You realize that cutting the trees won't stop the burning ? Russia, West-Coast Canada, California etc... Have all the same issues.... The Heat!
The Trees are starting to burn because they aren't trees made for these types of weather.
''It's global warming if you wanna call it''.... However, it's great for the economy.... Why ? Because now Russia and Canada can access territories that were never accessible... we will finally be able to dig that Oil, Diamond, Uranium, Potash.
Forest Fires starts from the soils.
Since it starts from the soils... it will still burn... but the fire won't be able to monkey-branch by using trees.
In the USA... The military is around 10 millions jobs (direct and indirect).... mostly all to make a ''war against Russia''. It also the main employer in 70% of Republican voting states. It's labelled as ''security'' but who ever invaded the USA too far, too big, too many populations. Security is a big job provider.
USA imports from Russia: Steel and Iron (5th biggests importer), also it import Oils, Uranium, agricultural fertilizers, platinum
USA-Russia trade balance is a deficit for the USA (by 15 billions)
Canada-Russia are necessary allies of the USA because we have ALL the ressources of the world including Fresh Water.
Russia supplies most of the energy of Europe... they just need to turn off the gaz valve and Europe going in a Energy Crisis
China and USA have alot of ressources (USA has alot more than China) but some strategic ressources are moslty in Canada and the USA.
China, USA, India will be bigger consumer than producers in a few decades (around 2050) due to aging population.à
The American-Build Chinese factories are starting to be ''outdated'' too, but they still much more modern than the USA ones.
Why do you think liberals support illegal/immigration? It's more than just vote!
In Canada, we have a shortgage of jobs especially in tourism, vacation industry (day camps), lifeguards, restaurants, farms, factories.... due to aging population and the ''white-european 1st world country problems of not wanting to do dirty jobs''.... They need immigrants to fill the spot.
Trump is great entertainement and I believe he's really smart in his dealings. However... it won't be enough to save his voting base industries. Time are changing.
Texas started booming after decades of crisis... why? They cut the minimun wages... They getting jobs back from China and using robots for the rest.
China been outsourcing productions to Vietnam and Thailand, Laos, Cambodge, Indonesia.... Wage in China are too high now.
Trade Wars are better than Gun Wars
Trump will become God-Emperor and start the Trump dynasty. Like the Clinton, Like the Bush, Like the Kennedy, Like the Trudeau.
Democracy is dying in the Western-Occidental-FirstWorld. Millenials seek authority.
The USA in the 1950's passed a ''Freedom for ressources policy''... It would bring ''Democracy through Authoritarian Regime backed by the USA military in exchange of their resssources to provide wealth-freedom to USA citizens''
Ex: Saddam Hussein in Irak, OsamaBenLaden in Afghanistan, Videla in Argentina, Brazil 1964 coup, Nixon Economic war in China, Pinochet in Chile, CostaRica no-stop coup d'état (Flores to Samoza), El Savador Ceren, Guatemala 1954 and 1980's, etc etc.. (etc cause its all of Latin American since the 1950's) All of Latin America (with the US Death Troopers aka Squads), Lybia to counter Italy, Haiti Regimes 1980's and 90's, Lebanon in the 1960's, Syria 1950's etc. etc...
Alot had to do with Communist fighting but it was also to install pro-american dictatorship that would give ressources to USA citizens.
BTW! The American Military budget is fake... it's actually paid by foreigners (me!) due to USD policies and trade agreement... it's closely linked to Trade deficit. So ''balancing the trade commercial accounts would dilude the USA military budget''. Who do you think pays for the Polish Army base ? The polish citizens