When we spend all this time and focus anylysing and breaking down a relationship dynamic of a woman were interested in, it means we should be ignoring her.
It means her Interest level is too low and that were chasing.
It means our priorities are not in the right order.
It means when we think about her and the situation that we've made her the center of our universe.
It also means we won't be fvcking her, and if we currently are it's likely to start waining to nothing.
We need to be so into our lives that she's Wondering about us. Analyzing us. Chasing us. Worrying about us.
You have too much time on your hand
You put way too much importance on the chick.
I always found it "shady" that people could write "entire-detailed field reports" . How do you remember all of that? Did you take note in the bathroom?
Myself, can barely remember when the date was lol. (I am so self-absorbed like that). I just remember "général stuff" .
Someone who remembers détails, means the interaction was really important for him. (Or he got phénoménal memory but memory is stronger when passion is in).
The more you analyse, the more you get lost in your thoughts, it affects your behaviour and make it clear you are in ONEITIS, which make the girl run.
Interactions have to come natural.
I am a unnatural about dating.. It took me alot of try-fail, alot of work to make myself more "natural" and learn how girls work (they do have a général guildeline) and when to strike on the hot iron. Still, Von is not perfect and miss social cues once in a while.
The approach to improving, is the same as sales (improving your sales skills).
1. Remember the good stuff you did
2. Remember your success only
3. Why i am here or why i am doing this
3. What did i do right?
4. How can i improve ?
5. When is my next "sale/date/approach" occasion to close ?
It's vital to have a "field report" but it should be a "field report about YOU" and how YOU managed to get (fail or not) to your goal with the girl/client.
Yes, so be selfish, go out there.. Expérience is key. Learn from interaction by asking yourself the right questions (point above).
You know in sales or in consulting or any business that is "contract/sales" (Law, engineering, accouting). There is 2 type of "person-corporate" :
1. The technical (the expert - know it all)
2. The relational (PR-salesman)
Who makes the most money ? Number 2: the relational - the salesman - the PR.
Salesman are the people who makes the most money in the world.. They have the high ratio of 6 income figures of any profession.
Why the Lawyer/engineer/accountant PR-Sales makes the most money? Cause he brings in the Money/Contract/Client.
The Relational Worker.. Meet people and Close them, than he gets the Technical to do the job for him. So he get to have a product to show.
The relational-worker job is to built confiance and sell emotional Connectivity to the clients. That's also what PickUp/Dating is about.
The relational-worker as basic/general knowledge of what he's "offering" (what the Technical guy an expert at) but he sure can sell it.
I see it times and times again among my firm and my client business. The people in sales who make the most money are people who sales, they are the people who are constantly meeting clients (plate/gf/ltr) or prospect (date)
The Technical people get lose in too much détails for them to close the client. They usually self-absorbed they lose the goal. But they the people who work on the the stuff salesman bring.
Long post, thanks for reading. Good thread.
Overall, you need to meet, you need to be out there and get the date, you need to learn from your interactions (learn about what you did, not the réaction of the girl).
The best salesman or athlète, have a closing ratio between 10 to 30% average... You know why they the best? Cause even with the 10% or 30%, they have numbers, they meet potential client/date all the time.
Ex: You go on 1 date a week(saturday)... 4 a month.... 48 date a year! That's at 30% lay rate...14.4 girls a year of new sex. Now if you do 3 dates a week (Thursday, Friday, Saturday), it's 12 date a month, 144 date a year... At 30% lay rate: 43.2 new girl sex...
Notice: 144 date a year at 10% sex rate.. Is 14.4 girls. So with number your % still is better than those with 1 date a week (low number).
The thing is.. The guy with numbers get better and better by expérience but also by his state of mind! The guy aligned with 3 dates in his week, doesnt care or doesnt put importance on the flake (client, prospect, date)... People will flake..
However the guy with 3 dates, still has 2 dates left (after 1 flake). While the guy with 1 date a week, if he gets flake on... Well he has nothing for the week (and wonders what to do now). Who you think between the 2 guy has more stress/oneitis? The lonely one with fewer numbers