I could afford double my house. I went and did some home browsing while on vacation. Square footage would be 3x mine and it'd ALL be luxurious "looking" with large windows viewing the skyline. I could have that, but because my house is so low on taxes, I can't bring myself to jump for a large spread. I could Explain to any random girl I bring home (to fvck) that I choose not to buy a new home because of sweet low taxes I currently enjoy, low utilities and really no headaches whatsoever in maintenance. My house is adequate. My truck is inherited. The truck I paid $20K for 17 years ago is sitting and no longer runs. Most women do not comprehend keeping expenses as Low as possible, that our ancestors would die to have a house like mine way back then. The vulgar houses (facade) you see today may help your mind dwelling in them, but happiness can be cultivated in your mind without the proper in-front-of-you architecture. Finding a female that can imagine and use her mind for happiness, not her surroundings, is getting into unicorn territory nowadays. I'm speaking of keeping that happiness going despite her environment. A woman would have to Work at it, maybe saying incantations or self-help mumbo jumbo. I currently, my #1 girlfriend Does very much read positive expressions and tries to constantly internalize them. Rituals. At least she's trying. I have my own way of maintaining happiness in my mind. Music can assist. I love her for continuing to feed her mind, and she tries to feed mine with her readings and asks me to read them aloud. She writes footnotes and builds a one sheet reference of her favorite positive incantations to say or read everyday to keep her positive. She studies argument and how to deal with arguments between us. A woman putting in effort like that is very hard to find, but I've found one. Sure, she's not a 8 or 9. At her best she could be 7 but usually resides at 6. She's a little overweight but her skin is taught and soft, especially down at her ***** just smooth.