What are you shooting for in your dating requirements?
Google, dating apps, Facebook were caught selling people pictures to marketing firm.
Some people noticed that they were "doing advertisement" for stuff they never heard / knew existed.
I've redownloaded Tinder and Happn... alot of good looking girls.
Personally, I hate paying for online dating, i've never had success on OLD (average 1month use time).
OLD is like 11$ a month like Netflix, and it can be cheaper than going out 2 times a month in a bar where you order 10$ beer.
OLD give you alot of access to potential. It's complimentary to day/night game.
Its crazy how you can see the same people on 3-4 different dating apps.
I like Happn. Happn monitors where you go and it "shows" the Happn members you come across where you "are" or came across.
Today, through Happn, i've found the window maker for my parents was single
OLD is curved in favor of women (like dating in general), you compete with 300 guys a day. It's a great practice for one liner and opening lines