I have case examples, and I agree with most of what
@RangerMIke says. The only thing I'm not sure about is his point that you can never make a woman happy long-term because she is constantly wanting to monkey-branch up higher. I haven't personally experienced that myself so I can't really agree or disagree with it but I believe it could be true. The other thing I don't agree with is the claim that women will bounce around until they hit the wall. I date women who are pre and post wall and even the post-wall women will bounce once they feel they caught you (at least, the post-wall women who are still attractive and are in shape). The case study below is with a 34 year old woman.
Here is my best case study:
The last girl I had an intense relationship with was late last year. She was extremely into me and talked to her girlfriends about me. I wasn't yet that into her - I thought she was cute and had potential, but it took me another month to really start developing feelings so I treated her accordingly that first month (with interest, but not swallowing the hook). She always wanted to hold my hand and she was always available to hang out when I asked. Around 5 weeks in, she told me she loved me. It felt too early, but I was really into her at that point and foolishly I told her I loved her back. She NEVER again said "I love you" first. I said it first the next time, and then one more time after that. She said she loved me back, but it's not the same thing. I got the
message and didn't initiate it again but it was too late. She also acted like she was insecure and would ask me, "I just don't understand, why do you like me?" This was a really sneaky tactic to get me to put my guard down and lay all my cards on the table. In response to her question, I foolishly told her all the reasons I respected and admired her and was turned on by her. This happened once a week on average! So now my feelings were clearly out of the bag, and she knew she had me. The next time I saw her, she would hardly make eye contact with me and then she dumped me a couple days later, over text. No good reason was given, just the classic bullsh*t excuses "thought I was ready for a relationship but am not," "feel overwhelmed," "not sure what I want," "things moved too fast" (which was rich given her telling me she loved me) etc. She probably didn't know why she lost interest, just that she did. I've already seen her repeat the same cycle.
I've had another one or two girls that I dated more casually who, after they realized I was into them, dropped off. Since then I've discovered SS and TRP etc, and I've changed my tactics. I still approach really attractive women, but I also sleep with women who are less attractive than I would previously go for. For the less-attractive ones, I make them friends with benefits and am honest with them about that. The FWB women
NEVER leave and always want more. Why? Because they feel I am more attractive than they are, and they know they are never going to tie me down so it keeps them wanting me and keeps me high value. It's easy for me to do this because I truly do NOT want them as serious long-term committed relationships. The challenging part for me will be treating the really attractive women the same way I treat the FWB women who I'm not that into. I know I must do this because if I don't, I'll repeat the same failures I had in the past. It really sucks because I enjoy telling women what I respect and admire about them but I have learned the hard way to be very careful with this, to dole it out very slowly, keep them guessing a bit, and to play my cards close to my vest. It's the game you are forced to play if you want a girl to stick around for a while.