Yes means yes now law in Australia.. Coming to USA next.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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and then they make a law telling its a crime to record someone voice, even if they say its ok, later females complain and want to ban sex robots.....


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Its a problem but its more to do with girls lack of ownership.

The girl at the slut walk wants to cry wolf.

Brb guys, charging up my troll cannon.
Perhaps, but you must protect yourself. If not, and something goes wrong, don't say warning signs weren't there.

They should take note on statistic of heat and divorce advisors. Also they should always tell their women yes to avoid the scientific failure. Clearly purpose for concept of free meal...
This is what happens when feminism goes to an extreme and takes over the control of a country's leadership. Should this ever happen to America, they may be riots in the streets.. Well, maybe not. So many males (notice I didn't say men) are just weak and have no purpose in life. I was in Brooklyn and Queens, NY the other day. Wow has it changed over the years. It's now fully of weak a-s-s males and hippies. Brooklyn and Queens have fallen. I often wonder how males wear those tight pants and jeans. Looks awfully uncomfortable. I guess, if one doesn't have and testicles, it doesn't bother them..


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Perhaps, but you must protect yourself. If not, and something goes wrong, don't say warning signs weren't there.
I repeat, a black YouTuber says he films all sex encounters.

Its going more this way. As in, keep all nudes, sexting, vids etc in case she goes nuts makes false accusations.

This is what happens when feminism goes to an extreme and takes over the control of a country's leadership. Should this ever happen to America, they may be riots in the streets.. Well, maybe not. So many males (notice I didn't say men) are just weak and have no purpose in life. I was in Brooklyn and Queens, NY the other day. Wow has it changed over the years. It's now fully of weak a-s-s males and hippies. Brooklyn and Queens have fallen. I often wonder how males wear those tight pants and jeans. Looks awfully uncomfortable. I guess, if one doesn't have and testicles, it doesn't bother them..
NYC is the cuck capital of the world maybe only second to Cali.

Purpose > women &&& world!

Its not to say, you don't go get baee. Obv, you do but, the key being going beyond women and world. Going beyond spread the seed, spray SBD pray. Go beyond being a cog in the female biological strategy.

Seeing female nature as it is not how you wish it was. This sparks red pill rage. Its not shocking once the wall hits and female nature is expresses.

There's clearly priorities. If a man is not beyond approach anxiety, he's in no position to push purpose. He's failing at life.

Lose the veil of delusion. Go beyond feminine, matriarchy, materialism etc. Its pursuit of something beyond that.

Solitude, meditation, tripping, exploring consciousness, self knowledge, and being on your path in life is all encompassing. Its not relevant unless you are going beyond form and chasing cratered SMV. Chasing sex. Seeking validation.

Its the journey, not the destination.

No words will suffice. The closest and most profound experience was my dmt trip. I can't do the experience justice with words. Whatever that is, was, being, that's the target.

Pursuing something of true intrinsic value is the mark. Its not landing a 9/10. Its not playing house with some skank and being a sacrificial lamb.

If you are to pursue the path of purpose, take up the hero's journey, you likely want to put yourself out there in a variety of scenarios. Meet like minded.

Women assimilate. They have in group preference. Weapons are victimhood and raise accusations. Character Assassination.

If you want an ideal candidate, pursue self knowledge. Explore consciousness. Set pace. Lead. Let her follow. Embrace ambiguity.

I've realized that, there's no end in sight with game, and the hero's journey. Its a never ending pursuit. Its always #nextset.

Sex appeal doesn't curb the path nor does a woman's desire to build a nest be allowed as a end to your journey unless you like most men subscribe to mediocrity.

Its what leads to cucking.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
and then they make a law telling its a crime to record someone voice, even if they say its ok, later females complain and want to ban sex robots.....
As always, check your State or Provence's laws on recording devices. Never talk to cops w/o a lawyer present. Never inform the other party that you're recording them; unless it's required. However, with all the videos on Youtube, Insta and Twitter it seems pretty okay to record people w/o their consent.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
As always, check your State or Provence's laws on recording devices. Never talk to cops w/o a lawyer present. Never inform the other party that you're recording them; unless it's required. However, with all the videos on Youtube, Insta and Twitter it seems pretty okay to record people w/o their consent.
that was more like a snarky comment on how stupid some laws are, I know how it goes where I live,
but like I said they will make a new law to ban that, and if i'm not mistaken on some us state(don't remember with one) you are banned of recording that person voice without her consent(in the most there is laws against recording people over the phone without then knowing) but you can film the same person without it, so again its all that marvelous thing called goverment and his side kicks doing they best to **** with things up


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
that was more like a snarky comment on how stupid some laws are, I know how it goes where I live,
but like I said they will make a new law to ban that, and if i'm not mistaken on some us state(don't remember with one) you are banned of recording that person voice without her consent(in the most there is laws against recording people over the phone without then knowing) but you can film the same person without it, so again its all that marvelous thing called goverment and his side kicks doing they best to **** with things up
Here's a state by state list of recording laws.

As you can see, it varies from State to State. Even though, if it was a felony rape accusation vs a misdemeanor with a recording device; I'd still take the later.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
Reaction score
Just check to make sure it's legal in your jurisdiction.
I haven't heard of a single jurisdiction where it's illegal to use a voice recording as evidence to prove you innocent


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
I haven't heard of a single jurisdiction where it's illegal to use a voice recording as evidence to prove you innocent
Sure. You can voice it. However, when the law gets involved, hope you have enough money to pay for the lawyers. Might as well be cheaper and get a VAR like I recommend time and time again. With a VAR, there's no he said vs she said. Around 100 bucks for one, maybe 200 for two. Much cheaper than a criminal lawyer to prove you're innocent. I keep the PX333 in my living room, another one in my bedroom and I carry the mini on my keychain. Always covered. As always, this IS legal in NY State. Check if it is legal in yours. Then again, felony charge of rape vs a misdemeanor charge of voice recording? You decide. I know several men that this has helped prove a woman is lying. Some have even been in the papers. You know what saved them? a VAR of some sort.

VAR's I like and use:

SONY ICD PX333 Digital Voice Recorder

Mini Voice Recorder - Voice Activated Recording


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2016
Reaction score
Pointless law. There won’t be witnesses anyway. So just fvcking lie about if you’re questioned.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hilarious. When have you ever said the words, "Do you want to have sex now?" to a girl when you're making out with her?

I've always said if I was in any position to be sexually successful I would record audio 24/7.
Can you imagine a sex session with a woman now:
1. I am going to take your bra off, do you concur, yes or no.
2. I am now going to move to take your pants off, do you concur, yes or no.
3. You are now going to blow me, do you concur, hum yes once or twice for no.
4. I am now entering you from behind, moan yes once or twice for no.

I could continue but this is absolutely hilarious to me, the mental gymnastics that one has to go through to rationalize this crap these days is beyond me. Can you imagine being a teenage boy in this environment? God, you'll never get laid. The 40 year old virgin won't be a funny movie anymore, it will be reality. You're already nervous enough when you're getting started, can you imagine how blinded by fear any young boy would be to make a move? Those sex dolls can't get here fast enough. Let a robot get you off, don't worry about women, they're mostly a pain in the *ss anyway. Game this, prenup that, geesh, what's the point?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I'll be honest, after my divorce some years ago and I started dating again, the first two women I fvcked I did ask permission on each step of the way. Reasoning? It was the advice of my divorce lawyer and being out of the field for so long. Now, I just keep a VAR on me and flip a button. This is legal in NY and NJ as long as one person knows about it (cleared with atty, just no video). I use this one usually.

In NY news, there have been dozens of false rape acquisitions in the news this year. Some had recordings to prove the woman was lying. Others, not so much. Not risking go to jail or being on a sex offender list.

This sh!t is real bros. I am sure Macklemore and other posters here will disagree, but this is truth of what's happening in NYC.
I could easily just video sex. Her swallowing my proteins should be consent. I won't put it past women trying to scream rape after swallowing lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Here you go gents. Once it comes to the US (Cali/NY of course 1st), you needed to carry a VAR on you at all times. Because if you don't, it will be your words vs hers. Guess who's going to win most of the time? This sh!t is getting ridiculous.

New Australian law requires that all partners must say 'yes' – out loud

The nuances of sexual consent have been on the table recently thanks to the #MeToo movement, and one state in Australia is trying to clarify what consent should actually look like.

The new law states, in effect, that if you want to have sex you must ask for it clearly, and then hear a verbal “yes” back, under new reforms announced by the New South Wales (NSW) government in Australia, the New York Post reports.

The state, which is on the east coast of Australia (Sydney is its capital), has placed sexual consent at the core of a strategy to battle sexual assault after a high-profile rape case seemed to show that the existing laws did not protect victims.

A man named Luke Lazarus was acquitted of rape after a five-year criminal legal battle, despite a jury and two judges finding the woman, then 18, had not consented to sex with him behind his father’s nightclub in 2013. While the jury found the woman had not consented, the legal issue was if Lazarus knew she was not consenting. Both conditions are required to prosecute successfully under the current laws.

Under the package, which also seeks to protect against sexual harassment in the workplace, a $1 million advertising campaign will teach people how to “obtain a clear yes.” The campaign will target young adults in bars and clubs and via social media, with messages like “no means no” and “silence is not a yes.”

ABC News reports that the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Pru Goward, wants the campaign to shift to cultural attitudes around what constitutes sexual assault and make it “second nature” to request verbal consent.

According to Australian publication Whimn, sexual assaults in NSW have risen, with the latest figures revealing a 12 percent increase in victims in the last 12 months. More than 13,000 incidents were reported to NSW Police in 12 months.
Have you seen the fallout? The vast majority of the new MGTOW channels are popping up out of Australia. Channels like Alexander Grace Red pill interviews has blown up.

Its war against men but, moreover, it will comeback on women. Sure, women will approach, they eye ****, and give IOIs but, it's still incumbent in society that men make the first move.

Its encompassing the attack on masculinity and its another injection of steroids to open hypergamy.

Cavill came under fire for his thoughts and commentary on #metoo before the **** storm from feminists and SJWs. Superman was attacked.

And there's no comeback from women. Women do not come at their crazy Harpy sisters. Women are a problem. A significant portion will be destitute crazy cat ladies but they got feminism and body positivity.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
Have you seen the fallout? The vast majority of the new MGTOW channels are popping up out of Australia. Channels like Alexander Grace Red pill interviews has blown up.

Its war against men but, moreover, it will comeback on women. Sure, women will approach, they eye ****, and give IOIs but, it's still incumbent in society that men make the first move.

Its encompassing the attack on masculinity and its another injection of steroids to open hypergamy.

Cavill came under fire for his thoughts and commentary on #metoo before the **** storm from feminists and SJWs. Superman was attacked.

And there's no comeback from women. Women do not come at their crazy Harpy sisters. Women are a problem. A significant portion will be destitute crazy cat ladies but they got feminism and body positivity.
As I've always said, it will have to get worse before it gets better. Things will circle around, they always do. However, by that time, the majority of men will have already wised up. Marriage and possibly LTR's have been going down hill for a while now. Many Millennial's and Gen-z's don't even want marriage; let alone kids. It's a shame on some levels. The women are now focusing more on their careers and shunning families either all together or having them late in late. Which, is why there is a rise in child born aliments and diseases.

Red Pill Coach has a good video on it. I do not agree with everything he talks about in general, but he has a point on this topic.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
I'll be honest, after my divorce some years ago and I started dating again, the first two women I fvcked I did ask permission on each step of the way. Reasoning? It was the advice of my divorce lawyer and being out of the field for so long. Now, I just keep a VAR on me and flip a button. This is legal in NY and NJ as long as one person knows about it (cleared with atty, just no video). I use this one usually.

In NY news, there have been dozens of false rape acquisitions in the news this year. Some had recordings to prove the woman was lying. Others, not so much. Not risking go to jail or being on a sex offender list.

This sh!t is real bros. I am sure Macklemore and other posters here will disagree, but this is truth of what's happening in NYC.
Nie do ulubionych con
Now, I just keep a VAR on me and flip a button. This is legal in NY and NJ as long as one person knows about it (cleared with atty, just no video). I use this one usually.
I tried with smartphone but when it is in pocket it records only mutes indistinguishable noises. How do you conceal your recorder and what's the sound quality?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
As I've always said, it will have to get worse before it gets better. Things will circle around, they always do. However, by that time, the majority of men will have already wised up. Marriage and possibly LTR's have been going down hill for a while now. Many Millennial's and Gen-z's don't even want marriage; let alone kids. It's a shame on some levels. The women are now focusing more on their careers and shunning families either all together or having them late in late. Which, is why there is a rise in child born aliments and diseases.

Red Pill Coach has a good video on it. I do not agree with everything he talks about in general, but he has a point on this topic.

The not wanting kids is stupidity pedaled to women by the left. Its baby rabies after the wall. Most men are retards settling with Chad's booty call.

What were seeing is Asia argento, the #metoo ring leader be a child rapist, and victim blaming. Lies about what happened. Never happened. Pic proof. Now, its rape blaming. The ***** sold herself to Hollywood. A lot of women did and now want restitution for cratered SMV.

When Julian blanc went full retard and got kicked off planet earth by green haired obese feminists and sjws, the narrative catered to female victimhood. The question was why would he behave this way rather then, why do women get moist for said behavior. Women get to run wild and go nuts but, like children, there's no marker for responsibility or any accountability.

There's so few free thinking women now a days, the idea of actually procreating with a woman is mind boggling. The idea that a man would want that sort of DNA intertwining with his and proliferate through time is stupidity. I know a lot of women who are disgusting slobs. Cucking husband's, children out of wedlock, single moms, high kill count, false rape accusations, and aborted fetuses.
As I've always said, it will have to get worse before it gets better. Things will circle around, they always do. However, by that time, the majority of men will have already wised up. Marriage and possibly LTR's have been going down hill for a while now. Many Millennial's and Gen-z's don't even want marriage; let alone kids. It's a shame on some levels. The women are now focusing more on their careers and shunning families either all together or having them late in late. Which, is why there is a rise in child born aliments and diseases.

Red Pill Coach has a good video on it. I do not agree with everything he talks about in general, but he has a point on this topic.

Rollo dropping red pills. 9min mark he ties hypergamy and abortion.

A lot of women are sociopaths. Even known psychos like Cassey Anthony or Karla Homoka are free despite one killing a daughter, the other raping her sister before killing her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
You guys are so worried about, everybody runs around on this site claiming that women are so emotional. So you should definitely have them in a state where they are so emotional the only thing they could ever answer to that question is yes.

What's the issue? You cover your own behind

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
1. I am going to take your bra off, do you concur, yes or no.
2. I am now going to move to take your pants off, do you concur, yes or no.
3. You are now going to blow me, do you concur, hum yes once or twice for no.
4. I am now entering you from behind, moan yes once or twice for no.
hahahah Hilarious, I'm trying to imagine it and can't stop laughing,,,,,,,


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
You guys are so worried about, everybody runs around on this site claiming that women are so emotional. So you should definitely have them in a state where they are so emotional the only thing they could ever answer to that question is yes.

What's the issue? You cover your own behind
Nah. They are able and encouraged to claim that they were coerced into saying yes. Retrospectively they'll decide you raped them, because you "forced" (in whatever way the woman will describe it) them to say yes. I mean that's been standard procedure, lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Nah. They are able and encouraged to claim that they were coerced into saying yes. Retrospectively they'll decide you raped them, because you "forced" (in whatever way the woman will describe it) them to say yes. I mean that's been standard procedure, lol
Well, yea. I don't think there is ANY consent manner that is fool proof. Even if you record them they could come back later and say "you can't hear it, but I was intoxicated"