Women intimitated by very handsome dudes ?


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
This might be high school question but let me elaborate on this.
Most guys will def. not agree that there are situation where a women is intimidated by a very handsome guy.

But I have made the experience while going jacked and me apperently looking handsome.

In my experience a women who is intimidated by your looks will avoid interacting with you while staying receptive when you talk to her. For instance she gets fidgy with her hands but just response to your questions.

For me the difficulty is to know if a women is initmitated or just disinterested.

Maybe someone here can share some insight on this ?


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
As an adult they'll just hate you vs getting scared. You see feminist hate men having power over women. That's how they look at it.
You mean when women hate your for no obvious reason they are probably intimidated? I guess that could be true.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
They don't actually "hate" you. Just talk to them and their demeanor changes.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
They don't actually "hate" you. Just talk to them and their demeanor changes.
Yea, they probably don't "hate" me in the sense they want see me suffer, though .. they might o_O

Just talked to a HB8 and as usual she seemed very attracted and send me IOIs all the way; I don't get that from the average chicks.. really...

Most average chicks frown or smirk at me. I don't believe the story that being a handsome guy (top 3-6%) is opening doors with every chick, most chicks (average looking) will take themselves out of the game, because they fear you can do better, get more attention etc.
A guy who is doing good with all chicks (below - super hot) either has a lot of money, fame or another high status position.

Most people gravitate to their own attractiveness level.
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Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
This might be high school question but let me elaborate on this.
Most guys will def. not agree that there are situation where a women is intimidated by a very handsome guy.

But I have made the experience while going jacked and me apperently looking handsome.

In my experience a women who is intimidated by your looks will avoid interacting with you while staying receptive when you talk to her. For instance she gets fidgy with her hands but just response to your questions.

For me the difficulty is to know if a women is initmitated or just disinterested.

Maybe someone here can share some insight on this ?
I think your biggest problem is your lack of intelligence. You can't communicate properly based upon the information you are posting.

But seriously, you are just fixated on this idea that you are extremely good looking and making girls nervous and everything you write and read is being filter through this lens. You want confirmation that you are good looking and getting girls is of secondary importance, if it's a priority at all.


Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
Yea, they probably don't "hate" me in the sense they want see me suffer, though .. they might o_O

Just talked to a HB8 and as usual she seemed very attracted and send me IOIs all the way; I don't get that from the average chicks.. really...

Most average chicks frown or smirk at me. I don't believe the story that being a handsome guy (top 3-6%) is opening doors with every chick, most chicks (average looking) will take themselves out of the game, because they fear you can do better, get more attention etc.
A guy who is doing good with all chicks (below - super hot) either has a lot of money, fame or another high status position.

Most people gravitate to their own attractiveness level.
Plausible theory, but it's false. The majority of women who approach me or otherwise show interest are hot.
However, a large minority of the women who approach or show interest are fat, very fat, ugly, old, or otherwise undesirable.

I am high status, but most women don't know that ahead of time, they are approaching me because of my looks. And i get the full range of chicks coming on to me. I am not a mainstream celebrity, so that's not it either.

Why are you so concerned about how average or ugly women respond to you? These women are by definition undesirable so don't worry about it.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
I think your biggest problem is your lack of intelligence. You can't communicate properly based upon the information you are posting.

But seriously, you are just fixated on this idea that you are extremely good looking and making girls nervous and everything you write and read is being filter through this lens. You want confirmation that you are good looking and getting girls is of secondary importance, if it's a priority at all.
Firstly I am not a native speaker, secondly your posts don't seem very smart or show any insights. Plus I don't buy your story that your good-looking and have hot women approach you all day. Sorry to say. But hot women mostly don't approach ( talk to you ) when you not talk to them first. It can happen but its not the case most of the time.

Plausible theory, but it's false. The majority of women who approach me or otherwise show interest are hot.
However, a large minority of the women who approach or show interest are fat, very fat, ugly, old, or otherwise undesirable.

I am high status, but most women don't know that ahead of time, they are approaching me because of my looks. And i get the full range of chicks coming on to me. I am not a mainstream celebrity, so that's not it either.

Why are you so concerned about how average or ugly women respond to you? These women are by definition undesirable so don't worry about it.
This will surly not happen if you are extremely good-looking. Fat, ugly women will just ignore you - they know very well that you are way out of their league;
What I am concerned about is that being good-looking comes with specific drawbacks if you want to meet women. This drawback are not obvious on the first sight.like stated by other people on this site, you will encounter a lot more negativity from people then the average joe. Jealousy, Initimitation ...
Even at your workplace being very good-looking can be a disadvantage. But I am sure you have no idea what I am talking about.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ive thought this in the past but not sure it applies to all chicks , usually only the ones that belive they are below your SMV

I used to have a fairly large social circle with around 4 guys and 8 or 9 chicks ranging from HB 5 to HB 8 ( friends of friends )

We were all out one night and one of the chicks I was quite friendly with In the group told me that all the girls in the group liked me ……. Previous to this I only thought one or mb 2 were interested because they were the only ones giving me signals

It then dawned on me most of them probably did not qualify themselves

I ended up messing around with nearly all of them in the group which worked very well for a while but it eventually blew up in my face as a few got jealous and rallied the rest against me lol

*I will make a point of noting this theory doesn’t apply to chicks who are confident in know how attractive they are , they don’t particularly care how good looking you are if you don’t display alpha qualities from the word go you won’t get a second shot simple as that*


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
Ive thought this in the past but not sure it applies to all chicks , usually only the ones that belive they are below your SMV

I used to have a fairly large social circle with around 4 guys and 8 or 9 chicks ranging from HB 5 to HB 8 ( friends of friends )

We were all out one night and one of the chicks I was quite friendly with In the group told me that all the girls in the group liked me ……. Previous to this I only thought one or mb 2 were interested because they were the only ones giving me signals

It then dawned on me most of them probably did not qualify themselves

I ended up messing around with nearly all of them in the group which worked very well for a while but it eventually blew up in my face as a few got jealous and rallied the rest against me lol

*I will make a point of noting this theory doesn’t apply to chicks who are confident in know how attractive they are , they don’t particularly care how good looking you are if you don’t display alpha qualities from the word go you won’t get a second shot simple as that*
Yes that's a very good point you made. Girls who believe to have a lower SMV will disqualify themselves. But this disqualification looks like a rejection and is hard to distinguish. On the other hand women who believe their SMV is higher then yours (even if they just look average or like a plain jane with tan) will either show some kind of interest or full out show that "they are better then you". This behaviour is esp prevalent under the average chick who get's hit on all the time (hence she must be super hot in her mind lol).


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
For me the difficulty is to know if a women is initmitated or just disinterested.
It's simple. Disinterested people ignore you if you continue to press they will become annoyed: intimidated people will avoid you if you continue to press they will become fearful. If a woman actively avoids you it's a sign you intimidate her. She will behave exactly the same way as if she were concerned by what you might do.

If you try and talk to a chick that is disinterested, she will give you one word answers.... look around the room.... and not engage in conversation. If she is intimidated, she will make excuses and leave... she'll grab a friend and 'go to the ladies room' and hope you get the message. If you message a chick that is disinterested she will give you brief answers to questions and not actively engage: an intimidated chick will not respond, again hoping you get the message.

It is better that a woman feels something about you rather than nothing, but the real question is what do you do about this? Well.... it's simple, you treat disinterest and intimidation the same way, you walk away. You walk away for the same reason, you are doing yourself and the chick a favor and go after other women that might be open to you, because trying to make something happen with a chick that is closed off is too hard and not that much fun.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yes that's a very good point you made. Girls who believe to have a lower SMV will disqualify themselves. But this disqualification looks like a rejection and is hard to distinguish. On the other hand women who believe their SMV is higher then yours (even if they just look average or like a plain jane with tan) will either show some kind of interest or full out show that "they are better then you". This behaviour is esp prevalent under the average chick who get's hit on all the time (hence she must be super hot in her mind lol).


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
It's simple. Disinterested people ignore you if you continue to press they will become annoyed: intimidated people will avoid you if you continue to press they will become fearful. If a woman actively avoids you it's a sign you intimidate her. She will behave exactly the same way as if she were concerned by what you might do.

If you try and talk to a chick that is disinterested, she will give you one word answers.... look around the room.... and not engage in conversation. If she is intimidated, she will make excuses and leave... she'll grab a friend and 'go to the ladies room' and hope you get the message. If you message a chick that is disinterested she will give you brief answers to questions and not actively engage: an intimidated chick will not respond, again hoping you get the message.

It is better that a woman feels something about you rather than nothing, but the real question is what do you do about this? Well.... it's simple, you treat disinterest and intimidation the same way, you walk away. You walk away for the same reason, you are doing yourself and the chick a favor and go after other women that might be open to you, because trying to make something happen with a chick that is closed off is too hard and not that much fun.
Thanks a lot for your response RangerMike!

Your conclusion is absolutely right, it's not fun if a girl is attracted but intimitated by you. I just leave her alone ...


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Advice from the old lady:

For me the difficulty is to know if a women is initmitated or just disinterested.
It doesn't matter. The end result is the same.

the real question is what do you do about this? Well.... it's simple, you treat disinterest and intimidation the same way, you walk away. You walk away for the same reason, you are doing yourself and the chick a favor and go after other women that might be open to you, because trying to make something happen with a chick that is closed off is too hard and not that much fun.
Concur 100% with @RangerMIke but wanted to explain a bit more why this is. Disinterest is not going to get better. If you are in fact a physically appealing specimen why waste your time on a disinterested woman? There are so many others who will show interest so no point wasting time trying to create/negotiate desire where none exists. No man is going to appeal to 100% of all women. Too many guys here on SS are too busy worrying about "Does she like me?????" If you can't tell, she is low interest. Move on. Respect your time and honor the value of your time.

Intimidation is a little different but the outcome is the same. So too are those women who find you desirable, BUT would not want to deal with dating you for whatever reason. I hear this from time to time from friends about my boyfriend for example. I have girlfriends who find him very attractive, but who say they'd never want to date a man like him. Why? They don't want to deal with the player label/reputation, they don't want the headache of worrying about what he's doing if he isn't with them, etc. etc. Some of this arises from insecurities on the woman's part, some of it arises out of a woman's individual standards, some of it arises out of intimidation as examples. Now would he be able to have sex with some of these women who say "I'd never date a guy like that"? Yes, probably (they never said they wouldn't f*ck him). And that would serve to suit the woman's ego in some cases (and his ego as well to be sure), but then things would fizzle.

If eventually you are looking for something that isn't going to fizzle then you need to sort for women who are the following:

1. Receptive and open to you
2. Warm
3. Self confident
4. Comfortable giving you some flak (not really sh*t tests, but someone who will feel perfectly fine calling you a geek if you act like a geek, etc...that is someone who sees you for more than your looks/sees beyond your looks)
5. Women who can handle the attention you are going to get from other women (ties into her self esteem/self confidence). This gets annoying sometimes but just as dating a very attractive female means you as the man are going to deal with other guys oogling your woman, the same is true for a woman who is dating a very attractive man. It's part of the landscape.

I didn't mention SMV level specifically because although it's good to date close to your own SMV, the SMV quotient doesn't equate to an individual's intrinsic internal traits such as self esteem and self confidence. You might do better with a self-assured HB7 for example as opposed to a terrifically insecure HB9. That's the sort of thing you'll have to sort out in the field. You might do best with a self-assured HB9 (if you can find one - they are out there), but you'll deal with the attention from other men etc., just as she'll deal with the attention paid to you by other women.

But if you go by the criteria I've noted above you'll gravitate toward the women who are comfortable with you and interested in you, and that's what you want. The pretty package (looks & physical attractiveness) only gets you so far anyway. You want someone who has the ability to appreciate your looks but also the ability to see you as a complete human being (and this sometimes means in spite of your looks.)


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
In my opinion you're making it difficult for no reason. I never waste time analyzing/thinking/discerning the way they think about me. I simply go after what I want and let them choose to accept or reject me.
You are maybe right. But what I am concered about is that lately some women I tried to get to Know react in a " initmitiated" way (see RangerMike's post). As I don't come across many women who don't behaive this way it's a bit frustrating. Also this posts maybe is a help for other guys who experience the same.
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Don Juan
Aug 10, 2018
Reaction score
Advice from the old lady:

It doesn't matter. The end result is the same.

Concur 100% with @RangerMIke but wanted to explain a bit more why this is. Disinterest is not going to get better. If you are in fact a physically appealing specimen why waste your time on a disinterested woman? There are so many others who will show interest so no point wasting time trying to create/negotiate desire where none exists. No man is going to appeal to 100% of all women. Too many guys here on SS are too busy worrying about "Does she like me?????" If you can't tell, she is low interest. Move on. Respect your time and honor the value of your time.

Intimidation is a little different but the outcome is the same. So too are those women who find you desirable, BUT would not want to deal with dating you for whatever reason. I hear this from time to time from friends about my boyfriend for example. I have girlfriends who find him very attractive, but who say they'd never want to date a man like him. Why? They don't want to deal with the player label/reputation, they don't want the headache of worrying about what he's doing if he isn't with them, etc. etc. Some of this arises from insecurities on the woman's part, some of it arises out of a woman's individual standards, some of it arises out of intimidation as examples. Now would he be able to have sex with some of these women who say "I'd never date a guy like that"? Yes, probably (they never said they wouldn't f*ck him). And that would serve to suit the woman's ego in some cases (and his ego as well to be sure), but then things would fizzle.

If eventually you are looking for something that isn't going to fizzle then you need to sort for women who are the following:

1. Receptive and open to you
2. Warm
3. Self confident
4. Comfortable giving you some flak (not really sh*t tests, but someone who will feel perfectly fine calling you a geek if you act like a geek, etc...that is someone who sees you for more than your looks/sees beyond your looks)
5. Women who can handle the attention you are going to get from other women (ties into her self esteem/self confidence). This gets annoying sometimes but just as dating a very attractive female means you as the man are going to deal with other guys oogling your woman, the same is true for a woman who is dating a very attractive man. It's part of the landscape.

I didn't mention SMV level specifically because although it's good to date close to your own SMV, the SMV quotient doesn't equate to an individual's intrinsic internal traits such as self esteem and self confidence. You might do better with a self-assured HB7 for example as opposed to a terrifically insecure HB9. That's the sort of thing you'll have to sort out in the field. You might do best with a self-assured HB9 (if you can find one - they are out there), but you'll deal with the attention from other men etc., just as she'll deal with the attention paid to you by other women.

But if you go by the criteria I've noted above you'll gravitate toward the women who are comfortable with you and interested in you, and that's what you want. The pretty package (looks & physical attractiveness) only gets you so far anyway. You want someone who has the ability to appreciate your looks but also the ability to see you as a complete human being (and this sometimes means in spite of your looks.)
Thanks that was a very good advice!
It's true I think a lot of women don't want to deal with the other women oogling me or glance at them in a bad way. I notice that too often. When I am on a date other women suddently frown at the lady with me. And I am sure they noticed this.