Yeah a bit dangerous today. Even yesterday, you'd get syphilis and die. Then it was "legal," and men Didn't have to marry, just work in their meager paltry jobs (not desirable). People back then were POOR to the point of starvation! Starvation or starving, REAL starvation, is no longer a Word. It's been eradicated from the English dictionary where any Western man can get to a place in the 3rd world they will not "Starve." So we subsist, yet they've taken away prostitution to FORCE us to get "married."
My wing is on Gear, test, dbol, anadrol, etc. Could give a **** about laws. He paid a hawt stripper $400. She swallowed. It's scary to me. I have a addiction to stimuli, drugs, alcohol, gambling so, I refrain. Psychedelics are duff as they put the fear of God in you. You're shaken to your core and through the roots of your being.
With regulated prostitution, not exactly sure if everything would be better, but you'd almost be assured no death from it, if regulations ensured monthly testing (on the government dime or not). Surely it'd be taxed severely like cigarettes alcohol. So we've NEVER had that. Back in the old days (the great migration and "Gold Rush" 1850s) we didn't have "assurance" to mess with a skank hoe (aren't ALL of them that though??). Women SHOULD go through peer review EVERYWHERE, they should get tested EVERYWHERE because they catch it all, all the little worms that can get into YOU eventually, all the yeast and various STDs you don't even know about. Sure, your body can clear almost all of them eventually, over time, from staying Away from all women, but do you want walk around unhealthy (no fault of your own, but just some unsuspecting wh0re you just shagged got you there). Abstinence makes a man healthier cause the female is chock-full of these worms and various gunk down there (and up there - her mouth), wh0re or non-wh0re but they're ALL wh0res except for the Omish or severely religicized groups. Even they...
It's ****ed. My wing fears cold approaching but fearless with gear, injectables, throater from strippers (condom usually), and escorts.
It's a religion years of catholic up bringing they likely me has me seeing it as evil and wrong. A sin. As in missing the mark.
If I think of aiming for the highest good, that isn't it but, nor is a divorce, single moms, sluts, marrying cratered SMV, and low hanging fruit.
It's fallback but, it's a slippery slope. What incentive for my wing is to go do cold approach if hot girls will suck him for money. He swipes on tinder. Through gear he's getting more confident but, they need to give approach invitations. Check him out even then he's pretty soft.
For incels, it should be regulated, and legal.
If not for the highest good, what is there worth pursuing?
It's what I am pursuing with self knowledge, exploring consciousness, being, and DJ lifestyle. Aim for the highest good. Overcome fears. Strongest version of self. Self actualization.
There's a growing problem and it's hit me hard. It's men being disillusioned with the black pill. Fate. Cratered smv, single moms, divorce, etc awaiting them.
It's crushing to acknowledge what awaits you as a man by not having purpose and aiming for the highest good. It's why our culture is such a mess and why my genes will be weeded out of existence if not for acquiring that which I seek.
Because we are all doomed, that we will die, all we have is taking a stand, and going out on our shield willingly or kicking and screaming.
A woman can come along or get left behind.