She hasn't added any value over the last few months. She was acting a fool again this weekend while constantly reaching out with indirect direct contact. Nothing of substance so I've been ghosting her.
Look, I run a tight ship. I lead. She follows or next. **** pc culture. **** political correctness, soy boys, and all that low testosterone horse ****. It simply doesn't work. It is a burden to a already difficult time and life. If she isn't adding value or even putting our, it's not even like you can Downgrade her to booty call.
A lot of women offer no value. People are quick to scream misogyny or sexist. I had a married woman make that claim after she proposotioned me. 'husband's out. Come over.' No response... 'you're misogynistic!'
I repeat,
Women use to be hard working, monogamous, feminine, well cultured, worldly, motherly, etc. Among a variety of things.
In 2018, she can drink like dad. Cant cook like mom. Men need to man up. Insert beta male shaming.
BRB guy's, skiing down cawk mountain.
BRB guys, crater smv with Chad's.
BRB guy's, baby rabies after hitting the wall.
BRB guy's, having children out if wedlock.
BRB guy's, cucking husband.
BRB guy's, unleashing the figs of the state to extract male resources while sloot gonna sloot.
There's a part of evolution going on in men with mgtow, with herbivore men, with soy boys, and low test. A lot of men are lost. Coupled with the fact that fathers are banished from the home and drained of income. Men are demonized.
Peterson warns of the fallout by attacking men's virtues.
Operating with red pill awareness is key. Next her. Be single. Go into isolation. Not to ghost her. To get back to your core and being.