Hot & Cold FriendZone


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Aug 21, 2018
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Let me prefaces this with saying I am by no means an AFC, more of a jaded player

Met this girl in college she was 17 and I was 27. tried to date her, couldnt get past"friends" and got denied on kiss attempt.
didn't do anything with here obviously she was extremely immature. As time goes on I end up seeing her literally 8-10 times randomly. We live on an island but she would also randomly appear at jobs I had too. I have never bumped into someone so often before, it;s very strange.

Last time she saw me I was walking with a cute girl and I noticed her in the corner of my eye but did not let her know I saw her. I soon get a text from her saying she saw me with a girl and I texted back something short like "oh haha you should of said hey" and didnt show any more interest. months go by and I get a random text from her asking me to help her with school work and that she would pay me. I showed little interest but later agreed and kept it very business like but cool as well. I noticed as we talked about the assignment over the phone she wanted to hear more about me and was curious to why I didn't wan to talk for long. I simply told her Im busy. at this point she is 19 and Im 29

Once I finished the paper I told her to come over to pay me and she was more than eager to. she arrived dressed very sexy and was blushing and laughing once she had seen me (been almost a year since she had). I kept it cool and business like and she proceeded to reflect my attitude but I could tell she was nervous. she would flinch when I would look into her eyes and she would laugh at my stupid thoughtless jokes really hard. I kept it short and let her know I needed to do some things and walked her out. no huge no kiss and she said bye.

minutes later, obviously as she was driving, she texts "UR cool! even though you kicked me out!" with a flood of emojis. I respond by saying " Im not worried about it haha" and "she texted "whyyy???" I didn't respond until a day later I told her to call me tonight and she responded "wana hang?" so I was like oh hell yea we guna ****. I tell her sure and she later arrives sexy as hell.

I live in a nice neighborhood with a canal,pool, badass golf cart,scenic areas,boat deck,nice house,the works. we do it all and she has a blast. I keep the kino up and she goes with it, this is her first time ever coming over. we lay on my bed and watch The Beach. she asks for a massage so I give her one while nibbling and kissing her neck, caressing her legs until she playfuly pushes them away from her ***** and breasts. "I know what you wana do" while laughing she says. and I tell her "hey pull tha trigger" and gazes at me while giggling. I push back cause I sense I shouldnt push to hard from what I know and what the situation at the moment was. she demands I keep massaging so I do. we go up and lay in the hammock as she asks me about my philosophy in life. Her dad texts her and she has to go. I walk her to her car, hold her waist lightly and kiss her on the cheek. shes smiling and I ask for one on the cheek as well and she does. I tell her goodnight and she does the same.

within the next 2 days we have mild conversations that are started by her. I wake up one morning to text her and while im texting she calls me. you know how a girl sounds when she likes you and she wants to see you, all excited and behaving as if "omg I get to see him again!" you know what I mean. so she comes over and we are going to the pool. she is in my room just arrived she is near and I lean in for a kiss on the mouth. DENIED, SUCKA! hahahahaha!

wtf yo?I responded cooly and she angrilysaid I just want you as a friend and I told her"well I don't hang out with women I'm not intimate with"and she left. I call her a couple of hours later to apologize because this girl had been helping me with a lot. It wasnt your typical LBJF relation, she was doing things for me and spending her time and money on me. I did not invest any money in to her but accommodated her very well in my home. thats why I called her. she didnt answer so I texted her hey Ill give you some gas money for helping me out she text back that it was ok. couple hours later and she calls me wanting to face time and talk. I basically tell her like mac that I dont chill with girls on a chump style. her sister was on the phone to FT'n and sayin she just wants to be friends. I told them I **** friend girls of mine. and told her if there aint a little bit of interest sexually then we shouldnt chill. I reminded her that shes cool as **** and I dont hate her nor am I mad but confused why she let me get so far to only be so cold days later.

I'm new to this site but not the game. Im the type of guy that goodlooking women hit on. so why dont I move on? I have but I still want to just **** her as a personal win >:) her sister is coming over tomorrow because Im guna help her with her school work for dough. LOL should I **** her sister? shes not as hot but she wants tha D!!!! it's been a week exactly since I spoke to the girl. im gaming other chicks on the side so its all good, just wana smash this girl haha



Apr 25, 2016
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I'm new to this site but not the game
Really? Cause you're beta as fvck.

shes smiling and I ask for one on the cheek as well and she does.
So after chilling with this chick and massaging her, you asked for a kiss on the cheek? Seriously?

I just want you as a friend
There you go. She just told you whats up. You just dont listen very well.

so why dont I move on?
The best question that you asked the entire post.

im gaming other chicks on the side
You are gaming other chicks on the side? On the side of what? Her friendzoning you?

This is a classic case of a very low interest chick and a guy who orbits. Nothing more.

She MAY have raised her interest in you had you kept escalating physically with her during the massage. But you didnt, and frankly I am not so sure it would have helped your cause anyway because this chick friendzoned you a long time ago.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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Do what you want but why try to f*ck her sister if you're not interested?

The 19 year old you're talking about is interested sexually other wise she wouldn't be behaving to way you say, but seems apprehensive for some reason (hasn't been with any/many guys?).

The question is are you willing to wait?


New Member
Aug 21, 2018
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yea this girl is a strange one. Only twice have I taken a girl to bed and never ****ed so this one is driving me crazy because I view this as a sport and I wana win haha. She has so many guys hit on her but she gives all her free time to me or atleast tries. anytime a girl waves at me or sees me shes asks "do you know her?". man really all the signs are there but the kiss denial and the ljbf thing is strange. it's not like I try to be this chicks friend too. problem with hanging out with her is I really don't have the time for chicks who play like that that's why I'm trying to get the lay with minimal effort.

there seems to be 2 main attitudes with dealing with this. harsh or nice. I kinda did both in a way. You may be right about her not being very experienced, she does show it in a lot of ways but she is a very confident alpha female. she still is insecure but she doesnt act like most females. I don't think she has any real friends btw. it's weird though when we are together she tries to impress me a lot. she asks me a lot of deep questions and she never argues with me, it's like she absorbs my thoughts o_0

the other girls that I game are not as interesting as her. after sex with the other girls its real boring, there is no real friendship beyond sex. so I'm thinkin maybe hang out with her every once in a while when I can afford to and keep the kino up or continue NC. if I contact her she will answer immediately and want to chill. I can continue to kick it with her in a way to escalate but to me it seems strange since she knows whats up and is being the way she is.


New Member
Aug 21, 2018
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Glassguy it would be orbiting if I was putting the effort in to see her but I am not. she engages contact %80 of the time and she spends time with me on my terms. I dont spend a dime on this girl but she does on me. I dont talk to this girl on the phone for hours or wait for her to call or have all these super emotional conversations. I just wana **** her and get it over with. I think you have spent too much time on here. not every guy on here who puts the time into this forum is beta. Even if my game is 99% tight, Im still guna try to fix the 1%. I have too many notches on my belt to be called all that.

btw this situation is FUNNY to me, lol, don't take it too seriously haha


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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you know the funny thing? she trys to spend time with you and you give your time like nothing, if you wasted less time talking with her and tried to kiss her sooner, calling her jealousy off and you really should be dating someone then maybe she would want something, to me looks like she only want you for validation, the time you stop wasting time with her and she sees you with someone else, that will make her crazy, then maybe a chance


New Member
Aug 21, 2018
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today I had her sister come over, she pays me to tutor her. The girl found out that her sister came over and she followed her here demanding to stay. Before she arrived she called and told me how she really wanted me and I was like "whatever lol". When she arrived she kept making me look at her and she kept giving me candy and stuff. she and her sister began to argue and I told them they need to leave if they can't chill. I put them both in check like a G. The girl left but kept telling me as she drove off its "its ****ed up you don't wana chill unless we ****". I just smiled and shrugged haha.

her sister came in and told me that she likes some other guy so im not surprised. Im pretty sure this chick is ****ed up and just likes attention. I think because I make women chase me (most the time, unless they are a certain girl) she was putting a lot of effort to attract me cause even though she may not be attracted to me she can see that other women are. Seems like a classic case of a girl who just wants to get her way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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today I had her sister come over, she pays me to tutor her. The girl found out that her sister came over and she followed her here demanding to stay. Before she arrived she called and told me how she really wanted me and I was like "whatever lol". When she arrived she kept making me look at her and she kept giving me candy and stuff. she and her sister began to argue and I told them they need to leave if they can't chill. I put them both in check like a G. The girl left but kept telling me as she drove off its "its ****ed up you don't wana chill unless we ****". I just smiled and shrugged haha.

her sister came in and told me that she likes some other guy so im not surprised. Im pretty sure this chick is ****ed up and just likes attention. I think because I make women chase me (most the time, unless they are a certain girl) she was putting a lot of effort to attract me cause even though she may not be attracted to me she can see that other women are. Seems like a classic case of a girl who just wants to get her way.
She's not giving it up. Either move on from this attention seeking broad or you're going to find you're wasting a lot of your time.