Agreed. However, it's thrown a lot of things out of whack. After all, men, in general, follow women. I've heard of some men discussing and stating they've been asking a woman each time they proceed from kissing, to may I do this, may I do that, etc. They are afraid of Metoo, arrest, targets, etc. On California campuses, they have consent contracts that must be signed prior to intercourse. This is soon going to turn into Demolition Man (
After a point, men will say, it's just not worth the risk of ruining their lives with false accusations from bitter women (
The other part would be due to the fact that children, in general, are not being raised by two parents. They are being raised by day care. Thus, children, mostly males, are not getting the necessary tools in order to form into a confident and successful man. Do you know how many men I know who are in their late 20's and early 30's who live with their parents and have no job? It's pretty bad around here.. They all have college degrees, but their parents coddle them, so they are not ready for the real harsh world. Pathetic. These are not men..