been able to have my babies, even though I’m 60 and that ship has obviously sailed for me.
I never tell women ****tt. I am ambiguous in speech, aloof, nonchalant, and vague as ****kkk. There's no ambiguity in action.
Rollo makes a great point on plate theory and competition. As to say, you never tell a woman she's your only option lol
However, thinking that you’re such an alpha stud that a woman would never abort your baby does not negate the fact that a woman has that ultimate power. And it also does not effectively negate it in your circumstance either because your such an alpha stud “real ass” man. For example:
Its why Muslims would stone a vast majority of these monsters in the middle east.
IMHO religion and state should be kept separate. The same with marriage and state.
If she’s young and career obsessed, she might still abort your child because it’s not “convenient” for her at that stage of life.
You will never see a woman's true character after top form SMV. Its covert, its epiphany phase, reality check, and the wall thereafter.
If she’s a little older and already has children (either yours or someone else’s), she might still abort.
No doubt.
I think men need to go there own way.
Not necessarily MGTOW but, David Deida, purpose > women and world!
If there's a man dead set on marriage, create your own proceess between you/her &&& god/being/consciousness etc separate from state. Obviously, be aware of state laws, common law living, etc.
Until laws are adjusted, men need to act accordingly or suffer the consequences.
And for myriad unknown reasons simply because she is a female and can be prone to making poor emotional decisions that she might later regret.
A fantastic book to read is Men on strike by Dr Helen Smith.
The following depicts men have virtually ZERO REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTs!
This must change. Pandora's box was open. Its not going back.
The first Jurassic World accurately portrays evolutionary female nature and adaptation.
Feminist. Don't need a man, Sloot gonna Sloot useless skank running around space cadet. Doesn't know her own nephew's name.
Dinosaurs break free. Go nuts. Said woman is suddenly back in the kitchen making sandwiches and hiding with the children behind the man. The man goes out and handles his business.
The times have changed. I would watch it all burn. I would sit back and eat pop corn as the dinosaur digested her. Zero ****s.
I am not a sacrificial lamb. Nor is my unborn child(ren).
When society fails, when government and the Welfare state collapses, and women need men again, I won't be there to pick things up. I won't put together society.
Out for #1. No playing house. No marriage. No cohabitation. Its prohibition on the following. I won't carry a woman's debt or student loan.
Only a spineless coward and low testosterone **** would sit back in silence as their child is murdered.
Your either with me or against me. There's no ambiguity. Men need to ask, is a woman with you or without? With daddy gov and the parade of free resources, there is no loyalty. Once I collapses, women need men again.
A lot of cucks will play hero. I am checked out. Once you see female nature, there's no going back.